Review broken again?

Hi guys,
Speed Review should now work as expected, please let us know if you’re still experiencing problems with that.


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Hi Daniel,

would it be possible for your development team to add two settings for reviews:

  • shall “speed reviews” reset words, which are also due to be watered in normal reviews (review backlog, blue review button)
  • or can one execute “speed reviews” on the Android app so 100 words are to be polled - but any words due to for normal review watering shall NOT to be reset and the review backlog shall NOT to be touched
  • same for other app review modes like “audio listening”, “difficult words”, etc.

As I am using Cooljingle’s “all-typing” script, my personal goal is that “speed review” and it’s multiple-choice questions shall NEVER reset watering items.
This would just wrongly extend the standard Memrise review interval (multiple choice is easier, so it would push it back) nevertheless I can not recall the L2 target language (Portugese) word/phrase/sentence and type it on the web correctly.

I have encountered some small overlaps…

Usually I try to refresh the course, check if review backlog is 0, and only then I would start the “speed review” …or any other available review options…
If I do 2-3 sessions, usually some new (due) words are filled into the review backlog.
And my 2nd/3rd/4th speed review session would “water” those backlog words, so I am not allowed to start a new session before finishing the other (watering).

So I always have to double / triple check the backlogs…it just annoys me, to be honest.

I do not use the Android app normal review button, as

  • all available user scripts can not be applied like on the web
  • the app can introduce multiple choice, tapping or listen audio exercises
  • typing excercises (on the app) usually give additional button hints, what characters are allowed for the asked word (yes, it is nice on an intermediate level, if you have just finished planting your words)
  • I do not want to corrupt my web normal review / all-typing spaced repetition cycle, where the difficulty level is “advanced”, as L2 target language typing (including sentences/phrases with accents) is much more difficult than simple multiple-choice, audio excercises…and it shall be on a (quite) difficult (web) level, as I have reviewed those Portuguese words/phrases not the very first time.
    It shall NOT get easier to review watering words, I have seen multiple times.

I have to be very very careful not to let touch the watering backlog for any newly filled words, which might get added within a session (hour interval reached) or between sessions (having pauses, where hour SR intervals could kick in).

As you can see other users like Hydroptere do not want it “that way” :slight_smile:
Well, you can simply not please all users at the same time…

This is where the power of “dynamic (customizable) systems” and IT programming comes in…

Could your team please add additional review options in the settings, so app excercises do NOT overwrite permanentely and necessarily web watering items in the (web) course backlog?
I am sure many more users use the Memrise website just like how I do use it for reviews.

I guess it would be very nice, if a user could further customize, how the typing excercise (button hints, yes/no) shall kick it, depending e.g on the count, how many times the word has already been reviewed, if the error rate is/was (always) very high, if it is the 1st error review or the 2nd or 3rd error re-display within a watering/review session.

For the learning mode and longer phrases/sentences it is nice to have tapping options available, like Mondly languages does provide it.
I do not really like tapping or multiple-choice for actual reviews / watering, nevertheless how difficult it may get (Mondly supports beginner/intermediate/advanced levels).
So it would be nice to be able to select how the system shall present questions and assists (e.g hints, even on the web) per started session or level-wise.
For recently completely learned new “words” some progression would be nice from easy - mid - hard, even on the web.

Maybe the system needs to switch between multiple available options depending on what the user selects and how the user performs…

My 2cents

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Not working here. I still get the same group of words to review, no matter how many times I answer them correctly.

I’m also getting this error on the web app after I complete a review and it’s returning back to my dashboard. I get it multiple times before it finally successfully loads the dashboard.

Hi @Allan_Christian5d ,

Just to make sure we have a good ides of what’s the issue happening on your account, could you please confirm, if you’re referring to Speed Review sessions or Difficult words sessions

I’d like to say to the Memrise team that I agree with the others in that marking “see answer” clicks as wrong, after having answered the question, is a bad idea - occasionally I want to check to see more info about the word I just reviewed, even though I got the question correct.


i am not very sure what is that I am not agreeing with? I do use speed review for killing backlogs, and I should not do that, or what is your problem??? and why do you think everyone should use cooljingle’s scripts? i find it very commendable that he’s writing those, but from here to there…

Difficult words

So it looks like all the words that come up for review have been manually marked as difficult.
A simple way of fixing this is to go to and unmark them by clicking on the little thunderbolt next to them.

This will fix the odd behavior you’re seeing at the moment.

I saw mention of this up top, but just wanted to reiterate a couple issues I’ve seen going on on the website:

-Clicking for more information after answering a word correctly automatically marks the word wrong and starts over the review cycle.

-(I feel like this just changed today but maybe i’m wrong?) If I go into individual levels in a course, I cannot at the moment review only that level’s words. This bothers me because for certain courses, I like to be prompted in English first and answer, then later review if I can type the English after being prompted by the target language. I do this by having 2-3 identical levels that prompt on different things.

As for what others mentioned about review items not registering as being reviewed, i’m not experiencing that.

I hope these issues are temporary. I’ve really been crossing my fingers that useful function left of the website doesn’t get “broken” or shift towards the algorithm and function of the app.

Well, I did that but now I get a new group of words with the same behavior, which means, I keep seeing the same words, over and over again. This feature was working just fine a couple of days before. I don’t want to unmark the words I’ve marked as difficult. I want to study them the way I used to.

Thanks for that extra information, it helped us pinpoint the problem. Our development team is now looking into it and a fix will be out shortly.

The Speed Review is back to normal.
A useful improvement to Review would be if the levels indicated if there were words up for review in them. I sometimes scroll through them looking for words up for Review but this takes time and you might go through quite a number before encountering a level with one or more words to review.

The fix has gone out. Please let me know if you’re experiencing anymore issues.

Happy learning!

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Same errors here.

  1. Course header not showing which lesson you’re reviewing.
  2. Courses are auto muted.
  3. Clicking levels doesn’t bring you back to the specific level.
  4. Now, if you click see answer after correctly answering, the page freezes, and you get an error message.

What was the fix?

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Experiencing #4. Clicking “see answer” automatically gives me a “wrong” answer for the next item. NO chance to review memory aids and or get correction.

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so, the fact that one is automatically marked wrong for clicking for more information/“see answer”, after answering a word correctly is a new feature or is a bug???

If this is a feature, please change it so that everyone can disable it. It greatly hinders my learning to not be able to review and see mem after a correct answer.

when watering, I keep getting" Whoops Uh-oh, something went wrong. Click OK to resume your session (CSRF failed.)" ( in my private Chinese courses)

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That’s what I get, Hydroptere.

To say the least, I’m rather miffed we’ve have these errors for almost two weeks now with no fixes. Why all these changes were implemented during the weekend when no staff would be available is beyond me.