Problems Loading the Website

I was successfully using Memrise on the website about half an hour ago (around 6pm GMT), but now I’m getting error messages, and the Dashboard won’t load. Neither will individual course pages.

Using a Chrome-based browser, I got one 500 Internal Server error, and after that, it has only loaded blank pages. (A boring, white screen with nothing on it.) It doesn’t matter whether I try to load the dashboard or a course page.

Using Firefox, I got a 520 Gateway Error, and then only blank pages on subsequent attempts.

Using Safari, was able to get the header and the sidebar to load once, but not the course list. I tried again, and got only a blank page.

Fortunately, the forums are still working, so at least I can report that there’s a problem!!

@BeaTrisy @MemriseMatty - Any ideas about what’s going on or when it will be fixed? Thanks!

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