The past few days Memrise has forced me to review 25 words at a time. I have tried changing the setting back to my previous setting of 100 words to review but it keeps giving me 25. I use only the website, and my setting is set to 100 Words for review. Does anyone else have this issue?
@roflcopterlol ~ I thought it was just me. I too was having this issue (yesterday and today) on the web version only (using Firefox and Windows 7). My setting is at 50, but I noticed it kept wanting to give me 25 instead. I checked the setting several times just to make sure it still said 50. Oddly though, the 25 limit was not with every review. Some actually were 50, so that is why I didn’t initially report it as a potential bug. I didn’t try using Chrome yet, so it might be with that as well as Firefox.
Ah, I have used my Desktop computer which uses Firefox, as well as Chrome for my laptop and both have the same issue. It is strange. For about a month I was getting a random number of words for review, which usually was based on my number of courses. So, the reviews would only give me cards from one course at a time, however many that would be. But, now , they are all quite mixed, but it is stuck at 25 :D.
I have this same problem when I just click the general review button (and my courses are mixed - have several Russian ones, so I prefer to keep them mixed in review). If I pick review for only one course, though, I will get up to 50 (as is my review setting). I also tried switching back and forth several times in the settings, but to no avail - on web and FF. But it’s just my mixed review that has a new limit of 25. The specific ones all seem to work as intended. Is that just me or do you guys get that as well?
Thanks for letting me know that. That improves things for me…nothing more annoying than having 200 words in a course, and have to keep breaking up my momentum by doing 8 separate reviews . Though I wish the general review button worked again, I appreciate your input.
Yes, absolutely something is. Memrise must’ve broke something with their last update. But, I think it is only annoying for heavy users like me, who wake up with 500 cards to review across 8 different courses. So perhaps they do not really care about it. Because most people just review a few cards at a time with their phone? Who knows.
Just for the record, I rarely see bugs like this get fixed Friday-Sunday. Hopefully the staff will see this thread tomorrow and be able to get something going on fixing it.
i’m just going to bump this up because although my usual number is 50, and 25 shouldn’t be that big of a deal, I’m actually noticing a huge difference in how many I can be bothered to review in one sitting. And yes, multiple chinese courses to review across!
Mixed revision has always given me 25 frases at a time, although I have 100 per revision set up. In android app there is not a option to mixreviw and 50 frases per review session is a limit
Any news on when this will be fixed? I’ve just come back from a week off. Unfortunately, I appear to have been studying a little too well before my break, as I currently have 1993 words to review. All Russian. So I could do 20 sessions of 100 words - if it worked - or 80 sessions of 25. Or having to switch around between the ten different courses I’m reviewing, trying to figure out the fastest way to review them all…
I’ve had this same problem since I joined Memrise a few months ago. I can’t review more than 25 words at a time no matter what I’m reviewing, even though I have it set at 50 and I’ve checked my settings to make sure it stays marked at 50. Even if I’m just reviewing from one course, it still will only give me 25 words even if I have learned more than 25. I only use the web version though Google Chrome. Hope this gets fixed eventually; I’d like to be able to have longer review sessions.
I’m just going to be a pain and ask again: Any news on when this is going to get fixed? This thread is several weeks old now. After coming back from vacation to 2000+ words up for review, I have now got my nine Russian courses down to fewer than 100 each, going through them separately. This leaves me with 345 words total, but since I can’t do mixed review with more than 25 anymore, I can now do 14 reviews (mixed) or nine reviews (one for each course). Where I could have done four, had the settings for the mixed review actually worked. Just saying. It’s really getting annoying.
Still hoping that this will get seen, and at least addressed by someone who can help out. I’m still locked at 25 words per reviewing session, and I sort of feel like I missing out on some aspects of Memrise because of it. I prefer to use my computer to review rather than the mobile app, but I noticed I can review more than 25 words if I do it on my phone.
Since I don’t really use my phone for those kinds of things very often, it’s sort of pushing me away from Memrise. It takes more time and attention to review a ton of words in sessions only 25 words long. I’d like to see this fixed so I can actually get to enjoy having control over how many words I can review at once, for the first time on the web version of Memrise.
It’s been months and I’ve never been able to, since I’ve had this problem since the day I joined. I guess we’ll just keep bumping this thread until we can get some attention. I know it’s not a huge issue because it only affects some people, but for those people that it does effect… it kind of sucks.
Are you doing mixed reviews on computer? In app you can only review 1 course at a time and max 50 words/items. Have you tried reviewing only 1 course on computer. Does it still gives you only 25 items?
I only ever do reviews on one course at a time, and it always only gives me 25 words per review no matter what settings I’ve chosen. And yes, this is on the computer.
I’ve tried logging out and back in, changed the settings more times than I can count, different browsers- nothing works. Reset my whole computer, logged out and back into my google account on my browser (I use chrome, but the issue persists no matter what browser I use).
Can’t seem to get anything to work, so the only way I’ve ever been able to review more than 25 words at a time is if I review on my phone, which I would prefer not to do. Thanks for the reply, by the way x’D
=) If you try to do mixed reviews (maybe just one time for me) do you also get 25 words or less or more. I use this on only for courses that I have finished so they don’t go at the head of the list. I do most of may reviewin gon mobile, only finished courses via browser and a language at a time. I know how frustrating it can be if you have like 700+ words to review and you only get 25 per session.