Not allowing typing questions

From @lien’s profile page.

My colleague Matthew (aka MemriseMatty) has taken over all support-related tasks from me. Please make sure to tag @memrisematty for support-related queries.

Yes, no sign of staff here for almost 2 weeks. What are you up to @BenWhately, @MemriseMatty, @Joshua?

But this isn’t completely true. In the app version you never had to type in long sentences, but always just had to sort long sentences and it was always different than the web version. So the problem with ‘you had to type in long stuff on the mobile keypad’ never existed. On the app version there is no real change with this ‘update’, but the web version is simply destroyed by it.

Oh, right. Fair enough. I don’t use the app and couldn’t think of any other reason why they would want to disable typing tests for sentences in excess of 15 characters. I have added an edit to that part of my earlier post.

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If this is not made optional, it will severely compromise Memrise as a learning tool and show contempt on the part of the Memrise team for their site’s users. It really is most annoying to contribute courses and then see them buggered about at random on somebody’s whim. Apparently they are not concerned in the least by this.


Same problem here…
Even though I had the feeling it happens with only some of the courses I am following, namely the “active” ones. In the ones that I fully learned, most words need to be typed.
I really hope this can be changed… I feel like I am not learning words effectively if I cannot type them…

This fix works very well. For those who don’t know how to instal the user script, simply download tampermonkey for your specific browser and insert this code.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Memrise All Typing 
// @namespace
// @description    All typing / no multiple choice when doing Memrise typing courses
// @match*/garden/*
// @match*
// @version        0.1.2
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==

$(document).ready(function() {

    //This userscript prevents multiple choice from occuring in typing courses, replacing it with a typing prompt.
    //You can configure the extent to which this happens by setting these values to true/false:
    //  INCLUDE_REVIEWS: suppresses multiple choice when reviewing an item which hasn't been watered for a while.
    //  INCLUDE_MISTAKE_REVIEWS: suppresses multiple choice on items that reoccur after getting them wrong earlier in the session.
    //  INCLUDE_LEARNING: suppresses multiple choice on new items you are learning.

    var INCLUDE_REVIEWS = true;
    var INCLUDE_LEARNING = false; = (function() {
        var cached_function =;
        return function() {
            if (INCLUDE_REVIEWS) {
            if (INCLUDE_MISTAKE_REVIEWS) {
            if (INCLUDE_LEARNING) {

            return cached_function.apply(this, arguments);

     function enableAllTypingReviews() { = function() {
            return false;
                       = function(e) {
            return false;
    function enableAllTypingMistakeReviews() { = (function() {
            var cached_function =;
            return function() {
                return cached_function.apply(this, arguments);

    function enableAllTypingLearning() { = (function() {
            var cached_function =;
            return function() {         
                var result = cached_function.apply(this, arguments);
                if (arguments[0].learn_session_level) {
                return result;

    function makeMaybeTyping(box) {
        if (box.template === "multiple_choice") {
            var boxCopy = jQuery.extend({}, box);
            box.template =;


Look at the amazing community we have, we’ve managed to create a workaround faster than a single Memrise representative can muster a response to this thread or any other (nevermind even starting to create a fix)!

What kind of company treats its customers like this?

How hard is it to respond to this loyal community of contributors and paying supporters?

I think the Memrise team forgets that they where carried on the backs of all the content creators in the early days to make the website a success. Before the official courses and the money-spinning app, we, the dedicated community, were the engine that took Memrise, a great idea in its own right but with no guarantee of success without us, from an obscure website to a content-rich App Store/Play Store success.

Don’t forget us Memrise! Tell us what is going on, and what you will do to fix it.


I never did any userscripts but in this case i will really try it, because I really don’T want to use memrise at the moment and get words right (and repeat them again when it is way too late) just because I saw them. Thanks

wow, thank you for this fix. love ya

The thing you are referring to in your Croatian course is a known problem for hidden sentences. If you have a hidden single word, it should work fine. However, if you have two words or more, just don’t make it hidden and it should be accepted. (I know it’s not ideal, but I hope it still helps.)

Other than that, can’t wait for some official Memrise representative to tell us what’s going on. If it’s a bug, no problem, just tell us that you’re working on it and we’ll be patient. If it’s a feature that you’re testing… well, you can see that many people don’t like it (myself included), so please make it optional, so everyone could use the version they like better. :slight_smile:


I can’t imagine what their plan could be or what they’re thinking either. It’s just another in a series damaging changes that nobody wants.

Just for the record, that’s not my Croatian course, but another user’s who was reporting a problem with hidden alts not working suddenly with strict typing. But I’ve seen the same problem in courses I’m taking, where it seems to happen with single words too, and appears related to the presence of commas or parenthesis in the answers.

The problem is that they were caught deceiving us intentionally before, and have destroyed their own credibility and made it reasonable for us to doubt everything they say. Who would believe them now if they said it was just a bug? There is a principle in law called “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,” which means “false in one thing, false in everything,” and, it now applies to Memrise.

These two posts are related:

Typed answers requested when NOT set up


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I think it’s clear that they are ignoring us deliberately, based on orders from the top. A company as small as Memrise doesn’t ignore its users for more than a week by accident. They’ve been told to ignore our extremely numerous pings, and say nothing. I’ve also noticed that even the “language specialists” have given us the same stock answer as before with the “comma change”, “I’ll pass it on to the team,” when they respond to complaints in the official course forums that are somehow related to this change.

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That’s a classic delay and deflection response. Notice the use of the passive voice, “have arisen.”

We know that changes don’t “arise” by themselves. Someone changed things deliberately. They don’t have to “hope to have more information soon”, because they know right now exactly what they’ve done, and why. Nor do they need a “team who will post an update,” but just need to tell us the truth. I suspect that what they mean to say is that they find ignoring us is no longer tenable, so they have to formulate a way to spin this, and come up with a plausible sugar-coated response.

This is fine.
I think we should all be grateful this website has been around for as long as it has and not have unrealistic demands beyond that - this is not a “business” in the normal sense whereas we as customers can threaten to defect to the competitors or just leave - this is a “Startup” whose “Exit” is overdue. It’s a fruit that haven’t been sold beyond it’s ripeness time.

In other words, these people are a small group of super capable young entrepreneurs who were hoping to have the website and especially the app sold by now, a.k.a make an “EXIT” (like other platforms such as “WAYS”, “FACEBOOK” ect.).

Apparently that hasn’t happened thus far and they are stuck with this beautiful white elephant. I don’t think any of them planned on being attached to this thing as a steady job for so long.

Just to put things in perspective - I have contacted the Memrise team at around the time this “bug” came about asking about paying membership options: I coincidentally earned my Memimence badge and with it a 50% off offer. I just wanted to ask how I can pay since I couldn’t find the link once I clicked the screen.
I haven’t heard from them even after two emails basically saying I want to give them money.

Usually in a proper established happily running business they have a tech team, customer retention team and an even more dedicated and eager team (which unlike the others in some places works 24 hrs) for recruiting customers and following leads.

Apparently they were only concerned with acquiring customers at the beginning in order to have an attractive number to show potential buyers (of this startup). Now acquiring or retention of existing customers is only a liability to them.

So, as for me… I will definitely not become a paying memeber after this revelation and I will at the same time not keep any ill feelings towards these people only gratitude and hope it keeps on living with the minimum maintenance they put into it + be grateful for a capable smart community of users who come up with fixes such as the javascript one above

Interesting! I just got this one as a typing test in Spanish (Spain) 4: “¿tu hija quiere una educación?

I was so surprised, I made a typing mistake in my answer and then got presented with it as a MC! :slight_smile:

Anyone else getting typing tests (longer than 15 characters) now?

Hi alanh,
yes same here. I testet a phrases’ course just now. Behaviour seems to be back to normal (typing required even with long sentences). Hope it stays that way.


I just compared their code again, and they made exactly one change; they removed the check that disabled typing answers longer than 15 characters.


Sounds like a conscious decision to put things back as they were, then. As Foorgol says, “hope it stays that way” now!