Not allowing typing questions

Same problem here. I hope it’s just temporary, because this way I can’t learn properly longer words and expessions. For example german nouns, you must learn the articles and the plural form too, not to mention the past forms of verbs. And sometimes I want to learn whole sentences, because it helps me, it boosts my speaking skills (and my spelling and grammar skills too). If there are no typing questions, it is quite useless.
I understand some people like this feature, but everybody learn with a different method, so it should be optional.


Every post in this thread is reporting it as a bug, so I don’t know why you keep saying this as if none of us think it’s a bug. Maybe you are trying to say that it’s somehow unimportant, or should be ignored, but that doesn’t make much sense.

Exactly right.

Geil was right. Actually probably only the people who don’t know Memrise think it is a bug. People who know Memrise and the way they approached things in the past, would rather think this was a planned decision, that now needs a ‘workaround’.

So most people here are just hoping that this is this time really just a bug. I doubt it.

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I know what Memrise has done in the past, and the fact that they have made deliberate changes that broke everyone’s courses without telling us first or admitting it after the fact. So I’m not optimistic about the current situation.

But whether they have made this change deliberately, without telling us, or have broken something accidentally, it is still a “bug” from the users’ point of view, because it’s a sudden and unexplained deviation from the previous and expected program behavior.


EDIT: I enabled tapping test and that does not even work either. So im pretty positive this is a bug and not on purpose.
Maybe they are in the middle of upgrading something that has to do with typing and tapping etc. Let us all calm down.

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Oh, you meant in the course. I meant user settings. I’m not a contributor
to most of the courses I’m taking.

Well it is a good point none the less… perhaps users should have the ability to decide that for themselves too. Not just the contributors. But my point still stands, I just think something broke on accident or they are upgrading something. Or both…

I certainly hope so, because for me this change has practically ruined the site for me, and if it’s not changed back I suppose I’ll just have to quit it.


Well I think it is pretty redundant to take away typing when they already have an audio only feature (for pro users). A part of me wants to be skeptical about all of it and just cry foul, but the logic is that it is unintentional. On the bright side, the site still is up, unlike november… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just adding my voice in case anyone at Memrise is listening. I’m a pro member and will have no use for Memrise anymore if all the longer answers are multiple choice. The typing is where the learning really happens. Please address this Memrise team!


I also wish to add my voice.

I have created a handful of courses dating back 4 years for advanced expressions where many longer answers are involved and typing them out is the KEY to really mastering them.

Why this change ? I can’t seem to fathom.

What criteria are they using to override the presentation of a typing mode instead of multiple choice ?


I don’t agree with those who say that this is an unintentional bug.

I think that they’ve disabled typing tests deliberately, because their offices are open, they are working, they are reading these reports on the forums, yet they say nothing.

Their silence in the face of many reports of alternate answers being marked wrong, strict-typing problems, and other new bugs in the last couple of weeks, fits the pattern of the comma/parenthesis changes a few months ago.

Back then, first they ignored us for a week or so, then they pretended it was a bug and asked us for details about courses and levels, screenshots, browser console copies, etc. for another week or so, Then, finally, after the uproar continued, they admitted it was a permanent change, done deliberately, because they had to prepare for new testing methods for their official courses.

I have the feeling that they are planning major changes again, and this is just a small taste of the big changes to come. What may those changes be? Your guess is as good, or bad, as mine.

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yeah, I can see my courses wherein I type full sentences are now, in essence, “no-typing” courses.

if what you’re saying is true, then this would be the end of memrise for me.


To avoid multiple choice tests I have been using CoolJingle’s Memrise All Typing userscript available from here: This was broken by the recent changes but it can be fixed by replacing the enableAllTypingReviews() function by the following.

   function enableAllTypingReviews() { = function() {
            return false;
                       = function(e) {
            return false;

I must add the disclaimer that this is my first foray into web programming, I don’t really understand what I’m doing and as a result, this could break Memrise in all kinds of ways. Hopefully, someone with a bit more knowledge of Javascript will come along soon and make my solution robust. However, until that happens, this fix should make Memrise usable again.


Have you tried it yet?

I installed, replaced the line with a simple copy and paste. Pretty simple. Tried it out and it works pretty splendidly. Good job.

It looks like they’ve now re-enabled typing tests for learning and review, at least for the moment.

And looking at their code, it seems that this is true for answers shorter than 16 characters. If the answer is 16 characters or longer, typing is still disabled.


@Ziutek - Thank you very much! I tested it on a course with a lot of sentences, and it worked beautifully.

…which would be okay for the app. But why the web? Wasn’t there a plan to treat the web and the app versions as separate entities and have it work fine?

I despise multiple choice, just as everyone else is saying here, recognizing a word is a lot less useful than typing it out. And I thought the whole reason behind Memrise was to learn, as efficiently as possible.


Excellent, thanks, was just about to try that userscript as I’d also noticed that I was getting lots of multiple choice and hardly any typing tests, especially for longer answers.