Not allowing course editing

I am just trying to edit some of my courses, in preparation for my exams that start next week, but I do not seem to be able to do this!

Whenever I add a new word it the definition just appears blank, and I am not able to make alternative words, or make changes to words I have already added.

Please could this be rectified, as I need to use memrise as soon as possible!



Hello, I would also like to chime in that besides having the same mentioned bug issues, I also can’t remove words that were already added into the course.

It would be nice if this issue can be resolved ASAP.

Thank you for the attention.


I just tested this but I can actually add words and edit words in the database. But I can’t remove words or add alternatives anymore.


Cannot add alternatives at all. This is huge considering all of my memrise learning is from self-teaching with my own courses.

…please fix this quick, this nearly puts a complete halt to my learning and I’ve consistently dedicated way too much to progressing and learning Japanese consistently these last 7 months to be forced to come to a complete halt…


I am having a similar problem :frowning:

I am trying to improve a Dutch course by removing bad audio files and replacing them with good ones.

If I click on the little wastebasket icon to remove a file, nothing happens.


I have same problem.You can change them by using database.Also I have bad quality voice too.I hope memrise fix them soon…


Okay… I’m having a similar (maybe related) problem with editing course content. I am unable to upload audio files for my words/phrases. The Upload button is there… I click it… it allows me to select the desired file, but then the list refreshes with the Upload button gone (for that word) and the new file did not upload. I refresh the browser and the Upload button comes back, but the behavior remains the same. Also, for audio files previously uploaded successfully, I now cannot delete them (as noted above by @amanda-norrsken). This all worked fine a couple days ago when I was trying (then successfully) to do the same thing.


Tagging some moderators.



I’m hoping this is an error that happened with the new interface changes. If you haven’t noticed, reviews now says X amount of words at the top of the session. And if you get a word wrong, the bar doesn’t advance like it did before. You have to get it correct for it to move forward.

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I’m seeing the same issue with being unable to upload new audio.

I have the same problem. Very frustrating.

I have the same problem. Can’t edit or remove words, but can change them in the database. Was working fine yesterday. Sees to be a bug.

The ‘memrise scraper’ I usually use to export the words now returns as if the levels contains no words, so I’m guessing thats the bug. Even though you still see them, it is as if the words do not exist in the levels. But all the words do still exist in the database, as they would even if you’d delete the levels.

cannot delete any words. hope they fix it quickly.

It seems to be working again, for me at least.

Thanks for reporting this issue, we’ve released a fix which should allow you to edit your course once again.

Please let me know if the problem still exists and I’ll raise it up with the web team.


the problem’s gone.
thank you.

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Seems to be working fine right now.

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Fantastic news! Thanks so much for the quick response!

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Working again for me, too. Thanks for the quick fix! @Joshua