What I really find sad is that I’ve read how an User complained about the colours and how much it hurts in the eyes in an darker learning atmosphere one month ago and he was told that the Memrise Team would think about how to make it better. And still they rolled out this design without even an option of a darker background! If a company does completely ignore their customers than it’s not surprising for the customers turning their back on them.
Cancelled my subscription this morning, because as I said it’s no fun to learn with this App at the moment and hurts my eyes when learning in the evening as usual.
I refresh if they make changes like :
encouraging colours and Design ( what’s with the sad flowers that don’t seem to bloom anymore ?)
fixing the problems with the sound (can’t here any words by pushing the buttons most of the time)
darker background and layout that allows learning in the evenings
I’ve seen one or two posters claiming to like it.
At least they’ve now got rid those bizarro blobs behind the usernames, which was definitely the most amateurish aspect (but the course icons are still weirdly misshapen).
I agree with others that the new design looks childish.
But I really hate the garish, bright colors. They are hard on my not so young eyes, and I am having trouble with them if the ambient lighting isn’t just right.
Dark colors for fonts and icons on a light bacground and vice versa are easier to read. Please consider an optional alternate color scheme or some sort of dark mode.
Also, I liked the color coding of the different types of lessons. I didn’t know I liked that until it was gone and missed being able to easily see whether I was reviewing words, leaning new, or going to speed review.
I love Memrise and have been using it for two languages, but this redesign makes me question if I want to renew my annual subscription. Yes, it really is that bad for me.
Out of curiosity I looked up the Brighton Hill Community School and their yellow is actually a much more cheerful daffodil yellow. If they had used a muted daffodil yellow for the site it would have been much less awful than the mustard colour they went with.
Mustard tastes wonderful. It’s easily my least favourite colour. I feel sick looking at the pages now. This dreary colour is a real test of my commitment to learning. Is that the intention? I also find the icons more difficult to see. I have to think really hard to assess whether I am due to water my plants, or am simply being offered the opportunity to add extra water. As I only water when it is needed, please help me to save the planet by improving the ease of reading the icons.
Perhaps the egg theme on the app icon is to indicate the start of life (ie growing) but a nice seed would be more appropriate and in keeping with the planting and flowering theme, which I’m pleased seems to have been kept from the very start.
I did the same, and I have to agree. Brighton’s yellow is cheery and calmly energetic (if that makes any sense).
I’m also in the camp that gets headaches. I made my first ever tweet just trying to get someone to take it seriously.
I don’t know. I guess my next step is to talk to Apple about what happens when an app you recently paid a year-long subscription for becomes unusable. Like, I don’t want a refund for the time I’ve used, and I’m even willing to pay a service fee for the hassle of canceling. I’m honestly waiting because I want to give these guys a chance to fix it. I don’t want to be a jerk, and sometimes things go horribly wrong. I’ll also gladly sign up again if it becomes useable. But right now I feel like I’ve just lit decent amount of money on fire.
Memrise: Please don’t give into the sunk cost fallacy. You spent a lot of money on this, I’m sure. It hurts to throw a bunch of money at something and have it be a total waste. But don’t hold onto this new design so tightly just because you put time and money into it. At a bare minimum, please give people a choice while you rework this new design.
Live and learn. It’ll be funny someday. I promise.
It’s kind of interesting that of all the themes and mascots Memrise has gone through, the original garden and flower was the most original and inspiring compared with space creatures and rockets and who knows what’s next. All that energy and money could have been spent on writing new language learning tools and fixing bugs, but that’s just my opinion.
Well maybe I’m a one off, but I feel this new design is great… the app on Android is working better and frankly I don’t want to see the old one back. It’s like anything, we have to get used to it… I’ve been using it a week and I love it…
The app still looking unpolished and unfinished. The main screen is bad, to much white and yellow. People is complaining most about that.
Overall the idea (of new design) is good but the implementation is really bad. What do you think about that?
Working better in what sense?
If by working better you mean less crashes and bugs, It has nothing to do with design. They could have make it work better with the old design, if they wanted.
Yeah very true. I’m doing mandarin level 3 and before it was getting too easy, all.of a sudden it seems harder and I have to concentrate more on the answers. Might be the colour system, might be the system has just been updated…