New design

Please read the post below:



Please try to keep your forum posts civil and polite. There’s no need to rant and swear.

There are always other users (like @sayurih) who are happy to come here to help people who need it. The forum search function will often direct you to a post that will provide the answer. If it doesn’t, a simple, polite request placed in the relevant forum category is all that’s usually needed.

The issue that is causing your dismay has nothing to do with the recent changes that Memrise made to their UI. So it’s not a “New design” issue. While they sort out the technical problem with course creation on the main Memrise website, we can continue to create and edit our courses using the new sister website “Decks”. You will find everything there works just the same as you have been used to.


leave off will you

Thanks for your input here, @alanh. I had the same thoughts as you as I read roryhankin’s post, but it seems - sadly - that your plea has fallen on deaf ears. But kudos to you for trying.


Will do if I end up writing it, no guarantees though, especially not on timeliness (lots of school work at the moment). Will most likely end up putting it on github if I do get around to writing it (so should be possible for others to pitch in/update if I’m not around).

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I’ve posted some suggestions here about the app icon:
New layout feedback thread |CIVIL DISCUSSION|


Thank you for pointing it out. My dyslexia isn’t that bad and I had no idea why it was so hard for me to stare at the new memerise color, font and other changes to the layout. I’ve not been involved with the forum until now. I already have an understanding that this company doesn’t seem to be listening to the community. I learned about ANKI and have it installed. I would prefer to stay on Memerise, but I likely won’t. If other users learned about anki they would find it’s similar to what memerise was, but with a much simpler layout.


I absolutely hate the new color scheme and rebranding.

I’m not sure what your marketing department is doing. Who advised you that making the change so quickly would be a good idea? No warning and your app updates to this horrible new look. I don’t even want to use the app anymore. I definitely won’t be renewing my subscription.


Its just awful and ugly
What happened to last years design? It was rather perfect. This might be funny for a teenager but not for adults.
Please change the buttons and the colour theme back.


ANKI isn’t as useful as Memrise used to be before the new design.


about dyslexic users is so true… Mine is not really bad, but now I have to spend about 5–8 minutes just to find the button I need. It is “review” button on one course. I have to spend minutes just for find it between all other courses! 'cause all I can recognize is YELLOW BUTTON 1, YELLOW BUTTON 2, YELLOW BUTTON 4, YELLOW BUTTON 5… Wait, where was yellow button 3 which I need?.. I’m not quite sure now.


Heh. According to them, this is a more grown up look. I feel like they’re living in opposite land.


It has to be a very young person, I would guess a male person, who came to this decision.
It reminds me of Ryanair website. It’s horrible too.


It doesn’t really matter the gender of the person. What matters is apparently they don’t seem to be listening. From test group, to apps, to the main site. Google gave gmail users the ability to toggle back and forth from old layout to the new one. Memerise, If are not being stubborn would give users that ability instead of trying to force us to use it.


The New design is horrible, please give us back the previous design it was cool. This childish design makes the wonderful app less enjoyable.


Maybe they think that, they are targeting more people with this cheap look.

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Shock-effect color use is not really helping targeting users, actually the opposite.


The contrast is awful, it’s hard to look at. At this rate it’s highly unlikely I’ll be renewing my subscription. I like the app, but if I can’t bear to look at it and don’t enjoy opening it, it’s not going to be worth it for me. What a shame, as the previous design was fun and usable, but in the name of continuous ‘progress’ we keep seeing unnecessary redesigns like this. I’m not against redesigns on principle, but they have to be justified, and much like Slack (terrible) it seemed that the main motivator was a disconnect in branding… which could have been solved much more easily without throwing the whole thing out.


Ugh. I’ve had it with this ugly new design. Only Memrise could of thought of this colour scheme. They’ve completely demolished the beauty which was once there. With Decks and now this. Could they do anything else. Sorry to rant about this Memrise. But come on! What happened to what it used to be?


The new design is a complete mess. It looks like a game (badly done) for a 5 year old kid. People have invested time and money to learn languages, and coming up with a design which has a pathetic user experience and a strategy that’s so confusing is very saddening. I had subscribed for one year.

And now, I deeply regret it.