@Achim63 @SteveKaczynski @Zyme @LoriLawson25 @mike.savage.39945e
I just tested what’s working and what’s not working.
If you go to an individual course page and select a lesson, you can review the words in that lesson. (The web address will look something like this: http://www.memrise.com/course/55058/complete-turkish/59/ for lesson 59.) After reviewing, if you refresh the page, you’ll see that the words that were up for review went from, “now,” to “in 6 days,” “in 12 days,” “in 24 days,” or something similar. The blue review button above the word list will still say, “Review 15 words,” (or whatever), and the word count on your dashboard (and your course page) will not change, but I expect that when everything gets sorted out soon, Memrise will count those words as watered.
Note: If after a review session, the lesson’s word list says, “in 6 days,” and then you click review again, when you refresh the lesson after the second review session, than those words will be due again in 12 days. If you review a third time, they’ll be due in 24 days.
You can plant/learn new words in a similar fashion. Go to an individual lesson page, such as http://www.memrise.com/course/55058/complete-turkish/60/, and then click, “Learn these words.” If you refresh the lesson page after a planting session, you’ll see that you successfully planted some words. If you plant the whole lesson, the “learn these words” button won’t change, however, and the progress bar above it will still be empty. On the course page, the color of the lesson icon won’t change either. But those words were successfully planted. If you want to review those newly-planted words in 4+ hours, you’ll have to edit the url to http://www.memrise.com/course/55058/complete-turkish/60/garden/review_level/.
I hope this helps!