Memrise still not working properly

I have thr4ee categories, Spanish A-1 Spanish 2, Spanish Beyond beginners. It does not subtract the words you have just reviewed from the review category and keeps giving the same words over and over. This has happened for three days! Please help. It is vital I study every day.


Yes, I am experiencing the same problem. It doesn’t save the newly learnt words so I have to stop using it until they have this bug fixed. That’s bad because I am on vacation and have time to learn. Now this happens…


Also, just so Memrise troubleshooters know, words that have been ignored are showing up. I don’t know yet whether this is all ignored words or just the recently ignored ones (I have a lot of them). Memrise seems to have lost its, er, Memory!? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You need to log out and see if they are truly ignored. If you see they are still there, better stop learning and wait for them to fix the problem.

I just tried again. It’s not saving anything from the apps (Android). I completed a section and ignored a few words. After logging out and logging in again, I found nothing has been saved.

The course I am studying is “learn Spanish for polyglot”. I cannot download that course to my phone (I am pro member). The course is bigger. They have not solved that problem either.

me either,its been days and Memrise do nothing for this. Kind of disappointed.:rage:

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Thanks steenphen, I just tried it but no luck.

I really like this app. They really need to make more effort in improving the app stability and usability. I also maintain software and I know the user only cares about whether it can run everyday. I am not sure the reason why they are experiencing problems, but they should let customers know whether it is going to be available. Now it’s not available but they say it’s available. Maybe they are doing updates they think it’s going to make a difference.

yes,they really need to make some real progress on this,hopefully it will back to normal ASAP.

locks up and need to exit and go back in. just purchased pro and it’s not even working. very disappointed.

Mine isn’t working either and I also study every day. I’m very sad.

It’s an absolute joke that the most basic feature of this site is still not functioning after THREE days. All subscribers should cancel.


I agree with you. I haven’t do it yet because I don’t get any kind of refund.
But in a few months I will do it because I am no longer supporting something I no longer believe in.
I rather give my Money to Quizlet that have always proved to be reliable.

Brexit, Memrise, and now Trump.
Truly the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Long Live Civilisation. It was great while it lasted…


you see yourself as “civilised” by expressing some rough moral judgement and meshing in the same lines Memrise with the US elections and the brexit? HUH? Of course we web version users are in here a bit nevous, but this is really going astray…

The notice saying that Memrise wasn’t working has been taken down from my page, but it is still not updating any words I review. So it is still not fixed.

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Same here, reviews don’t get recorded but I get the points every time. Making things easy for exploiters.

I’m okay with this if they are working on it, things can break and it might take a while to fix them especially with a small team. Memrise has given so much to me, I give them all the time they need to adjust everything, and a big thank you.

The update, bug or whatever is going on for the last 2/3 weeks, having to introduce commas, apostrophes, symbols, alternate definitions to get a review right has ruined the site for me, barely usable, and very frustrating. It’s something I cannot understand or find any logic to if it’s a decision and not a bug or error. Has the staff said something about it?

Removing the courses tab, changing the dashboard which now loads five times slower than a year ago and it’s more disorganized, removing course forums, making the mem system worse, an unchanged premium service for two years, an infantile and tedious app, and in general focusing effort to change things that worked well instead of actually improving anything. The most voted and great ideas on the old suggestions page were ignored. We learned to live with that, but for me this is the icing on the cake.

Please undo.


I’m not sure it was me going astray if you genuinely interpreted my post as a serious remark…

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I suspect you meant “the last straw” or “adding insult to injury” rather than “icing on the cake” (which I’ve only ever heard used to refer to good things!).

Strangely the comma bug seems to have been fixed, but in doing so they re-introduced the old buggy behaviour where when you’re asked to retype an answer containing commas that you got wrong, it stops accepting input the moment you type a comma.

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Still not working. Very unhappy. Please fix!