Memrise still not working properly

I tested app on Android this morning. I used “learn Spanish for Polyglot”. At first I tried a few words. It looks like it’s saving the progress. But after I completed my daily goal, the app no longer saves the progress.

It’s a completely waste of my time to ignore 60 words and to learn 72 new words today. This sucks!

Don’t do anything until Memrise completely fixed this issue. You will be disappointed.

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I’m getting worried. It’s been five days now and the same message about fixing the problem ASAP is there on the site.Why isn’t it possible to be a bit more communicative? Maybe let us know when Memrise THINKS the problem will be solved. Or do they think it will?


Yes, it seems like they are doing nothing. I’ve just bought premium and site is not working so I’ve wasted my money. Also my streak is gone… WTF?


This is really the first problem I have had, but it is serious. I like the
site, but if you don’t practice and learn every day, it’s a real bummer! I
am looking for another site. The Memrise site has gotten too big and they
are singularly unresponsive to any issue. Sorry about your problems!

I don’t think they really care. It has been bad for a number of days. Sorry
for your trouble.

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I did hear that :slight_smile:

When someone opens a new discussion and you know there’s an existing discussion about the very same thing, I suggest you comment right away saying hey look, people are already talking about this over there, let’s not continue this here, and include a link to the other discussion.

In every case where I’ve seen people do that, it either worked because the two discussions were in fact exactly the same thing, and everyone just moved to the main thread and stopped updated the extra one, or it didn’t work because the person who posted the link misunderstood, and there was actually a difference between the two. So both ways, that’s the right result.

Where things fail is if nobody notices or says anything, and two discussions go on independently on separate posts for a while. But even then, the best thing to do is to pick one, say let’s all go over there, and include a link. Merging two posts that already have long comment threads leads to loads of confusion as the two sets of comments get interspersed and people’s replies to one thing start looking like replies to another thing, and others get the wrong impression about what comments mean because they’ve changed context. It’s a mess.

But how does the ordinary user know if it is really the same problem, or a different one altogether?

For example, if one person posts, “Same review words keep repeating on web”, and another posts, “clicking on review just reloads the homepage”, are those two things really the same problem? Do they belong in the same thread? Does memrise know about both problems already or just one and not the other?

Does anyone from Memrise read every post in these threads, and document every different problem report, and do a root cause analysis? Do the users see any evidence of that?

Memrise has known about serious problems for days now, but they are still selling people “Pro Membership”, despite the fact that much of the site is unusable. If they can’t deliver the service that people are paying for, is it acceptable to take people’s money and deliver less than what is promised, or even nothing in return? Why haven’t they turned off the “Go Pro” button?

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Thanks - what really bothers me is that all my students use Memrise and they’re wondering if it’s gone. It’s a central part of their learning -it really is a great site - and I’d hate for it to disappear. Someone contacted me and told me that they are genuinely working on it though. Let’s hope so.

You’re right; it sucks! It’s good to know what’s working and what’s not working… Maybe you’ll save someone else some frustration.

I just found out that you need to close the app and re-open again to see your progress.

It’s like this:

  1. log out
  2. log back in, you will see an incorrect count of the word you learnt
  3. close the app without logging out;
  4. open the app again, the progress will be refreshed and shown.

Hope this helps!

This post here was posted 2 days after the problem started. So there should be enough information in the earlier opened post that you can deduct that the problem is the same (or not) and continue using the original post instead of opening a new one. The original post has an almost similar name (Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: look to be kind of working again! ]).

I believe that people are upset about a problem and really not caring if a post is already opened and just open another one because of their frustration.

Just a side note … the same problem with the ‘comma’ is coming up over and over. I think if one post mentions that problem and other people add that they have the same problem with different languages, why open up another post just to say it’s happening in Spanish too and another post that it happens in French too. Can one not deduct that the original post mentions so many languages with the same problem that it is really necessary to open a new one up,

BTW, Memrise seems to be responding to the original post only, I have not seen them adding text to same posts opened after the original post. So if you don’t find any response here in this post, go to the original post, because they are communicating in that one since the original post was opened and keeping people updated. So people, stop complaining that Memrise does not care and communicate, find the original post if they don;t answer in “your” post.

You’ve repeated and elaborated upon your opinion about where people should and shouldn’t post, but didn’t answer any of the specific questions I asked.

And it is also worth noting that nobody from Memrise has posted anything at all on the forums or on the twitter page in more than 24 hours.

People have paid money to them, and deserve better treatment than that.

Do you really think that every single person who works in the memrise office is busy every minute of the day, doing nothing but coding, and troubleshooting, and is too busy to answer questions from their customers, or post an update on the website, or stop accepting new subscriptions for “Pro”, until the problems are solved?

I think that you are being too dismissive of users’ legitimate complaints, and too accepting of Memrise’s failure, first to communicate, and second to offer compensation to the users who did not get what they paid for.


Good effort, but I think you could make that a just little bit more condescending.

It is Friday already. I think that If Memrise doesn’t fix the issue today it will last till Monday (at least) because I doubt that they will work at weekends. Have to say it’s really annoying that such a serious problem lasts for a whole week and all I can see every time on dashboard is «we will fix it ASAP». By the way, I’m a PRO memeber and recently paid for the second year.

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Are you their PR guy? Tell them their users are pissed and would like a real update on what is going on.
I’m probably better off using a different service. Hell, I bet there’s one that’s maintained FOR FREE that works more reliably than this shithole.


I am not a PR guy for anyone. Why are you asking anyone if they are a PR guy for Memrise if they are not pissed and writing negative things just because something is broken for longer than expected. And just so you know I am a paying Pro user,

You are paying for a service that you can’t even use and don’t know when you will be able to use reliably again?
@GabrieleCramer-Knebe Cuck

I can use it. I am doing the reviews and even if the review counter is not updating it is working visible on the days when it’s coming up for review again. I can learn new words and the words learned is recognizing it. And no it’s not repeating the same words over and over. The daily streaks are working even if I lost them but then Memrise said they will work on giving them back.

Yes I can also review though I can not see the counter going down, but the problem is that I can not review newly learned words, they just do not appeared in the review session.

Everything - review, learning, difficult words - seems to be back to normal for me. Phew!