Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test)


I know you’re on right now. You were on yesterday, too.

Please respond.

Dear Memrise team, I am doing a Japanese course and the typing questions have a virtual keyboard. Please remove the virtual keyboard on the screen as it gives away the answer. I wanted to go through my reviews and the keyboard made it futile to do so, so I didn’t do them. 534156165 Please remove the part pointed out by the arrows on the pic. Or make it optional.

Edit: I managed to block the oh so annoying keyboard with the help of UBlock. I am not happy that I have to block parts of the site though. I hope there will be an option in the future. For those who have the same issue, just add the following line to your Ublock filter:

Happy learning!

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Memrise has a horrible time accepting they made a bad update (see Ziggy for example).

PLEASE JUST ROLL BACK. Can we not dither on this


Auto-accept makes it way too easy. So easy that it is just about pointless to try to learn anything. Please make it optional. Thanks.


This auto-accept update is seriously disappointing. I’m finding it the opposite of helpful. It is really slowing down my learning. Sometimes I have to hit enter for it to accept a correct answer and sometimes I don’t, so I can’t get into a proper rhythm. I don’t have any chance to mentally process an answer before it moves on. It encourages making corrections when one really doesn’t know the word or phrase, undermining the whole concept of spaced repetition. It is also very confusing given that alternates that are equally correct are not auto-accepted. When I am going for speed, hitting return does not add any time or effort at all. This new change doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Please make it optional or remove it.


Fat lazy thick fingered…

This is getting out of hand. I will just say I disagree it has anything to do with laziness. If you misspell a word, does that automatically mean you don’t know how to spell it? Does it mean you don’t even know it’s meaning? There is nothing lazy about this. It’s actually the exact opposite. The system is forcing you to spell it correctly and re-check your answer to make sure if it is not auto accepting. If I misspell haben, does that mean I don’t know how to spell the most common German verb ever? Why the hell should I be forced to relearn it and start its ‘‘cycle’’ all over again, because I left out a e ironically out of laziness?

I am not fighting against the option of turning this feature on or off. I just find it amusing that so many people are getting worked up to the extent of the crap you write. ‘‘online game for idiots’’. lol. Some of the counter points you guys bring up don’t even make sense…

  1. It prevents me from writing the wrong answer! - Actually it does not. If anything it is forcing you to sit thru the allocated time to answer the word at best. It does not ‘‘give’’ you anything.

  2. I might be inclined to look up the answer! - That’s your problem.

  3. I want to sit and think about my answer! - I’m confused about this one. If you wrote the answer correctly because Auto Accept accepts it, then you know the answer. What is this ‘‘thinking’’ about stuff? It’s not robbing you of thinking about your answer. If anything robs you of your ‘‘moment’’, it’s the time clock.

Some kinks need to be worked out though. ( ) for one.

When you are around 5000 words learned and counting, and review hundreds everyday to keep up, messing up a single letter or mixing up your synonyms is the most frustrating thing ever. The feature is not robing me of any moment. It is actually making my time way more enjoyable here.

-Your fat fingered lazy guy


The release notes suggest that the in-app keyboard was changed to only language-specific characters. In the web version this is definitely not the case. The web site now has a bogus keyboard which I have to consciously glance away from to avoid being given the answer.

Both the keyboard and the auto-accept are detrimental to the learning process. And frankly, they’re insulting to your users.

Instead of adding new features which make the site worse, why can’t you fix existing bugs (e.g. if the answer starts with a number, typing just the number is accepted as being correct).


I’ve studied more than 9000 words here (even slightly more than 5000), and review several hundreds words daily. And auto-accept is totally inconvenient for me.
For example, today I was reviewing Italian, and I was typing “non” (which was not correct), but “no” was auto-accepted instead. And dozen of similar cases, just for one day. I don’t want any suggestions, until I’d submitted the answer. If I make any typo, it’s my problem, I’ll review this word several times more. But, if I don’t memorize a word because of this auto-accept, it will not be good for me. That’s why I was severely disappointed by this unwanted feature. Too sad, I was almost addicted to Memrise…


what you do not want to get, apparently: these “contra-arguments” above are your personal proclivities, there is no natural law on the face of earth that some peculiar penchants of a certain number of people should be made into an iron corset for all the others. I have much more to review than you have, and I am learning languages that are so complicated for an European (German is a piece of cake in comparison) and I am constantly making typos. All these being said, I cannot see one single real pro(learning) argument in all your text walls. I consider both “features” a disimprovement, as they are detrimental to learning


Auto-accept? Really? I was sure that it’s a bug not a feature :confounded:
Sorry - dont force us to be happy :slight_smile: Such features (auto-accept, screen keyboard) should be optional (and disabled by default)…


I can’t tell if you are bragging or debating, or both. Quite frankly I am impressed with your accomplishments considering you spend hours here responding to everything. You should probably add Memrise’s English 1-7 courses for French speakers in the mean time.


what Alan observed
this auto-accept makes courses strict-typing. Until yesterday no prob


I can not believe this… When you introduced these ‘improvements’ a few months ago, there was so much negative feedback, so you reverted the changes. Now you reimplemented the exact same changes and expect users to be happy? I encounter the exact same problems as the first time

  • The answer is given below the input, in scrambled letters. I don’t have to remember the word, I only have to put the letters in order
  • The autocomplete function is bugged for Japanese. When I enter the correct answer, it accepts it, but for the next question the previous answer is already filled in, so I have to delete the answer everytime. This is unworkable.
  • Autocomplete does not work correctly, because if you are typing the wrong answer, but part of it is correct, it is marked as correct.

I’ve been a pro user for a couple of years now, but if these issues are not resolved, I will stop my membership



Due to the way that my Japanese keyboard input works, the auto accept causes a glitch that causes whatever I typed in the last box to appear in the next text box as soon as I type any character. This means I have to delete every word after I type it, so the auto-accept not only slows me down, but is extremely annoying. I don’t mind auto-accept existing, but if you do not allow it to be disabled, I will probably switch learning apps.


If you can live with the auto-accept, see the above solution for using an ad-blocker to hide the syllable box and you will be all set.


Could one of you at least have the decency to comment that you’ve been reading this thread, and not treat us like trash you’re ignoring?


I totally get that you have to consider many opinions and nothing won’t be all great for everyone. However, the way the tests work now, it is pointless for me using memrise for learning chinese. I don’t want auto-accept - I want to be able to make mistakes. Also I don’t want to see the answers in the suggestions.
Please undo this update!


Indeed, how hard can it be to just give the options. Man…


Hi Hydroptere,

see my comment above how to temporarily workaround this:

Cooljingle has a script called “Auto correct”.

You can adjust the match keywords in the header, so you can limit it to several courses, where you can’t work around “fixed-typing” for for the next days.

I really just want to help you to be able to review “your stuff” for the next days to prevent bigger backlogs, until the next Memrise update is out…or one of the script gods found a permanent way to disable “auto accept”.

Of course I know you are not a fan of all this typing script and auto-anything stuff :wink:

Viele Grüße


Another vote here for not liking these changes.

Most of my learning is for Chinese, and the auto-accept is annoying for a few different reasons.

  1. Sometimes I know the syllables that make up a word, but have trouble memorizing the order. Is it qiangpo or poqiang? With auto-accept I can just fudge it. If it doesn’t accept qiangpo, then I know it’s poqiang.

  2. After I type a word or phrase I often like to take a moment to look at the characters and read them back to myself to study the characters and read them aloud. Auto-accept makes this quite difficult.

  3. The on-screen keyboard contains the characters you need for an answer. As much as I try to avoid looking at them, sometimes my peripheral vision catches a glance and confirms an answer that I might have on the tip of my tongue. I don’t think that actually helps me learn the word so much as “cheat” my way to the answer.

Most of all, I just don’t understand why Memrise can’t just make these options. I disabled listening test and jumbled-word tap tests. Could auto-enter and on-screen keyboard be optional too? People are divided on loving or hating this update, so you could make everyone happy by making it a user preference. At the very least it would be cool to get a response on whether you plan on making these options in the future.