What was the question type? Multiple-choice, listening audio, typing?
Are you already reviewing words or do you go through the 6 steps of planting the flower / the word?
Multiple-Choice: Just select the word with the mouse or better with the number keys.
You can just hit the ENTER hot key and it will go to the next question.
There is no need to select with your mouse the “Next” button.
As I tried to explain, these are the web portal changes with “auto accept”: Once your answer is right, this also applies for typing a full phrase or sentence, your answer will be auto accepted and the next sentence pops up.
But I think I finally understand what you mean; this has already been discussed in 28 November release notes thread: Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test) - #127 by Thomas.Heiss
There is now just one big big problem with “strict-typing” vs “non-strict modes”.
Every course has different settings (usually not forcing strict-typing).
The sudden “Auto accept” code update gets it totally wrong for “non-strict-mode” course settings, where you did not need to type diacritics (accents) for e.g Spanish or Portuguese.
This is probably your personal problem you are writing about.
There is one easy workaround for this: Install Cooljingle’s user script “Auto correct”, which fixes this diacritics part.
Finally your word / phrase / sentence will be auto accepted and you do not manually need to press the ENTER hot key (which you are NOT allowed to do with exact character typing!!!) or the “Next” button.
Honestly, I just can hope they do NOT change anything anymore.
Every update gets worser than before.
The latest UI change brought those horrible rectangular mobile app buttons, where the old blue review and green learn buttons where just nice.
The Memrise has more problems than web portal design. I think like others it is OK (and probably was even better 1-2 years ago).
Basically you can only use the system if you install many many user scripts (timer disabler, all typing, etc.)…
And one working user script was broken by a review code update some weeks (or was it months? I do not count) ago - I wrote about it in other threads.
community.memrise.com is a different software than the SR system. So there is a different UI and your own registered forum user.
There won’t be change for this; they had course forums before…better like this than like DuoLingo discussion forums, were their software, bugs and speed just suck so much!
What do you mean.
There are weekly and monthly course rankings. That is fine, isn’t it?
What about “Learn”? I still don’t understand what you mean.
You will learn words level-wise there, which you can customize in your settings (e.g 10 or 15 words per learning session).
Well, the global leaderboard / dashboard will only work, if you follow people.
You can manually add people from course leaderboard for those courses and languages you learn.
There is no “auto-” global leaderboard anymore.
But there is a user created leaderboard thread.
If you want to follow some of those high-performer users rather than focusing on your own courses…
Hope I could help a bit.
You really need to play around with those mentioned user scripts for Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey to get the maximum out of the Memrise web portal!
Feel free to ask more questions, what might be still unclear to you.
I hope we can get you started on Memrise…hopefully there will be no next updates (I won’t put my hands into fire).
Maybe it would be better to start with other flashcard software like AnkiSRS, Flashcards Deluxe, Lingvist, SuperMemo, etc…we don’t know what will broken from their untested updates the next time.