Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test)

Please give an option to toggle both of these features. I think they are both detrimental to learning


it seems it works…

now something to get rid of the auto-check :wink:???


impossibly slow to study japanese with the auto-accept (see comments above), please make optional!!!


This is also definitely the case with Korean. I have to now consciously ignore the characters right beneath anything I’m typing, which shifts my focus on something other than learning which really should be the focal the point of Memrise.
This is the reason I moved on from the app to the website, so I hope that VERY soon this whole thing will become optional.



Why would you enable / force a feature, which was already (optionally) there?

It is called: Memrise Turbo

// ==UserScript==
// @name Memrise Turbo
// @namespace
// @description Makes Memrise faster
// @match
// @match

// @match*
// @version 0.1.10
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL

I changed the default first match from “//course//garden/" (applied to review + learning called from a course) to **@match**”:

This deactivates the auto accept turbo for **learning new vocabulary (including typing longer sentence) when you first click on a course, second the level and then on the green “learn words” button.

With your code update, even this is not possible anymore?!!!

You may not be truly aware that not everyone loves your “disable typing >15 characters” for Memrise offical 1-7 courses.
So there are some users, who use “all typing” user script, to be able to review 1-7 longer sentences with the ONLY TYPING / RECALLING method (turned OFF multiple-choice).
Sometimes I used the activated “Memrise Turbo” script even for those courses, but IMHO it really is much better to have it completely turned OFF!

The big big problem about “Memrise Turbo” [and “Auto accept”] is / will be, that you can NOT review your typed sentence; or that you can listen to the audio of the last (correct) answer, as you have been already moved to the next question screen.
What is the point in listening to the audio, when I can not read the answer text of my old answer anymore?

“Memrise Turbo” IMHO just works for courses with single words, like MartinPen’s DuoLingo Portuguese BR course, but definitely fails for Memrise PT1-7.

In the short time I can - of course - not be 100% sure (I need more time for detail tests) if your team has greatly improved the behavior of “Memrise Turbo” and your own “Auto accept” code in the case, that you only move to the next question screen, if the audio play has finished and I could still read the text of my old (previous) answer.
You may have, or you may have not…I will find out!

Summary I):

I had full control for the “Memrise Turbo” script, if
a) I wanted to activate it for a learning session
b) it should be deactivated for a review session
c) be active / inactive for typing out longer sentences (together with “all typing” and “auto correct” in your offical Memrise (PT) 1-7 courses.

There is no “one fits all users solution” on the planet.
Give the power back to the user himself to decide, what he wants on a personal / time / course level.

And if you have not heard it before:

There is another user script called “Auto correct” which completes typed characters in non-accent Portuguese/Spanish/French form and changes it automatically to the right full character of the foreign language, but let’s the user press the ENTER button to accept his answer.

I have it activated all the time and it is great for:
a) strict-typing courses (e.g DuoLingo PT BR by MartinPen)
b) offical PT1-7 Memrise courses and being able type longer sentences (“all typing” activated

My tests have shown, especially for the 1-7 Memrise courses, that “Memrise Turbo” definitely conflicted with “Auto correct”, as you had no time anymore to read the complete (corrected) answer, if even the last words used accents.

Each character / word is corrected automatically…
But a learner needs more time to check the final answer and to hammer all shown accents (e.g à, è, special c, a with ~) into his head.

Of course I will deeply re-test the great “Auto correct” user script with your new “Auto accept” code for all my Portuguese courses, but honestly, I already expect bigger problems!

Summary II):

You can’t please everyone with a forced update.
Never ever touch / change a running system!
And if you do, makes features at least user- (settings) or learning/review session configurable, right before the start.

We are no kindergarden / school kids anymore, but we want to decide for ourself how we want to use a “feature” or not.


Auto-accept is the most irritating thing one could ever implement! It doesn’t help to increase the typing review sessions, it merely “helps” to cheat on reviewing, it simply shows that the word was typed incorrectly before pressing Enter. I’m completely disappointed.
Please, please, remove it or make it optional!


This whole thing is bewildering. My first experience of the new setup was so mentally jarring, I could not continue past the first two or three words.

Please fix ASAP. I cannot recommend memrise to anybody with this current functionality.


This could work as a temporary solution for reviewing, but when studying the words, you often have to pick the right word from a list of 4/6/8. In that case, you would have to change the screen each time. Therefore, the best and in my view only solution would be for this change to be optional.
Honestly seeing the responses given in September, I’m quite surprised they aren’t optional already. It might be more difficult and take more time, but seeing how expensive Memrise Pro can be to students, who use this website quite a lot I’d say, there really should be no excuse.



I’m trying to get used to the imposition of ‘auto-correct’. I really am! But here are some examples of the craziness that I had just now when reviewing a Spanish course on the website:

  1. For the item “he is (permanently)”, when I type “él es” it doesn´t auto-accept. If I type “(él) es”, however, it does auto-accept. Having got a ‘yellow’ error when the clock ran down, and before realising the need to include the brackets, on next review, it auto-accepted after I simply typed “él”.

  2. For the item “I think that…”, it doesn´t auto-accept unless I type the elipse.

  3. For the item “I am (permanently)”, it doesn’t auto-accept if I type “yo soy” but will if I type “(yo) soy”.

  4. Being marked wrong now for not including an initial capital at the start of a phrase.

I’m sure there will be more to come.

The effect of the changed requirement to include all punctuation combined with the imposition of ‘auto-accept’ isn’t helping my learning.

Please give this change some more thought…and revert to the previous arrangements again while you do so.

Others have said they like auto-accept because they can review more quickly. That may be the case for some courses and for simple items that don’t include punctuation marks but it shouldn’t be all about speed.


all my courses have the same problem as the one described by Alan… thanks very much for imposing half-strict-typing…

if you want to take down the site, and continue only the app, tell us so and give us some means to transport the courses we take on the web version in some sort of cvs files or similar

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Please make auto-accept optional. So we can have a choice to use it or not.
I’ve been a pro member for almost a year and I’ve absolutely adored this website. But this auto-accept function makes it completely unusable for me. The auto-accept gives unwanted hints and slows down my learning process.

The only way for me to learn effectively now is to write my answer first in Microsoft Notepad, and then paste it into Memrise whenever I think that I’m ready to know the answer. It makes no sense!


Loving the auto-accept! It gives you a chance to correct typos before “sending it in,” so to speak.

off topic: really? what are you learning, because I cannot find you on memrise

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that’s not happening to me. (sich) beschleunigen will be accepted without the brackets. As an example. Or I can just type beschleunigen without sich at all and press enter, and it accepts it.

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Not happy with these changes. Please revert or make them optional. TIP: If your users have MIXED feeling about an option don’t shove it down their throats.


Hello @BeaTrisy,

in addition to the examples from others, here is why auto-accept interferes with my learning:

If I write out a sentence (yes, I use several sentence-based courses), I like to reread it and see if it “looks right” before I submit it. More often than not I realize that I used a wrong case ending and I can correct it before submitting. Sometimes my correction is wrong, though.

Now you’re robbing me of this moment. Maybe I typed it correctly but you’re moving on before it had the time to sink in. Maybe I made a mistake, but the fact that it did not auto-accept tells me I’m wrong before I had the chance to realize it myself. And I don’t even have the chance to make that wrong correction (and subsequently learn from it), either.

Thanks for reading.


You need to install either the google or Microsoft IME (On windows). You will need to do this once you move beyond the very basics of learning Japanese, you might as well do it now and start ‘learning’ how to use the IME

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You say ‘typo’ - I say ‘WRONG ANSWER’.

I want to decide what the answer is, press a button and get the system to check if I indeed got it right.
I am not so fat, lazy or thick fingered that pressing 1 more lousy key per answer is a big deal for me.
But showing me the answer is wrong (it’s not been accepted) is just begging for me to ‘try again’, this encourages guessing not learning.


Please revert this nonsense, you have ruined the site, a combination of ‘guess as many times as you want’ and ‘Let’s play anagrams in Japanese’ have turned this from a useful learning tool to a silly online game for idiots who want to be on leader-boards’. If you’d done this 2 weeks ago at least I could have cancelled. Now I’m stuck with a tool that I can no longer use for learning a language.


That’s interesting but your examples are not similar to mine and you mention pressing enter. Pressing enter is not the same as auto-accept. I, too, have had examples where pressing enter accepts an answer as correct when auto-accept doesn’t. It’s these sort of inconsistencies that I’m finding unhelpful.

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