Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test)

Thank you so much! Works great and took less than 2min to set up!

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I never use the app. Thanks for the advices no bad feelings, but I am one long-term user of Memrise, in fact one of the oldest dinos in here. I know quite a thing or two about this place (btw, memrise took down a couple of days ago the personal profiles/bios, but you can try to see my dashboard by clicking on my profile in here…)

i don’t get this … sorry?

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Can you guys just rollback the changes asap, and we can have a discussion here. I seriously am having issues with studying Japanese right now after what you’ve implemented. My review is just going to keep getting bigger if I can’t work through the words.


Please take note of the feedback in this thread. This is really impacting learning, and especially after all the explanations users gave when a similar change was tried in September.

Users on the website use memrise differently than a narrated by Ziggy adventure to learn. I myself, learned a lot of what I know about the effects of learning and its different styles directly through the tools memrise once gave. You have to understand that having people try out these changes on memrise “official” courses, and having views altered to the numbers of people easily accessible for opinion through the app store, does not necessarily mean that this is the most effective way. As I’ve said before about the algorithm that was ignored, we would absolutely love to help and test new methods of learning, but when suddenly sprung on us it’s not very considerate.

For Chinese alone, pinyin input no longer works. Characters are shown for other answers. As I’ve become aware over years of using the simple multiple choice answers, your brain will most certainly pick up extra info from words/characters in your peripheral vision. I do not want these clues for my brain! I want to recall words using my memory, using word associations I’ve made and with the mems that still load!

The importance of this website is its algorithm which tests right before forgetting happens. The algorithm is poorly impacted by speed tests, by too many clues, by too many hints. If tests become easier, then we progress further into the algorithm logs until one day, when the word is needed, it hasn’t been strengthened by self made mental muscles, but by clues. When i’m speaking to people on the street, their clothes aren’t littered with hints about the words I am trying to form together in my mind. This is what I think about the onscreen keyboard.

On the auto accept, for this I think it should be either shut off, or given an option to include. There are just too many entries where the more used definition is a longer word and a lesser used definition is shorter. Since it accepts the shorter entry automatically, it also forces which definition is reinforced.

Is memrise strictly a place to learn memrise official courses and utilize only a fraction of the potential of its algorithm because of the lack of consideration given to certain features? Or is memrise a place to create and learn through thousands of user made courses over years with gentle game nods and the formerly near-flawless algorithm now given less and less screen time to instead favor features favoring and supporting a lack of attention and an avoidance of ever being wrong?


I agree completely - this is a troublesome update.

For my reviews today, I’ve been making the browser window small so that I can’t see the ‘helpful hints’ at the bottom. Oh well. :expressionless:

It would be awesome if the script makers out there had a fix for this.:muscle:


Just want to second this approach. Like @matteogiuseppe mentioned, to avoid the keyboard, in case anyone hasn’t thought to do so, reduce the size of your browser or just drag the bottom portion so it’s obscured by your OS’s tool bar.

I’ve got uBlock. Can you let me know how to set up filters? (I’m on FF Quantum btw)

EDIT: Hey, I figured it out on my own! :rofl:
For others who were as impatient as me before posting:
Open uBlock Dashboard
Click on My Filters tab
Add entry
Click Apply changes.

It works great!

Just wanted to add that thanks to @lprg upthread I used uBlock to block the keyboard from appearing.

  1. Open uBlock Dashboard
  2. Click on My Filters tab
  3. Add entry:
  4. Click Apply changes.
  5. Voila! 屏幕上的键盘就不见了!

Thanks! One poor design decision removed.

Only on the forum to complain about this in Japanese. I don’t want an on-screen keyboard or auto-accept on the web app. I can use my normal keyboard with IME input.

It is barely tolerable on the android app that I hardly use-would actually use that more if you allowed me to use the normal IME input I have and not auto-accept!

This could just be solved by offering people greater options-as others have pointed out.


I concur with all of the points made here. If you have IME, just use it. If you don’t, you should download it ASAP.

It really needs to be made optional. The app version trained me to not look down. so I am pretty okay with the SRS process regardless. However, not everyone has the same ability to ignore all the text on the screen, and accidents do occur. (For example, coming back to my seat mid-practice)

I’m okay with autoaccept only because if even if I am wrong, I will still press enter out of habit. It really should be optional as well, though.


Almost everyone (barring 3?) told you this was a bad idea. Why, months later, this has been reinstated with a lie about 50/50 feedback…?


These changes have made it horrible to learn Japanese.

With a Japanese keyboard you have to press enter to choose the correct character to use. However, with auto-accept it doesn’t give you the chance to press enter and as a result when you progress onto the next word your previous word is already there. As a result every word I’m having to delete the previous word which slows down the learning considerably and most definitely doesn’t speed it up.

Also the on screen keyboard for the typing tests basically gives you the answer when learning Japanese. In your post you said this was the feedback from your community.

You said: “Having the characters needed for the answer in the keyboard makes the tests TOO easy!”

This is especially true when learning Kanji for Japanese.

Please, please, please either revert the changes or make the user able to disable them. I’m sure I’m not the only one that relies on Memrise to help them with their job, and I used to love it before these changes. But I’m now not sure if I can continue.


This change was so unwelcome that, for the first time, I actually came to the forums to see what had happened.

I may eventually learn to live with the auto-enter but I just can’t ignore the new syllable box that has appeared in my Korean lessons. I already use IME and the new boxes give away too much of the answer but they’re literally right there so you can’t help but see them. I’ve noticed my errors and mistakes are also auto-corrected for me as well. This does not feel like learning, but instead feels like hand-holding. I have disabled the tapping/jumbled option in my settings but the boxes remain.

I understand some may like these changes but I do not. If nothing else, an option to enable/disable certain features would keep both sides happy.


make these features fucking optional. i’m serious, the “in app keyboard” which i’d never seen before literally gives me the answer. there is absolutely no value in reviewing anymore if the question just gives me the god damn answer. i really don’t want to have to start over with another memorization program.


I second this. Having whole syllables in view (for Korean) is distracting, and detracts from the challenge of trying to pull everything from memory. I too, would like to see this feature made optional, or removed entirely.

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The auto-accept is very (!) annoying, because when I type Japanese I need to hit enter before the word will ‘stick’ (with space you can switch to different kana/kanji), but with auto-accept it automatically switches to the next page and taking the previously typed word, which means I continuously have to back-space all my anwers.

Please, just please, make it optional…


If you received mixed responses, wouldn’t it be best if auto-accept was an option to let the user decide in the settings? I realise that may cause some difficulties with coding for the future (now you will have to do it for people who have auto-correct and people who don’t) but given that its a feature that many people like and many people downright believe it ruins their learning it seems important to make this an option.

JUST FOUND a solution to this. Use AdBlocker to block the characters. Auto-accept is still an issue but hey one problem less.

On contrary I believe auto-accept will make me take longer time. Now instead of writing it down and correcting as I go I have to make sure Im certain then write it down and click enter regardless if its right or wrong to be fair with what I know well and what I don’t.


Please give an option to toggle both of these features. I think they are both detrimental to learning