Memrise Release Notes - 25 Sep 2017 (Changes to typing tests)

Changes to typing tests

We’re excited to roll out a few changes to typing tests.

  • Exact answers are now automatically accepted by the system, saving you time and allowing you to learn more
  • Keyboard is automatically generated to include all the necessary characters plus a handful of distractors. This also solves the problem of needing to maintain the keyboards for each course. Some courses have incomplete, disorganized keyboards which make answering very difficult.

This applies to all typing tests. In the near future we’re planning to introduce varying difficulties of typing tests depending on historical user performance.

Attention course creators: The above means that the keyboard property for columns is now deprecated and will be removed in the next few days

The Memrise Team

Update: Thank you all for your feedback. We temporarily reverted the change until we incorporate all the feedback given.


I’m not happy about the auto accept. Maybe I’ll get used to it, but I prefer to submit my answer when I think it’s ready.


why is there no option to disable the virtual keyboard on the screen?
I dont want to constantly see hints for the words im learning


How can I turn off the automatic keyboard on my browser? It hints too much at the answer.

It’s also irritating as the English keyboard displays capital letters, giving me even more of a hint. This might be a good idea for foreign keyboards, but it’s very frustrating when I’m trying to translate into English, especially as I can type far quicker than I can tap the letters!


Yeah, so how do we switch these things off? Sometimes a reply may be accepted with just part of the right answer, but sometimes I’ll still want to type out the entire answer. Also, sometimes I will get a word wrong, but now I’ll know even before I hit enter if the word is wrong, as it will only automatically be accepted if it’s right - this gives me extra chances to get it right (which is cheating). I would also like the “keyboard” to not be there. I use my own keyboard anyway, and yours isn’t really a keyboard as much as it is a huge hint. I do not want hints. I want to be able to remember the words myself.


This update legit made me use the forums for the first tome.
Any new features are always met with resistance, however these (especially on-screen keyboard) are seriously detrimental to the study process. In-built hints kinda defeat the purpose of tests, and something tells me that the kind of people that would use self-study solutions (like Memrise), is usually not the kind of people who will sacrifice part of actual meaningful learning process in lieu of minute convenience of not having to press Enter.
I hope the staff sees the feedback (well, all the 5 messages so far) and will at least make these changes optional.



  1. i prefer submitting my answer when i think it’s ok - however, this is a bit faster indeed, i’ll give it a chance

  2. but I do not want hints … when learning chinese the task gets too easy… (when too tired and cannot take but easy chinese, i play with no-typing)

(edit) 16.24 Uhr: : I dont want this virtual keyboard, does not matter what language; I don’t want to play games, I want to learn


really enjoying the auto accept. Fantastic for synonyms, and great for strict typing when you forget the capital letter.

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There are probably even more impressive examples but at least for korean its really annoying: The hints displayed are not just the letters but rather complete syllables. So if there is a word consisting of eight letters in two syllables I already see the word just cut in half and mixed among a few other syllables. I just needed to click the right two syllables instead of typing out eight letters…
I think that was already implemented in the mobile app, but it was possible the hide by popping up the keyboard to type. (not entirely sure, since I haven’t used it due to the auto accept feature which it already had as well xD)

I really don’t want to be a negative nancy, and I appreciate the attempt of the memrise team to develop their webpage, but it is really irritating having to constantly look away from the pc screen, just to avoid the hints.


Auto accept is easier than manually proceeding. Also please start tagging changes as either app or desktop changes as they are, as you know, forking into two entirely different things.



Memrise, to my knowledge, are not attempting to develop their webpage but rather seem to be discontinuing the site in favour of the app.



yeah I already got that hint some time ago, but I was being optimistic :frowning:

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I keep reading this, but I see nothing to back it up. Since they changed how comma’s work, this place thinks it’s EOL. If they wanted to end the website (which is stupid because they have a lot of website users, and depend on them to make content), they would just simply pull the plug.

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  • When I answer I want to make a conscious decision what my definitive answer will be and not be cut short in my thought process by automatic acception. Also I would like to type complete answers.
  • With that keyboard the only thing I’ll be learning now is to solve anagrams real quickly. Or I’ll have to develop incredible eye control but those capitals are really hard to not see.

There also flaws. I just had the clock go missing on the first course I was reviewing.
Also when reviewing a course the keyboard is not appearing for some words in the test.


On the app, it is possible to turn off Auto Detect. Will it be also possible on the web?


Auto accepting the correct answer is okay, but the thing is that sometimes, like the app used to for me, it will interrupt a longer answer i’m typing out and accept the shorter answer. Sometimes I like to type out the longer answer because i’m solidifying a different aspect of its definition in my head.

As for the keyboard, I really think devs owe an explanation at your overall plan. Many do not use the app because it is just not what is needed for a certain style of learning. Ben Whately made comments a year ago about 2 directions, an app to maintain the massive audience you’ve gained on the app store that is targeted to as many as possible so you get your user base, and second a website which maintains many of the long-time learners who use memrise as their dedicated flashcard system.

Additionally, actually typing in the answer from memory cements part of the memory tied to that word. Sometimes something as simple as a glance at a possible answer jogs a memory and defeats the purpose of the algorithm all together.

Last, @BeaTrisy could you comment further on that “the keyboard property is now deprecated and will be removed in the next few days” ??


Is it possible to turn of the hints below the answer box and to disable the automatic submission? My IME for Japanese isn’t finished when Memrise accepts the answer, so the answer to the previous question is already typed in for the next question, which is really irritating. I have been a member of Memrise for 2 years now, but I think I will end my subscription if this is not resolved, because it has become nearly unusable this way.


PLEASE make the auto accept optional by user preference. When I’m learning I want to take a moment to focus on the word I just typed to fix it in memory. I understand you’re trying to make the process more streamlined, but this is a feature that can either help or harm a person’s learning.

Also, as the concensus shows, displaying the letters under the typing field undermines the learning process.


If the keyboard hints stay this way with no option to turn them off - well, I’m sorry to say I’ll have to leave Memrise in favour of Anki; luckily I made my databases compatible with both platforms, hoping for the best - fearing for the worst (the latter of which seems to have come true - for me at least - just now).

When I am lazy or tired I use the Android app knowing full well that the given hints make it far too easy. But I keep going back to the web version when I REALLY want to learn.

Therefore I’ll wait for improvements / options for a few weeks, but after that I’ll have to cancel pro (which I only bought to support the site, I don’t really need the features).


This is the worst update I have seen in my entire life ever. I am so enraged I had to make a forum account. Both the reduced keyboard and the automatic acceptance of the correct answers are crap. How can you even make a mistake now? And if you don’t make a mistake how can you learn? The learning process has been murdered.

I am canceling my pro membership and leaving this website. Goodbye memrise. It was fun while it lasted but thankfully there are other language learning websites who don’t give you the answer, but force you to actually learn.