Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test)


Due to the way that my Japanese keyboard input works, the auto accept causes a glitch that causes whatever I typed in the last box to appear in the next text box as soon as I type any character. This means I have to delete every word after I type it, so the auto-accept not only slows me down, but is extremely annoying. I don’t mind auto-accept existing, but if you do not allow it to be disabled, I will probably switch learning apps.


If you can live with the auto-accept, see the above solution for using an ad-blocker to hide the syllable box and you will be all set.


Could one of you at least have the decency to comment that you’ve been reading this thread, and not treat us like trash you’re ignoring?


I totally get that you have to consider many opinions and nothing won’t be all great for everyone. However, the way the tests work now, it is pointless for me using memrise for learning chinese. I don’t want auto-accept - I want to be able to make mistakes. Also I don’t want to see the answers in the suggestions.
Please undo this update!


Indeed, how hard can it be to just give the options. Man…


Hi Hydroptere,

see my comment above how to temporarily workaround this:

Cooljingle has a script called “Auto correct”.

You can adjust the match keywords in the header, so you can limit it to several courses, where you can’t work around “fixed-typing” for for the next days.

I really just want to help you to be able to review “your stuff” for the next days to prevent bigger backlogs, until the next Memrise update is out…or one of the script gods found a permanent way to disable “auto accept”.

Of course I know you are not a fan of all this typing script and auto-anything stuff :wink:

Viele Grüße


Another vote here for not liking these changes.

Most of my learning is for Chinese, and the auto-accept is annoying for a few different reasons.

  1. Sometimes I know the syllables that make up a word, but have trouble memorizing the order. Is it qiangpo or poqiang? With auto-accept I can just fudge it. If it doesn’t accept qiangpo, then I know it’s poqiang.

  2. After I type a word or phrase I often like to take a moment to look at the characters and read them back to myself to study the characters and read them aloud. Auto-accept makes this quite difficult.

  3. The on-screen keyboard contains the characters you need for an answer. As much as I try to avoid looking at them, sometimes my peripheral vision catches a glance and confirms an answer that I might have on the tip of my tongue. I don’t think that actually helps me learn the word so much as “cheat” my way to the answer.

Most of all, I just don’t understand why Memrise can’t just make these options. I disabled listening test and jumbled-word tap tests. Could auto-enter and on-screen keyboard be optional too? People are divided on loving or hating this update, so you could make everyone happy by making it a user preference. At the very least it would be cool to get a response on whether you plan on making these options in the future.


vielen dank! (schon 3 klotzige Scripts am Bein bis dato :smile: ))

The auto-accept feature and on-screen characters absolutely ruin many Japanese Kanji courses. Particularly if you are studying one character at a time, since in this case you can just test out every kanji on screen once until auto-accept shows you which one is right. There is absolutely no down side for the end user if these features are made optional, and the lack of choice and customization on memrise is what makes people favor other SRS apps more.
Please, either make these features optional or remove them.

EDIT: Also, auto-accept doesn’t work if there are parentheses within the answer (even though the parentheses, and whatever is within them is not necessary for the answer)


You mention that only non-english “special” characters are there, but that is not the case. I’m learning Cantonese via the jyutping system, which uses the Latin alphabet plus numbers. Apparently because it’s still “chinese” the “special symbols” I need, despite being english, still pop up and make things WAY TOO EASY. PLEASE disable this!


Make auto-accept an option. You said the feedback was mixed. So you choose to destroy the learning experience of about 50% of your clients. Bad choice. I will NOT renew my subscription because of this, and because I have absolutely no guarantee that you will not play with your toy in the future as you do now, and **** it up even more. I paid for something in June, I have now something completely different (auto-accept, ugly design, etc.)
How can you imagine many people will accept it, not to talk about seeing it as “improvements”. You are the only ones here who want to change things, most of us were happy with what we had. And that was what, again, I paid for. I did NOT pay for the site as it is now, and will never, ever, do.


The worst thing about this has been the wall of silence from the memrise team. I’ve sent two messages via the website in the last 48 hours and received no reply, and there has been no interaction with users via this forum, although it presumably is being monitored. The literally non-existent customer service and seemingly “stick your head in the sand until it blows over” attitude for a product charging similar monthly prices to services such as Amazon Prime and Netflix is pretty outrageous… I’ve been a pro member for almost three years. I’ve never used any of the additional features and just paid to support what I felt was an really innovative and worthwhile venture. However as a Korean learner the addition of the syllables under the input window has effectively ruined the learning experience, and unfortunately the attitude of the memrise team towards the users – particularly the pro members, many of whom, like myself, are probably paying out of goodwill - has also ruined my faith in the project.


I completely agree with the mainstream request: let the user choose:

  • if he likes the “auto-accept” feature, of he prefer to hit enter (I definitely go for the second option)
  • if he want to see the virtual keyboard or not ((I definitely go for the second option)
    In my opinions, both of the two options make things too easy and impair the learning experience.

Well rather than hitting enter I actually have to hit backspace now all the damn time to clear out my previous answer.

So auto-accept really does not work as intended at all! It is too painful and I’ve cut down on all of my reviews, a lot.

(Japanese learner).


So I was glad they removed it last time they changed it and now the whole mess is back. I only use memrise because it is effective. Was effective. I guess I have to search for other options where I can actually decide if I want to enter my answer and where I can decide to use my own keyboard.
The worst thing is that they could just freaking make it optional in the settings instead of ignoring the user feedback. Woohoo. Award for best communication ever.
Also my view has been explained by all the other user above. I want to be able to decide how to learn and now it’s just not effective anymore for me. So I will rather use my time for other things.

EDIT: Also I am not normally the type to just rant and criticise, but I already gave a logical explanation last time this happened and after being ignored what is there left than to rant when you feel angry because of being ignored.


To add to this, @BeaTrisy has commented at least three times to OTHER threads. She’s here. She’s reading. She’s choosing to remain silent.


Shes not the CEO, CFO, what ever O. People like her probably have restrictions on what they are allowed to comment on. This forum is way too cynical. Demanding her to answer is not going to help the case. They are reading the thread, I can probably assure that.


And she can’t say that herself? That due to company policy she’s not authorized to comment? Would be better if someone said SOMETHING to that effect than this dead silence.


"we’re running with the belief that the increase in speed through the session makes it a net improvement for your learning experience."
Er…, excuse me, but where in the world did you see that faster “learning” is a better learning. I mean, everybody knows it is wrong. To learn, you have to take your time, sometimes to reflect about what you write, etc. etc. With the auto-accept, you sometimes don’t even realize what the right answer was, because it’s validated before you wrote the whole answer you had in mind.


I don’t want to make fun out of it, but have you tested “Memrise Turbo”?

It’s code used a clear() text box line and I never had the issue to manually have to delete any text in the next question window (empty textbox).

Maybe you want to test if a double “wrong” solution might fix it temporarily for you? :slight_smile:

Currently I have it deactivated and I am doing some PT BR 7 course reviews.
As far as I can remember, I did not have to manually delete characters / multiple words from a sentence with “Turbo” deactivated and “Auto accept” in action.

It may also depend on the course and language???

I probably also need to do many more tests for myself to be sure what works and what does not…