Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

This is from two hours ago. So glad you have the same courtesy to respond to us… oh, wait?


Wow. How are people supposed to “learn how to make good mems” if they have no EXAMPLES of mems from other people?

I’ve been making my own courses (and thus never seeing anyone else’s mems anyway) for years now but this shows just how much Memrise has changed over the years and just how much it doesn’t care about its users — or about anyone’s learning. Add this to the fact that they still after all these years (and I’ve been here for what, 5 years now? 6?) haven’t fixed some extremely basic problems with the site, and that on Anki you can actually change the font size of your flashcards (I’m almost blind, the Memrise phone app has too small font, causing me to learn the words worse) and I’m done.

This summer, if Memrise hasn’t actually improved in any way by then (which judging by the last 3 years of updates, it probably won’t), I’ll be transferring all my courses, at least all the ones I’m personally learning from, to Anki or some other place. We’ll see if I stay there.

By the way, for you people who want a dark Memrise app theme on your phone, just invert your phone colors. It should be in “settings > sight disability” or something like that.


i’ve got wrong some 15 items hoping for one mem. None, nichts, null, nada, zilch


It appears Memrise is hiring more and more linguists and polyglots to its team rather than coders or, really, anyone with technical skills, if what “retirwen” said is true.

“The team is onto some really great stuff. How great, I couldn’t possibly tell you yet. That’s top secret. But it got me thinking. In all my months of scouring LinkedIn for language jobs, I hadn’t seen anything like what is going on inside Memrise. Why was that?”

Maybe…could it be…because memrise doesn’t behave like a respected company, doesn’t reply to its users, cowers, steals money? HMMM.


Well I for one won’t be renewing my pro-membership. This reminds me of Firefox, something that started fantastic but with every update just becomes more and more awful.

I’m predicting the next update will be the complete removal of user created courses because of a lot of “feedback” saying that they’re not good. Then we’re stuck with these god-awful courses created by Memrise staff.


53 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Off-topic comments from] Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Going to try that out right now!

Someone should corner the market and make this site/app thing of the past.

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I tried the feature where you can switch to another mem, just out of curiosity, and the original never came back, plus there were no more options. My gosh. Who are the people who are testing this stuff and then saying, “Oh, what a great idea”???

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well what else is there to understand from this situation… i wanna see those ofensive mems … i am really curious what was so ofensive about them… i am pissed because i have rec this website and app to so many people …


memrise now feels like being in a dead mmorpg


Voting in the poll above isn’t going to change anything, but going to the AppStore and leaving a 1-star review is a genuinely good idea. It would only take a hundred or so people to make a big difference to the rating for the latest release.
If everybody on this thread does that (leaving a review making it clear what the reason is), they are much more likely to take notice.


As someone learning Mandarin, user created mems were a convenient and helpful way to help me remember and associate the definitions of radicals and hanzi to new vocabulary. I feel like I was able to learn far more effectively with these mems than without and I chose a mem for every new word I came across. Now, as someone who is a bit over half way into HSK5 vocabulary, the only way to do this for the rest of my course and for any theoretical future courses like HSK6 vocabulary is to hand create thousands of mems. To make my own “more personal” and “more powerful” mems than the ones I could have previously spent 20 seconds to find requires:

1.) Searching through a dictionary for each hanzi in a word/Searching through a dictionary for each radical in a hanzi
2.) Choosing a definition that I want to use for each hanzi/Choosing a definition I want to use for each radical
3.) Creating a memorable sentence using those definitions that relates to the new word
4.) Finding an image that corresponds with the sentence I wrote

Then repeating this process about 3 thousand times from now to the end of HSK6.

The time invested into creating all of these mems myself would outweigh the time that the mems would save. With user created mems gone Memrise has solely become a more limited and buggy Anki with an arbitrary level system. This update makes Memrise a less effective tool for many of its most frequent and dedicated users to potentially save little Jimmy from seeing something that might make him uncomfortable during a portion of the 20 minutes he spends on the service before he quits. Any learning software that prioritizes someones feelings over its effectiveness to teach is failing at a fundamental level.


i’m quite sure that they will also delete the leadrrboards

than what’s the difference with a dumb stack of cards?


I agree, if I wanted to spend that much time personalizing my study (Which I will agree is more beneficial, but is it worth the time investment?) why wouldn’t I just build my own Anki deck?

Give me one good reason to use Memrise over Anki…

The only real differences between Memrise and Anki at the moment are; if Anki decides to push out a terrible update to their program; I am not forced to install it, Anki is completely free, and Anki doesn’t give you hints at the answer through multiple choice.

Seriously…can anyone think of a good reason for me not to go and install Anki right now?

I took a break from Memrise to go learn from another program for awhile, but after seeing this change, after my program runs out of lessons, I am guessing I won’t be coming back. Even if they do add the mems back; I am still going to have to weigh the risks vs rewards, as many have pointed out they might decide to gut another part of the website, which would be devastating if I had any REAL time invested. Consumer confidence in a product is a terrible thing to lose when your product forces down updates.


40 votes (so far) to bring back mems, ZERO to keep this update. LISTEN TO YOUR USERS MEMRISE!


it’s much worse

three years ago they gave points for making mems
the reason they gave was, that making a mem helps remembering
than they stopped giving points for it
because it turned out it did not help remembering, or because they had enough mems to lure people to memrise with pretty pictures?
but now we can’t see each others mems anymore
because they were ‘offensive’?
i haven’t seen a single offensive mem
my feeling is that in a few years time memrise will be entirely to be paid for, so that you get the material that was made for free by it’s users
mark my words: the next step is deleting the leaderboards
and everytime they change something, what they’re telling us is that their theories about memory and learning are not correct


Link to the poll

And like others have said, voting and leaving comments in the app stores should help warn potential new users.


Dear MemRise team (including @BeaTrisy @Joshua @MemriseMatty and @Lien), I have never seen so much upset at a change/ loss of a feature and there have been many ‘regrets’.

(Except perhaps this early thread. I know we were all upset at the loss of Course Forums, but a lot of that thread was about how to make it work for our courses for the benefit of the community. See : [Site Feedback] Changes to Course Forums - email from Olivia Zavala

Is there any chance of a re-think or at least a compromise? Failing that, a comment or acknowledgement of our many posts would be appreciated.

(Dear Team - some of my other comments are here Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017)


Unless they roll-back the recent change, it looks like this section of the Knowledge Base will need to be severely modified: