Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Exactly what I was thinking


I recall a while back some mom came here on the forum crying that her son saw an offensive meme. I hope memrise is not changing things because of what an idiotic soccer mom said.


I have no idea - about tagging the staff. It seems they strongly believe that a slimmed-down phone-app can pay the wages and the bills and “nothing else matters”. I don’t even believe this move is about “offensive material” (personally I am offended by destruction of mother nature, existence of people dying of hunger and curable diseases, by drones, economics wars, hypocrisy, propaganda, prozelitism, ignorance of history, etc - wow, a long list :))

I have no idea, really. And sorry for not being able to bring in something positive.

(Some weeks ago I’ve decided as well to speed up learning in some courses, in the alternative memrise erases community-created courses. It seems @cos was right, unfortunately…)

[email protected] wrote:

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I use mostly app and used mems too (we could see 7 first ones).
Some were really funny. I wouldn’t have ever thought them out by myself.

so sad… if I had known maybe I would have saved the best ones somehow

27.04.2017 19:31 kirjutas kuupäeval “Amanda Norrsken” <
[email protected]>:

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No, exactly. Your list is what matters, and learning languages is, above all, a way to connect and understand each other. Obfuscating this goal steers in the wrong direction to even attempt to solve those issues. (Not trying to aggrandize the point of Memrise because like you’ve said, the ethos seems profit-driven rather than nobel.)

By the by, you’ve been a polyglot crush since I’ve joined the site!


I can only endorse the long discussion, that I can’t believe that we will no longer be able to choose other people’s mems! Surely that was in the mission statement as it was the way we were encouraged to learn.

I too have created mems for my courses to help others learn and they were there as part of the way of helping people learn.

If I understand the message, our mens still exist. Perhaps we (Creators and Contributors) should now put them into an Attribute column so at least other will then see them when learning. (Is this a work-around?)

PS It was sad enough when we lost the ability to easily create Mems using images that were automatically presented to us, but this is tragic.

PPS I agree, the real reason for deleting Mems must be the exponential growth of users and courses and hence the storage required.


Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible idea. My wife and I - both paid-for users - are both simultaneously learning Greek. Although it’s quite time-consuming, creating Mems is an awesome way to remember words and spelling. She and I create Mems for each other, as we’re doing the same courses. This saves us a ton of time. But we won’t be able to do so any more. At the very least, the idea of @jimnicholson to allow the selection of Mems from users that you follow should be implemented.


Try this @spdl79 - she saves the mem she has created and sends it to you. You then use it to ‘create’ a mem for yourself.


Thanks for the tip. Yes, we could do that, and may have to, but that’s also very time-consuming and messy.


I don’t understand this bit :frowning:
Can you help me out?

(muchas gracias, bedankt, makasih, xiexie, grazie mille, Danzig :bow:

the way Memrise is approching learning nowadays reminds me of a very old song (i.e. before even the generation of my parents??) :laughing: … you do speak some German, or even more if I remember well (old fashioned Austrian variant would be better ::laughing:) ? … der legendäre Wilde, Qualtingers “G’schupften Ferdl”, auf seiner Maschine: er weiß zwar nicht, wohin er will, doch Hauptsache, er ist schneller dort… Remembers me of the Ferdl, he does not know where he wants to, but he does knows he wants to get there faster :laughing:)

on topic: they should put all the mems back where they belong and allow course creators/contributors to delete those very “ugly” ones


Terrible! What is the reason why people use Memrise? THE MEM! What did you destroy? THE MEM! Memrise, you see, the users don’t like this idea. I created a couple of hundreds mems only, because I wanna help people, who learn. It think off 10 minutes on some mems, only for create a nice mem! Additionally the Memrise Community could make the ideas for the next update.


Exactly! One of the courses I’m involved with - Important Words in Greek - has about 23k users, has been around for ever, but probably only has around 20 users who do (or used to) create Mems, myself included. So, presumably, an absolute ton of users rely on other users to provide Mems for them? With that feature gone, I could see a lot of the more passive users just giving up and going elsewhere.


I imagine Memrise like a naughty child:

“Arbeite nicht bis zum Umfallen! Und vergiss nicht, dich rechtzeitig auf den Schulweg zu machen!”
“JAAAAA, Mamma, klar. Aber vorher muss ich bloß noch was tun.”

Also, ging Memrise in die Schlafkammer und dachte, “wie kann ich alles kaputt zu machen heute?! HMM, weiß ich! No more mems! ja, sehr gerne. ich bin wunderschön. werde ich alles zunichte machen! ooh, Zeit für Schule! Tschüss.”


Do you wanna see how many mems I have created in the last three years?

Yup, two thousand seven hundred and ten :smiley:

I can’t guarantee that they are all good, but some of them were quite popular, although that feature has been removed, too. I can no longer see how many “likes” my most popular mems got :frowning:

Oh, and - on memrise’s request - about two years ago, when they made the first set of memrise-created courses, I created a whole bunch of mems for the German courses they made, some of which got a LOT of likes. Seeing as those courses no longer really exist, I deleted those mems, so the total number of mems I have made is more than 2,710.

But the people who were learning German with those courses at the time (around the time of the Syrian refugee crisis, with a lot of people coming into Germany to find a safe haven) might have really appreciated some of those mems…

I guess memrise doesn’t care about that section of the learning population, either???


Seeing this makes me very sad:

CHOOSE ANOTHER MEM - what a joke that has become…

:sob: :sob::sob:


The only bloody mems I can “choose” from now are the ones I made myself - what kind of choice is that???


Tag them!!!

There is absolutely NO WAY you guys decided to remove mems to keep people from getting offended. I don’t know what your goals are, but this could have been solved with a simple Enable/Disable mems button. If you guys really think this is a step in the right dirction, I really wonder if you thought this through.


I don’t think they did, because if they had, they would have gotten rid of the “CHOOSE ANOTHER MEM” suggestion.

Every time I see that, it makes me want to weep and rage and scream :frowning:


In other news, YouTube found some distasteful videos and from now on you can only watch videos you’ve created.