(ahem, I beg your pardon, I doubt that people posting in here are all (extreme)right or whatever : I am a “lefty” (in both meanings, politically and left-handed/ambidextrous; but “left” in a political meaning that is not widely practiced , it seems:) it had sth to do with freedom, justice, responsibility and solidarity )
well, and I ask you - indeed ask - to take your political opinions somewhere else This thread is about a memrise update and not about what you personally care politically. Got it?
murganmori: Pro-freedom lefties are out there, although I think many on the lefty side are looking for another political label at this point (Google Nick Cohen if you like). I’ve never inserted politics into Memrise and have never seen it happen here in this forum before, but my first reaction was similar to yours, that it’s the “Oh my God we might offend somebody” brigade at work here.
I see the situation more like “we are going to strike gold with the app, these mems/mems complaints are in the way, let the users shut up and buy pro”. Not exactly a lefty agenda.
Next up for the memrise team: “The leaderboards made certain people feel inferior, so we have set everyone’s public score to 30,000. If you wish to see your real number of points, it will still be visible to you in your profile settings. Thank you for your understanding.”
“Memrise staff decided to take down all the German courses because certain memrise users are offended to see Hitlers native language spread around on the interweb.”
“the memrise staff decided to remove all users misusing its platform for would-be-pseudo-politcal opinions”.
Read the thread before spamming it with such straw-man stuff… you seem very offended anyhow… maybe you posted many “offensive” mems and know you don’t like what happened as a result`?
“The memrise staff has decided to add gender studies and feminist courses. A triggered option was also added. We hope you will enjoy the new features and courses.”
Why would this be in the best interests of every user?
This thread has been running for less than two days. There are likely to be many forum users who may not yet have an opportunity to read what has been posted. The premature removal of content would then be likely to lead to unnecessary questions and/or the repetition of points already made.
In my view it is too early to be thinking about closing this thread.