Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Please bring back the mems, they really help me to learn the language (Especially for Japanese and Mandarin) and is the main appeal of using this website.


Oh boy. Did the users request these changes? It’d seem to me that Memrise read our feedback then branch off in another direction and do what they feel like.
As a course creator, I sometimes use mems as information cards. And I believe that these are appreciated by the students. So, now they can’t see them???
Surely an easy-as-pie logical straightforward way to handle unwanted mems is to have a flag where users themselves can pick which mems they want to see?
Also, users may like to see more than one mem.
Also, users may want to see what other newer mems have been created. Etc, etc.


I’m sorry, but this sucks so completely that I have to add my two cents. “You won’t see mems created by fellow learners. You won’t see mems created by course authors.” Are you TRYING to make people leave in droves??? This widespread effort to avoid giving offense to anyone over any possible thing is an absolutely vile trend in western society. I have seen Memrise make some mistakes over the years, but this is the worst. Please reconsider. And if any of those people who are fainting because they see something “offensive” happen to be reading this, why don’t you go find something else to do, and come back when you grow up.


I have used memrise for over a year, I have seen quite a few bad changes. First big change I hated was removing course forums from the course page(now I never read course forums). Now removing mems??? I think this is not a good change, I like using other people’s mems and they help me. Honestly thinking of looking at other SRS sites now.


Though, if they did away with being able to see user-created courses, I’d quit right away. The official courses are a joke compared to the wealth from years we have access to. I tremendously doubt anyone posting in this thread would be left if they did that.


@knarusk, we’re not happy. Not a single like for the announcement, not a single comment positive about the change and almost 30 likes for @TinyCaterpillar first post and 100 comments and growing about how this is the worst thing ever. I think that’s useful info for you as product manager. What’s next? All user-created courses deleted January 1 2019 to save bandwidth? Who’s to know? Please clue us in to your thinking.


A post was split to a new topic: Want MEMS back? Please vote in this poll

Well, judging from the mood of the “few comments” in reply to the changes, I wonder what kind of “a lot of feedback” you’ve had. Or perhaps, like with a lot of other feedback, you’ve read it and decide to go the opposite way! Well done.

Don’t forget that you’ve got to where you are today because of, in no small measure, the user base and the propagation by these users.


is this true or just a silly hoax? can we have some member of the team saying some truthful words about what made memrise memrise? i want my mems back…please, people, vote in the above poll… ;


I’ll tell you a greater reason why they did this. There was this big bad bug that let anyone edit and delete everyone’s mems. Some trolls exploited the bug because when reviewing some words myself, in a German course, by checking again the mems, i can assure these were edited into a very offensive and disgusting ones.

This was a measure taken because they had no idea how to fix the bug or have no intention to install better features. Or maybe they were in the process of an improvement, who knows, why are they such proudy asses to not tell us the truth."

see also: ; there sb. replies: "[–]life036 16 Punkte vor 20 Stunden “Get on the AppStore and kill the ratings for this app; it’s one of the only things devs respond to.”


This is from two hours ago. So glad you have the same courtesy to respond to us… oh, wait?


Wow. How are people supposed to “learn how to make good mems” if they have no EXAMPLES of mems from other people?

I’ve been making my own courses (and thus never seeing anyone else’s mems anyway) for years now but this shows just how much Memrise has changed over the years and just how much it doesn’t care about its users — or about anyone’s learning. Add this to the fact that they still after all these years (and I’ve been here for what, 5 years now? 6?) haven’t fixed some extremely basic problems with the site, and that on Anki you can actually change the font size of your flashcards (I’m almost blind, the Memrise phone app has too small font, causing me to learn the words worse) and I’m done.

This summer, if Memrise hasn’t actually improved in any way by then (which judging by the last 3 years of updates, it probably won’t), I’ll be transferring all my courses, at least all the ones I’m personally learning from, to Anki or some other place. We’ll see if I stay there.

By the way, for you people who want a dark Memrise app theme on your phone, just invert your phone colors. It should be in “settings > sight disability” or something like that.


i’ve got wrong some 15 items hoping for one mem. None, nichts, null, nada, zilch


It appears Memrise is hiring more and more linguists and polyglots to its team rather than coders or, really, anyone with technical skills, if what “retirwen” said is true.

“The team is onto some really great stuff. How great, I couldn’t possibly tell you yet. That’s top secret. But it got me thinking. In all my months of scouring LinkedIn for language jobs, I hadn’t seen anything like what is going on inside Memrise. Why was that?”

Maybe…could it be…because memrise doesn’t behave like a respected company, doesn’t reply to its users, cowers, steals money? HMMM.


Well I for one won’t be renewing my pro-membership. This reminds me of Firefox, something that started fantastic but with every update just becomes more and more awful.

I’m predicting the next update will be the complete removal of user created courses because of a lot of “feedback” saying that they’re not good. Then we’re stuck with these god-awful courses created by Memrise staff.


53 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Off-topic comments from] Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Going to try that out right now!

Someone should corner the market and make this site/app thing of the past.

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I tried the feature where you can switch to another mem, just out of curiosity, and the original never came back, plus there were no more options. My gosh. Who are the people who are testing this stuff and then saying, “Oh, what a great idea”???

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well what else is there to understand from this situation… i wanna see those ofensive mems … i am really curious what was so ofensive about them… i am pissed because i have rec this website and app to so many people …


memrise now feels like being in a dead mmorpg