[Site Feedback] remove letter suggestions

Hello memrise, I have some feedback on something that I feel has not been given any attention yet and that is the letter suggestions beneath typing questions.(maybe this was mentioned before but I can’t find it anywhere on this confusing forum rip) Previously this spot contained clickable buttons of letters that might not be available on your keyboard like ä or ç, but now this spot contains all the letters that are in your answer among a few letters that are not. Nevertheless, the answer is basically already given I find this very unpleasant when studying vocabulary, because I want to know whether I can answer the question with only my own knowledge. Hints like given letters obstruct me from doing so.

It is especially annoying when have to answer in Japanese, because it shows the characters/kanji I need to answer underneath. And the point of those questions is seeing whether you know the specific kanji character or not…

Please turn typing questions back into typing questions aka not multiple choice questions/ jumbled letter questions. Or a way to turn off these letter hints in personal settings would be great.


This has been the subject of widespread user complaints, contained in over 300 posts, spread across three threads spanning three months of “Memrise improvements.”

Collected here for your reading pleasure:

Happy Learning! :roll_eyes:


o_O oh help

memrise is getting more and more organized I see!

Thank you very very much for the link! I’ll just comment on and like those posts and pray memrise will fix this problem.

Happy learning to you to! :joy::sob:


I know, and I agree with you. I would them to split in two modes: on that they have now, one that they had in the past (as you described). It would add an extra level of difficulty into their testing method, which is only good for them!

Perhaps, can I suggest a workaround that works for me more or less:
On my Android phone, my on-screen keyboard is relatively large, so when it is up, it actually covers most of the letters/characters. Then I try not to look at them and type the answer (try to do the same on the web by only looking at the top of the screen, but it’s more difficult). This way I still test myself whether I can produce the words by myself only. Do you think this works for you?

This suggestion works on an Android Samsung Note, but what do you use? It could work out different when screen size/OS is different.

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Yes on my phone (Samsung Galaxy S4 mini) that happens as well. I mostly use memrise on my pc and it doesn’t work for that. But in another post on this topic, I found an adblocker that can also block specific objects on your screen. I put the example keys memrise uses in the list of items that should be blocked and now it looks like it never existed :smiley:

The post with the instructions can be found here btw: A way to disable on screen words/letters?

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Marvelous! Have never thought of that… :smiley: