I want to be able to access classic review at all times – that is all!
Removing a user’s ability to review when s/he wants to makes no educational sense at all. No algorithm is ever going to make up for individual choice.
I want to be able to access classic review at all times – that is all!
Removing a user’s ability to review when s/he wants to makes no educational sense at all. No algorithm is ever going to make up for individual choice.
Hello @ everbody!
You are annoyed about the new more-functionalty? Me too!
Here is my workaround for this unnecessary problem. Use the bookmark capabalities of your browser!
Generate a new favorite folder named “memrise” or so. Inside this folder create another folder named like the course you are learning:
-> Memrise -> Spanish_1
Now save the appropiate links to classic-review, difficult-words etc.
New : https://www.memrise.com/course/1098187/spanisch-1/garden/learn/
Classic-Review: https://www.memrise.com/course/1098187/spanisch-1/garden/classic_review/
Difficult-Words: https://www.memrise.com/course/1098187/spanisch-1/garden/difficult_words/
Of course, the number and name differ for your own courses.
Yes, it’s a little work, but it is worth it!!
Learn what and whenever you want it.
Please, quit “improving” the page.
Today I was forced to “learn new words” when I only wanted a classic review. April’s fools is not today. Please revert the change that nobody asked for. =_=
Memrise’s development team truly is awful.
It seems there is a way for course creators to override the awful anagram/jumbled letters issue that is plaguing non-language courses (and language courses without special alphabets).
Under ‘edit course’, ‘edit column’, ‘testing’, ‘keyboard characters’, entering any characters will override the anagram-of-the-answer feature. For instance ‘a’, ‘thewholealphabet’ or just a full stop. Users can still of course type what they want and are not restricted to what is entered in this box.
I have now done this for my created courses - I hope the course creators do this for the ones I’m a consumer of.
A further workaround I have used for the other problem of auto-acceptance is to change my target words to begin with capital letters. Since most people won’t naturally type the capital letter, it doesn’t trigger the auto-accept when correct. Not appropriate for every course, I know - and a faff to implement.
This has saved memrise for me - at least for my own courses.
Have I missed an announcement @BeaTrisy ? (Course Creators may be more aware of this).
Recently I have noticed several of the courses I am watering say “Pick the correct one”.
They used to refer to the column entry eg “Painting”, Title, “Artist” or “Date”. So it would be “Choose the right artist for the painting Shown” (or something similar).
At first I thought it was with a very old course that I just started supporting but I am now seeing it everywhere.
This is a shame as I thought guidance, using the column title was helpful.
Cc @Lien
PS Raised as it’s own thread:
useless to ever expect a reaction from the team. I wonder… it seems they all come from authoritarian environments, “take it or leave it” seems to be the motto of the house…
By the way, could someone explain what happened with access to the user-created courses in the Android app? They are not available for the moment or gone for good? I mean those courses which one can add to his learning list.
Hopefully if you go to the web you can still find our courses.
Then start one and in future you should see it on your app list.
PS The web is always a good place to go because you get a fuller (detailed) description, see a lot more information and best of all see the multimedia levels with help and links etc.
Yep, you still can.
But that trick doesn’t fix a longterm problem with discovering something good through the app.
Yes, I don’t know why they want to filter out the non-Memrise generated course – so many languages they will never support anyway and you have to find and activate them via the web page. Hopefully they don’t remove that as well and people need to know direct URLs to add them in.
It’s not user-friendly.
Could you tell, please, is there any way to download and save your own course?
I just don’t see this option in the editing section.
You can use Anki importer.
I know this is an old thread, & forgive me if this has already been explained, but… what “engineering”?? I have over 100 words to review and I’m being prompted to learn new ones instead - and this happens quite regularly. If I’m honest, the “suggested mode” seems completely random!
There seems to be some randomness indeed. The suggested mode usually changes just by reloading the page in my browser. But some modes seem to have at times little or null weight and do not appear no matter how many times I reload the page.
To say the least, yes… And this is so irritating that they think people wouldn’t see it! Like we were complete idiots who would say: “Oh, what a real piece of engineering, they really know how to make me learn better.” I mean, they’re just showing the absolute contrary right now with this random button.
And add to this the grammarbots that are just a cheap gadget, the speed reviews that don’t improve learning at all (but the funniest is when the Next Up button shows Speed review on courses without speed review…), the difficult words that you can’t review whenever you want, the same with the classic review, etc. etc.
however, at least for the part concerning the EU: given the new legislative initiative of the Commission, it seem that copyright provisions are undergoing an “upgrade” towards US silliness (a la google, whose machines believe that white noise is copyrighted; Google/Amazon and Co and some others believe probably as well that you have to pay rights for “Guten Tag, bonjour, etc”.). Copy-pasted courses/courses copied one by one from books, might become a problem for Memrise (again).
this might explain that they avoid to show all courses on app, although, personally, I think the decision has to do with the slow kiling of the web version of memrise
It’s definitely random, no doubts. No “engineering”, no “scientific background” in that irritating “next up” button.
random to an extent which nears ridicule. I am constantly “summoned” to do classical review in courses with no items to water/courses that I just finished watering…
I just take no notice of any of these “summons” and just do what I want