How to contact for course corrections & feedback


Simplicity is a good thing. :smile:
Have a nice day,


you will reply only on facebook? and what happens if the memrise user does not use facebook?


My sentiments, exactly. I hope this logic doesn’t apply to all courses offered by Easy Academy (of which there are many), and limited for some reason to just this French one ? Personally, I think I am still involved with one EA course (not French language related), and I for one absolutely refuse to join the Facebook (or Twitter) craze.

So, while this may not be the time or place to ask this question, I will raise it anyway - what would I (or others) do if we have questions about other EA courses ? (EA was always so responsive and helpful in the old Memrise forums.) Thanks.


First I knew about this. Not happy because one shouldn’t be forced onto Facebook for correcting errors, secondly, not everyone is on Facebook so other Memrisers don’t see answers.

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I just tried your link above as I do want this error fixed. I see one has to sign onto Messenger - I don’t use Messenger.

This should be the correct Facebook account, you’ll still need to sign into Facebook though:

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Hi @Maxine_Downunder, you invited my comment.

Well done in spotting and reporting an error.

I am not supporting this course (nor do I want to).

I assume you have stated what the correct answer should be? (But I can’t see “Indicatif PassĂ© ComposĂ©â€ or ‘Indicative Present Perfect’ stated on that level. Perhaps it’s in the text that is tested elsewhere?)

If you or someone is able to state that, it may help them make the correction.

Hi DW7, I ‘invited’ you because I thought you might find it of interest that it could (would) only be fixed via Facebook and not this forum. Since my earlier post I did sign onto FB and sent a private message to EasyAcademy - and they have now deleted that word. I guess that was quicker than fixing it! Merci beaucoup!

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Thanks @zieLiz - I did finish up going onto FB and sending a private message. It’s now been deleted. Merci beaucoup.

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@sircemloud, @Arete_Hime, @DW7, @alanh and the other regulars, please: should the title of this thread be changed into link to the facebook forum of @EasyAcademy, and [course forum] out. Because the title now is misleading, and I don’t see the regular doing the extrawork of forwarding messages to that fb. Personally, I never used fb and I shall never use it, and, even if, I wouldn’t do the extrawork (what for?)

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You should create those yourself so you get email notifications when someone posts in them. If it’s too much trouble to make a separate topic for every course, just make a single one.

Asking users to go to Facebook is utter nonsense.

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@Arete_Hime, I did finish up going onto FB and sending a private message - against my better judgement. I wanted it fixed! Still not impressed though. It’s been deleted - I guess that was quicker than fixing it! Merci beaucoup.

For what it’s worth, I think the issue behind all this, is the loss of the great embedded Course Forum system which we all liked and have debated at length.

At least PMs (which I did ponder and put out as a suggestion very early on) would at least mean issues are dealt with. (Once dealt with then there is no need to keep a record of it, which would also avoid unnecessary clutter.)

In a way, it’s what ‘Cos’ has decided - one thread per issue but EA’s offer of PMs would avoid any more threads in the open.

So perhaps a compromise might be for @EasyAcademy to create one master forum (or preferably one per group of subjects - eg French - like I did) and give instructions how to make contact.

Then this thread should be deleted. What do you all think?

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As I see it, the drawback with using PMs to notify errors in courses or to seek clarification about a course item is that only two people will see the discussion. If course edits are consequently made, other learners will not be aware of the reason for the change and so risk becoming confused and irritated when they notice changes and don’t know why they were made. Also, if there is discussion to clarify an issue (not necessarily resulting in a course edit), it’s better done in an open area where other learners will benefit from seeing it.

People shouldn’t have to open Facebook (or any other social media) accounts just to be able to raise queries with Memrise course creators. I thought that’s what this forum was intended for (amongst other things).

I understand some people’s frustrations with this forum’s perceived ‘clunkyness’ (in respect of course forums), particularly where they are responsible for a large number of courses, but I don’t think it helps learners to present them with a variety of completely different methods of raising queries. That said, if any course creator really doesn’t want to try to make the new forum work for them and their learners, and prefers to lead them away from the Memrise forum to a different platform, then I can only suggest that they place a prominent instruction in each of their Course Description areas. Yes, I know about the space limit and the (as yet unfulfilled) promise to increase it. Until the expanded Course Description area is provided, you may just have to temporarily sacrifice some of the current content. For example, looking at the course mentioned in this thread, the current “Thanks to Mem Creators, Contributors & Users. Wiki: - Welcome to Memrise! - Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s mind-bogglingly effective.” could be replaced with something like: “PLEASE SEND COMMENTS AND QUERIES ABOUT COURSE CONTENT TO:*************** ” or whatever. It’ll then be a matter for individual learners to decide if they want to open an account elsewhere in order to raise their query.

Alternatively, a simple ‘catch all’ thread under the relevant forum topic (for all of a particular course creator’s courses), together with inclusion of the forum url for that thread placed in the Course Description area will lead to the course creator getting a notification whenever someone posts there. The forum search tool and tags will help learners find their way around the forum.

I know which solution I prefer!


Couldn’t agree with you more @alanh.

Thank you for your response. While it was informative, for the reasons @alanh stated, I also don’t think PM’s (or FB) are a viable alternative for course inquiries now that we have a public, community forum. And because courses themselves are public and offered to the community within Memrise, rather than FB, discussions concerning them would probably best be served in public, rather than private. Thank you again.

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I’m thinking of experimenting with using reddit for course forums. There, I could start a brand new subreddit for each course, and link from here. Getting a reddit account is just as easy as getting an account here, and it’s all open and public, but it has the advantage that I could create a new subreddit for a course forum and people could then post a new post about each issue, with its own post title and its own threaded comment discussion.

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Hello Easy Academy,

I am Learning your course ANGLAIS DEBUTANT A AVANCE and the speed review is not working in my App smartphone Android. I have always the same message “not available yet”.
Can you fix it please ?
Thank you for your work.

Hi, I’ve been trying to complete “Learn French Grammar” course on Memrise. In the last section, “More & Memory Game!” the very last expression “End of the course” has no meme attached to it, so it is impossible to “learn”. Any “answer” I try to choose is identified as wrong. Let me say that the whole last section is absolutely pointless as it contains some pictures of cities and the like, but this last thing is really beyond the pale. The error makes it impossible to finish the course and is quite likely to ruin my rather nice learning streak. Any ideas what to do? I tired to contact Easy Academy people on FB, but they did not care to respond. Thanks for any help, Dorota

what about ignoring this entry or the whole level?