[Course Forum] Learn French Conjugation by Easy Academy


Level 10: Infinitive

“Boire” does not have sound.

Aesthetic issue: Some entries are capitalized and some are not with no apparent reason.


Those inconsistent capitals bug me!

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I put a comment on their FB page the other day - still no response (re a small typographical error). I then put on a follow-up message and I’m still waiting. I have done this in the past and they were quick to respond that time. @EasyAcademy would you kindly take a look at your FB page. Thank you.

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It’s troubling that they haven’t responded to your question Maxine. I will try sending them a Private Message, but I consider asking people to report issues via Facebook an invasion of privacy on the part of Easy Academy


Sorry @EasyAcademy, not a facebook user. :slight_smile:

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@Martinehi I eventually dropped this course because I found one that I think will be more helpful for me. However, @EasyAcademy never responded to my private message. It’s unfortunate.

@JoThelan This one you found, would you recommend it to others for learning French conjugation, or do you have any tips?

Please note that Easy Academy did contact me yesterday and cleaned up the issues on Level 10 after @Martinehi commented.

Bonjour @Martinehi, I can highly recommend another French conjugations course by @hypermice. Here is the link: http://www.memrise.com/course/756657/verb-conjugations-en-francais/


Thanks for the tip @Maxine_Downunder. It’s exactly the same course that @JoThelan recommended to me earlier. I’m giving it a try. First impression is good, although the creator doesn’t seem to be a native French speaker. Not sure if that matters… :slight_smile:

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Haha - I should have read the whole string. I could say “great minds think alike” @JoThelan


:smiley_cat: I don’t know if you would have seen it anyway. I sent it as a private message. But I’m glad to hear that it’s good from from someone who’s actually used the course! @Maxine_Downunder


Haha, you could definitely say that! :smile: I totally wasn’t aware of this private message option. :grin:


In Level 41 of French Conjugation, Imperative Regular, there is an ambiguity problem with the words sell! and finish!. In some others the only difference is the presence or absence of an exclamation point. Can these be made a little more clear as to the differences.

So far I am really liking the course. This is the first major problem I have run across with it so far.

I was going to skip to level 42, but there is a similar ambiguity problem with several of the words as well.

Hi @fauxtronic, il and ils are pronounced exactly the same. The final s is not pronounced. So no point in recording the exact same sound twice, I guess.


Hi @fauxtronic, I didn’t set up this course - I just took over and am trying to maintain as best I can. I always appreciate any questions or comments though. It’s an excellent course IMO and worthy of sticking with. @SimonPerigny19 is absolutely correct because il and ils are pronounced EXACTLY the same. Best wishes.

@Fauxtronic I understand how that is an issue, do not be mistaken.
However, that is an issue with the language, rather than the course, unless
there is a setting that allows a course creator/curator to disallow certain
answer choices to be presented for certain questions. Alternately, is there
a way to have more than one answer be a correct answer, @MaxineDownunder ?

As a side note, there are tons of words that are spelled differently but
have the exact sounds, in French. Mer / maire / mère, pair / pair / père,
mare / marre, sont / son, ton / taon / thon, leur / leurre, etc.

-Simon Périgny

“La force naît de l’adversité et des souffrances.” -Paul Ohl

“Ce que tu as la force d’être, tu as aussi le droit de l’être.” -Max Stirner