[Learn English Grammar] Attempt to fix errors in the course

There are not so many Grammar courses in English category. Thus the importance of the Learn English Grammar course. Along with the just words or phrases courses learning grammar is the key for an eloquent English. Even before Memrise forums transition there were a plenty of unanswered threads and unfixed errors. And this course contain a lot of errors/badly formed questions/answers. By this message I’m calling for all concerned parties to make a joint effort and cleanup/polish it until it shines. Lets make English Grammar great again! :smiley:

somewhere in the forum there is a link to the facebook course forum of @easyacademy. He does not wish to be contacted in this forum here…

Found it: How to contact Easy Academy for course corrections & feedback

btw, I find the title of your thread rather misleading…

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Thanks. Corrected the title, even though I’m not sure what the right one.