Hello! Let's introduce ourselves :)

Hi Peej! Haha I wrote this reply two times and had to delete it: it was always too long. It means a lot to me. Well basically I like the Cornish language and everything Cornish because it’s exciting like a neverending mystery novel. I also love Celtic music.


Hahaha, it’s no problem at all!! I tend to write really, really long messages and replies myself. I’ve tried to get better, but it can be hard to keep things shorter.
That’s so cool!! Anything Celtic fascinates me. I have Scottish and Irish heritage, so I’ve thought that Cornish, Irish or Gaelic would be easier for me. It really isn’t :joy:
What’re some of your favourite Celtic songs???
(I apologize, too - I tend to ask so many questions.)


It could be a nice idea to open a thread for the Celtic culture. I find it hard to choose, the more purely traditional the more I like it. I listen and enjoy the big ones and even more the less known ones.


Hello, Emily, and pleased to meet you! I am Manoel and, yes, I do also have a Duolingo acount as Manandez. I am interested, for now, in constructed languages and began learning Interlingua in Memrise together with a course presented by Union Mundial pro Interlingua. So I can mix the grammar content with the words I learn here.

I hope this message finds you safe and sound. Take good care! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi! I’m Johnas from Hong Kong. I studied linguistics at university (just graduated :smiley:) and have been using Memrise to learn various languages for 6 years (recently mainly French and Japanese). But I wasn’t active on this forum, until I came to protest against Memrise taking down mems two weeks ago (http://community.memrise.com/t/rollout-of-the-new-dashboard-and-learning-sessions-experiences-to-all-our-customers/69305/1). This has been settled so far, but I think I’ll remain active here to socialize with my fellow Memrisers :slightly_smiling_face:.

BTW I operate a Facebook group dedicated to Memrise! Please join us :relaxed:.


I’m a newbie here. Please accept me guys. Thank you so much!


That’s nice for letting us know. I will definitely join there. :slight_smile:


I am learning Twi, Dangme and French and created some courses in Twi and Dangme based on what little I have come by. I hope to be updating these courses soon. Would really like to get friends who are also learning these languages.


I started with duolingo too. I definitely like memrise better


Same!! :smile:
Though, I still practice a few courses on Duolingo!! :sweat_smile::blush:

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Me too! Is your username the same on there? Mine is.

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Mine is KOTLC_Wingfeather_Faith09!! :slight_smile: :blush:
I found you and friended you!! :relaxed::blush::smile:

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Felicidades, saludos desde Venezuela. Soy Isabel

Hi, we are a couple that attempts to learn English together.
We are (less or more) at the same level and we’ve just complete Duolingo.
Now, on Memrise, we hope for a big improvement even if at the moment we are only on third section of English (USA).
We like this kind of site because these make funny a boring thing like “Learning something”.

I hope we’re welcome :slight_smile:

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Hello, I’m Hannah and I am hoping to learn Polish. I started using Duolingo but I didn’t feel I was getting a lot out of it so I started using Memrise. I like learning new words but I also like the prompt to try the difficult words again and then the summary of the words I’ve been learning. I didn’t feel Duolingo had the same structure (maybe that’s just me).

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Hi Emily! I recently joined to see how i’ll do with my Russian. I am a native Russian speaker but I lost a lot of it when I moved to France, so technically French became my stronger language so I want to improve on my Russian. I also studied German, and English obviously, hopefully I’ll get to improve on the different languages I try to maintain.

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My name is Wayne and I reside in Gilbert, AZ. I strarted using Memrise last week as part of an evaluation of several different programs to try to find the best one for me and so far am pretty happy with it. I’m interested in learning Spanish (because of where I am), French because it’s a language I’ve always been interested in and tried to learn in school many years ago, and German just because it appeals to me and it doesn’t hurt that I may have a chance to use some of it at a meet-and-greet at a future concert! (Half the band is German.)

I will say that for me, I’m much more comfortable in a classroom style sort of learning rather than immersive conversational learning but that’s just becasue I’m normally that kind of learner, but so far, this has proven interesting and a good start. If it gets you being able to read a newspaper, website, or book (Le Petit Prince, anyone? :rofl: That’s something of an inside joke…) or listen to a news broadcast, podcast, or television show, then you can use that to be able to expand your learning and, hopefully, also work on your pronunciation! Some mouths are more cooperative than others. :wink:

Anyway, I’d love to find people here who are interested in combining efforts or who just want to chat. I’m open for pretty much anything!

It would probably be most particularly useful to find people who are strong in one of those languages who wants to learn English. We can teach each other! Does it get better than that for learning? :slightly_smiling_face:

Dutch is an amazing language,I am learning it now

Hi everyone!

My name is Luis. I speak Spanish and English fluently, a little Italian, and I am learning Korean now.

I tried Duolingo but somewhere early on I got really lost. I am doing Busuu and Memrise simultaneously, and they seem to complement each other well. I also use Drops, and as the name implies it gives you “drops” each day.

This is also an interesting resource:

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