Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

I wouldn’t rely on that offer… This one young man got work for three lives now (I understand his wife is worried :grin:)

I don’t envy him, so to say. On the other hand, some other solution was probably possible - a solution less costly for those above the beginner levels memrise itself offers, and a solution for the long-term users who rely on an older set of courses for learning

ah @Hydroptere, I think your courses are fine. Can you see the comment I chat with zaloast? and try them yourself.

@BenWhately … I do fully realise how annoying this is if you have a course that uses
commas as separators already, and are faced with manually changing all
the commas to semi colons. I am doing it for the HSK courses I made at
the moment, so I do know exactly what is involved.

I’ve used semicolon as separators in most of my created courses, but it does’t work either! Why not?

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Could another option be to add a feature that enables us to down/upload a database file of a course? This way every course owner can just let some kind of script auto-replace all commas with something that fits their needs. Also this would make adding words even easier.


This thread really got quite long, so please do apologize if I overlooked the answer that I’m asking for now, but what about the change of courses someone else has created, which are no longer maintained - I can’t possibly change them myself (even if I would have the time to do so). This is a problem for nearly all kanji courses that I use. What do I do about those?


@BenWhately It would seem changes are happening. I took the time to add extra test levels using different formats to the following courses I support - the polyglot one with regard to the synonym column and the religion one with regard to the main answer.
Somewhere between 2 and 3 hours ago when I did the extra levels (last level in each course) no punctuation divider worked and only separate alternatives in the synonym column worked. Then it all changed and now the only punctuation which doesn’t work as a divider is the comma.
Fortunately in the religion course along with @DW7 we have added individual alternatives to foolproof the course so it will be ok. However the polyglot course created by @EasyAcademy which is huge is going to need a lot of alteration as the synonyms are divided by commas - so there is going to be a big work load needed to change it for that column to work. Unfortunately I think there will be quite a few courses like this so I can understand learners’ frustrations. I hope I am correct in assuming that now definitely obliques and semicolons will work for good! I am tempted to put all alternatives/synonyms as separate alternatives to avoid any future problems!

Below are the links to the 2 courses.

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No semicolons don’t work!

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This will sadly be true of a lot of EasyAcademy courses I’ve supported @BenWhately, although it has long-time been my aim to provide **’**alternatives separated by commas’ as separate, hidden alternatives. (If you follow what I mean.)

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@dylan.nicholson.548 thanks but I’m not confident with scripts. It appears that since this afternoon obliques and semi colons are now working.

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They can’t do any harm, if they do you just uninstall them.

It’s probably not hard to write a script that you can run when in the database page that can replace all the , with / or ;…but you said you’re not comfortable with scripts…(and you’d probably still have to manually switch from one database page to the next - how many are there?)

no, i don’t see that @hung-phan, the thread got too long and I’m getting lost in it… in case you lost track as well, you meant some zoloast chat? (zoloast our contemporary was/is a course creator on memrise, as far as I know :grin:)

(I have some advanced level typing courses of my own - languages and religions/history/Mandarin about this and that, and of course, the @eunoia courses, and a chinese course (Mandarin comprehensive, the creator got very upset with memrise and left etc i’ cannot repair all these…)

@BenWhately, @hung-phan

I don’t see what can happen to fix this course: http://www.memrise.com/course/47049/5000-words-top-87-sorted-by-frequency/
which I have been learning for ages. Here, commas are used to separate the stem of the word from the additional ending for the plural. It’s a great course, and I deliberately took this version as I didn’t want to learn the plurals at this point, however now it won’t accept answers without them.


@BenWhately, @hung-phan

Why can’t the separator be chosen by the course creator on a per course bias? With perhaps default separators being hyphen and semi colon. If that was the case old courses would work without much modification. Else a simple tool to update old courses to the new format would be nice. Something that kind of does a global swap of ‘,’ for ‘/’ or ‘;’

In the Germany 5000 Top Words example above (which I just started, but now is broken because of the comma issue), something that would say swap out ‘das Gut, -"er’ for ‘das Gut/ -"er’ Obviously then ‘das Gut’ and ‘-"er’ would be valid, but that’s workable.

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Hi @Hydroptere,

In the post 155/195 and 157/195 ( you can easily find it in the sidebar), I replied to zaloast with courses that wouldn’t be affected by the rule. If your first column does not contain comma, it will just work. I checked your courses yesterday. Can you double check your courses?

This is the link to it:

Hi @demaxski,

Some courses that you list are not affected by the rule as long as it is not the first column.

This is the link:

The German 5000 top words by frequency is one I’m a contributor on and I’m looking at whether I can automate replacing all the commas with semi-colons, though actually what would be better is to put the plural/dative endings in ( ), so you must at least type the head-word.
But with my user-scripts in place it still functions as before.

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$(“tr.thing[data-thing-id]”).each(function(a,b) {
var txt=$(b).find(‘div.text’).first()
if (txt.text().indexOf(’,’)!=-1) {
var nv = txt.text().replace(/,/g, ‘;’); txt.text(nv);
data:{thing_id: $(b).attr(‘data-thing-id’), cell_id:“1”,cell_type:“column”,new_val: nv}

This will fix all the words in the current page of the database while editing it. But at this stage you’ll still have manually navigate from one page to the next and run the script. You can add this to the end:

var hc=document.location.href.split(’=’);document.location.href=hc[0]+"="+(parseInt(hc[1])+1)

To automatically advance to the next page, but if there are errors it might be hard to detect them.

I’ve tested this out a bit and it generally works fine but you’ll occasionally get errors and AJAX cancellations depending on how many items need updating. I’ve been adding

setTimeout(“var hc=document.location.href.split(’=’);document.location.href=hc[0]+’=’+(parseInt(hc[1])+1)”,500)

to the end to automatically advance to the next page, so I can just keep pressing “up arrow” then enter to update each page one by one, but you should keep an eye on the network view to check if any calls to update are being cancelled or failing, if they are your entries are not getting updated and you’ll have to re-do.

Perhaps @Ang you could try again - maybe it was a time thing when you tried last and now they will work for you.