Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?
For example the word: “quisque, quidque (zelfst.)” meaning “ieder, elk”
“ieder” and “elk” are synonyms. I don’t think it is necessary to enter both, so I used a comma.
You could enter: “ieder” or “ieder elk” or “elk” or “ieder, elk”
But now you can only enter: “ieder elk” or “ieder, elk” Because when i enter “ieder” or “elk” it is marked as wrong.
Yes, the same problem here, normally giving one of the translations is OK, now you have to type the complete sequence of translations (separated by semi-column in chinese). This makes the courses unusable.
Thank you for your help.
Same here. Ridiculous. I wish they’d test out things more before borking everything. Maybe they need a beta.memrise.com website to try out stuff before pushing it out to their users.
I guess the same problem is affecting most of courses now, only the full list of possible is being accepted as the right answer, which is quite annoying.
A truly debilitating bug! My entire tropical fish course is utterly useless right now, because I wrote the whole thing depending on memrise’s treatment of commas. For some fish I might have “speciesname, juvenile”, for another “speciesname, juveniles & adults”, for example. The whole point is that if you see the picture you can just enter the speciesname, without having to remember whether I grouped juveniles & adults together or not. Same thing with fish that have initial and terminal phases. Now you might know all the species but if you can’t remember that for this particular one I had “speciesname, initial phase & juveniles” combined into one item, you’ll still get it wrong. Ugh.
Yep this bit me today, couldn’t work what was going on.
Part of the problem is perhaps that Memrise’s treatment of commas never really made sense, but the fact is too many courses depend on it for it to be implemented as a global change now.
By all means for NEW courses, make sure authors use other characters (semi-colons etc.) to separate multi-part answers where any part should be logically acceptable, but this change completely breaks the way far too many users have been accustomed to answering. Please fix Memrise.
What would be better would be a per-course option as to what characters act as list delimiters.
The default should probably be semi-colon, but for existing courses it needs to be a comma.
I have to say while the new behaviour makes 2 of my courses almost unusable, it’s an improvement for the others that are sentence based, especially when having to type out the correct answer when you get it wrong (as previously it used to stopp accepting characters after the first comma).
I made lots of courses and I found the same problem today. I would very happy if we could choose per course how we can treat comma’s. I hope this will be fixed soon!
Same problem with the Russian 10.000 words course. I think this is not a bug, they probably now demand the exact answer with all the synonims and then if you want to make it easier you will have to get premium.