I don’t know if you’ve tried the free flash cards program called Anki, but they have a shared GCSE Latin deck available that you can download from their web site. You can find the main program here: http://ankisrs.net/ and the shared GCSE Latin deck here: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/603984351
I don’t have firsthand experience with the Latin deck, but it’s easy enough to try it and compare it to the official vocabulary list that you can download in PDF and in Excel spreadsheet format from the official GCSE web site here: http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/by-subject/latin/
If you find that the existing shared deck is not good, and if you are motivated, with a little bit of effort, you could work with the official Excel spreadsheet vocabulary list and import it into Anki, and then you would know that you have a high quality deck to study with that meets the test requirements.
The main thing that would actually get me to pay would be an offline service that later syncs like a desktop app. That way, when these frequent and annoying disruptions occur, I can keep learning.
I’m also out of patience with Memrise. I can’t help noticing that, while taking so long to fix problems that they have created (or even to revert the system back to how it was before), they’ve had enough time to add stupid Halloween gimmicks to the Android app.
Does anybody have any suggestions for good alternatives to Memrise? For me the advantage of Memrise over traditional flashcard software (like Anki) is that it forces me to type the words to prove that I can remember them. Can anyone suggest any other (more reliable) software that does something similar?
Well you know it seems most of the logic is in the javascript front-end, so it actually wouldn’t be that hard to do a new version that interfaced with the existing backend. But someone would need to have a fair chunk of time to dedicate to it initially.
Well, if you want to export the data you see in the screen you can use: https://www.import.io/
If you look carefully, you will find the option to do a batch, not just Level by Level, which makes the copy of complete course something that even a child can do.
I use it all the time to backup my courses or to copy courses from others and adapt to my needs.
Now I’m considering migrating my stuff to Quizlet. It is not perfect but at least I will be able to keep learning.
In case you create some solution please let us know.
Although memrise doesn’t seem to have said anything about it, the comma bug sees conclusively fixed. I just tested it in a couple of course where I know where the commas are. I don’t know when it was fixed because I haven’t used memrise much in the past couple of days (because of this and other debilitating bugs), but the comma bug was still present on the weekend and seems to be gone now.
The parentheses bug is still there
Fortunately parentheses aren’t quite as widely used as commas. But it’s still definitely making it necessary to avoid certain courses for a while.
I can’t believe we are again with the same problem.
I was getting the review in order and now I have to wait for a fix?? I mean, the bug was fixed not even one week ago…