Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

It looks like commas are working again. Except for:

Test = A, B

  • A (works)
  • B (works)
  • A B (works)
    - B A (does not work)
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here we go again, the comma bug is back… (A,… )


Although memrise doesn’t seem to have said anything about it, the comma bug sees conclusively fixed. I just tested it in a couple of course where I know where the commas are. I don’t know when it was fixed because I haven’t used memrise much in the past couple of days (because of this and other debilitating bugs), but the comma bug was still present on the weekend and seems to be gone now.

The parentheses bug is still there :frowning:
Fortunately parentheses aren’t quite as widely used as commas. But it’s still definitely making it necessary to avoid certain courses for a while.


It looks like the comma bug is fixed.


Yaaaaayyyyyyy!! Great job team! I’m really happy this bug has been fixed.


yaaaayyyy! and the bug is back! (@joshua, please, could you have a look?)


Yes, we just noticed that.

This is unbelievable… @joshua What is going on?


I can’t believe we are again with the same problem.
I was getting the review in order and now I have to wait for a fix?? I mean, the bug was fixed not even one week ago…

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and ‘/’ in possible answers is also not working anymore.
/ had a similar use as the comma. Maybe a bit different, because the slash was mainly used to show 2 different ways of writing something, and the comma separated 2 different meanings for the same word.

One or the other answer was correct, but now you have to type both to have the “correct” answer.

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I also face this problem with comma separated items. Please fix that, I can’t proceed with learning for my exam :frowning:

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after the website was completely unusable, they fixed the website and fixed the comma bug. but… the comma bug is back…

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It seems the only foolproof way is to put items separated by commas and hyphens as individual alternatives, which can be hidden if you want, using the underscore before the words.
As far as phrases or sentences with commas they could be written as hidden alternatives without the comma.
This is what I am now going to do with any new courses I make and gradually with previous courses I made or am supporting.
This would also work with the synonym column.
I know this would be very time consuming though!
(it also relies on course creators who may not be active)

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Not again, please. I won’t even think about going pro with these low reliablitiy.


I’ll never put perfect synonyms as hidden alternatives. This is conducive to “bad learning”. Memrise, memrise…


What the fuck is this again? C’mon, are you serios?

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The problem is back

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What!! The problem is back!! Not again!

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It seems like they broke the comma system again… However (I don’t know if this only happened to me or also to other people) I was able to also type the whole list of things backwards.
For example:
Test = a, b
a - wrong
b - wrong
a b - right
b a - right

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Without the comma?