Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

I’ve changed the separators from one of the levels of one of my courses from commas to semi-colons and it still isn’t working?

@Shibob_Official, @TheFour-GatedDanzig can I add you as a contributor to this course?

Please write your word and your problem there, so I can help you. Saying it still has a problem is very hard for me to help you, for the reason that I need the information for what is working and what is not.

@dylan.nicholson.548, yes the parenthesis bug is on its way (is being reviewed by the team). I think we need to reconsider how parenthesis work internally. There are many use cases, and edge cases I haven’t think of but this is common in our communities. It will be very helpful if you could help me as a contributor here. Specify your problem and expectation, it will help me a lot. Thanks for very active helping other people.

Basically I’d expect at a minimum if column 1 contains “a (b) c (d)” that both “a c” and “a b c d” should be accepted for a typing test. It would be potentially good if any combination that included “a” and “c” (the only terms not in parenthesis) was accepted, but not a major drama if not.
On the other than if I type “a (something random) b” I wouldn’t expect that to be accepted (currently it is).

I would be happy if you add me, thank you!

Hi Cos, sadly we web users, creators and contibutors are certainly experiencing a bad period!

Have you seen these threads?

Parentheses (aka Brackets) do not work ()

and it has even affected their own Italian course:

[Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

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I added you @Glupan

@DW7, I hope this help you.

I added you ask a contributor to this. You can create a level with your name there. Put down the word and your expectation. I am gathering all the problem for it. You can invite relevant people who have the same problem for the course.

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Hi Hung-Phan, as others have said, thank you for trying to fix a lot of issues that have ‘cropped up’ as an unforeseen consequent of some changes.

Thanks, but I’m holding fire at the moment until we know what will work and consequently what changes I have to make.

Also my fail-safe preference has always been to put “Word A” and “Word B” as hidden alternatives when the answer would be “Word A, Word B”.

@Sandslane is the one who has done a lot of testing.

However I did find on one of your Italian courses (eg Italian 1 level 1)
eg vai = you go (singular)
was marked wrong when I answered “you go” without the extra bit “(singular)”

Hi @DW7,

What I mean is that the fix is not deployed yet (the parenthesis bug is on its way (is being reviewed by the team)). So still, please wait in the meantime.

And this

Also my fail-safe preference has always been to put “Word A” and “Word B” as hidden alternatives when the answer would be “Word A, Word B”.

is the our changes recently. I can only help you change comma to semi colon or slash (; or /)

This post will give you the fastest way to change it (This is what I can help).

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There’s still a small number of bugs in

I’m not sure how best to proceed - I guess one of us could set up a course forum, and I could report them there, or I’m happy to be added as a contributor and I can fix them myself as I go. What with all of the bug problems recently, I have more than 1000 words to water on that course at the moment, so I’m likely to find all of the problems quite fast.

@hung-phan @dylan.nicholson.548 Does the script to change commas work on the synonym column in a course? I’m happy to manually change small courses I’m contributing to or have created but the Learn Italian for Polyglots by Easy Academy to which I contribute is massive. firstly I wouldn’t want to use a script as contributor and not the creator and secondly I wouldn’t even like to attempt it. I haven’t had a response yet from Easy Academy so wouldn’t know if they felt able to do it. If there was someone who was confident and feeling kind it would be great to have it fixed otherwise it will just be long slow manual job.

@BenWhately I really thank you for all your attention towards all of your users.
Changing the comma situation was very helpful to everybody and not communicating it was even better.

For that reason I am no longer supporting the website (I don’t give a f*ck to your apps) and won’t be creating anything else here for the long run.
Do you know any good alternatives to memrise? I know, I will use Quizlet because I’ve always loved them and every change they make is for the best. And of course I will also use Anki because I can.

I have no longer the time or patience to be maintaining everything all over again to accept your new separator therefore I will do my own thing from now on.

I do hope your boss will let you go (better sooner than later) and that Memrise can still thrive again, without an incompetent like you leading the boat. Maybe you are not aware but memrise needs its users, not the other way around.

Just to show you how stupid your idea of leaving the comma out of the options as separator I will show you the batch upload memrise is currently using:

Maybe you think you are very smart, but guess what, comma separation is the standard in the industry and it won’t change not now, not ever.

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I confirmed that the same error we talked about two days ago was still in effect yesterday, and now I can confirm it’s still here today. I didn’t think I needed to remind you about what it was. Basically, strict typing in the newspaper course, which wasn’t meant for strict typing because the creator isn’t consistent on writing le/la or (m./f.) on the answers. That means when I’m reviewing, I have to remember if I should type a word like la denrée or denrée (f.).

There are also plenty of non-nouns, which means I also have to remember how the creator marked the type of speech.

Could you at least inform us how this strict error came about? What were you attempting to do to Memrise when it occurred?

Hi @mikatu, just my idea no offense here. I agree and also not agree by your given example. They are 2 different problems.

Using csv file to import data to a website, for any application (even database) it is true that they support comma, tab, or any separator.

However, our situation is different. Don’t be confused. Given you a sentence, without telling you anything (not for now), I don’t think I can understand the usage of comma as a separator or a normal punctuation. For example,

Only text columns will be added to, therefore each line should contain: German, English, Plural and inflected forms, Part of Speech

Do you think comma in this case is a separator? or a normal punctuation? I just want to explain the situation here.


@hung-phan is right; using commas as separators in the CSV upload form has nothing to do with whether commas should be used as separators or not within a field.

@colva Have you ask permission from the course creators? Did they respond to you?

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Hi @TheFour-GatedDanzig, let me gather all your problems, investigate, and will answer you the following questions.

Could you at least inform us how this strict error came about? What were you attempting to do to Memrise when it occurred?

Hi @colva, are you aware of this forum?

You should ask for permission there.

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