Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

I thank you for your explanation but let me tell you I know prefectly what a comma separation is.
I just meant that it is a standard in the industry and it won’t change just because you want it to.

I use it in my courses and I will continue using it, if not in Memrise (that is now decided) I will use it somewhere else.
People learn in a specific way and won’t Change just because some smartass doesn’t know how to solve a simple problem and decided to f*ck everyone else.

Honestly, do you think I don’t had problems with commas in my course? I just remove them from the senteces and added the sentece as a meme with commas. You see, simple solutions for simple problems.

If you really wanted to solve the problem you would enforce commas only for memrise courses, or make it an option, or something else. In the past Memrise was about the community, where people shared solutions, but now it is just like a dictadorship where some a**hole decided to mess everything without any warning. Yes, two weeks ago it was just a bug and now it became part of the solution… An honest person would have come clean right from the start.

Let me tell you, that I don’t think you have any fault on any of this but you got dragged into this mess.
But I don’t fear for you since you will find a new job soon elsewhere, and I wish you all the best.

Just don’t play dumb. Using a comma as separator is something any child can understand, and even if you don’t understand for sure you realize people lost hours and hours creating courses that now become worthless unless they waste more time in fixing everything. And the best part is, no one is really sure about what is going to happen next, since the Website was already announced as being “not the focus for now, maybe in the future” and every single Change in Memrise in the last two years has been for worse.


I wouldn’t go as far as saying he is one of the best because for sure he is one of the worst.
Good is hung-phan or lea, ben is just a dumb who doesn’t know what he is doing.

And everyone has a boss, it might not be a person, it could be just the Money, but in the long term he will get fired for sure.

I agree, Memrise is doomed but I will keep learning, because for me, this is all about learning and not about all this drama.

Hi @mikatu,

Those posts are not very nice to us. I understand where your angry come from. However, if you still need help on your courses or your learning. I am willing to help.

If we believe a simple LinkedIn search Ben is COO and therefore Mousha Magyar (CEO) is his boss. They’ve been there about the same time (6ish years) so the current problems are probably much more related to the pressures of the latest round of investment / investors.

Investors want return on investment and if the mobile apps are generating the bulk of the revenue, the web site will always suffer. Hung-phan is trying but he’s got an up-hill battle in terms of competing for resources while supporting a vocal legacy group of users.

Whether Memrise is doomed, I have no idea. It does seriously worry me though that as global changes are made (with little / no notice) that Memrise is almost crowd-sourcing development workarounds (all the scripts and live user testing) rather than employing standard software development practices including internal regression testing.

@makalu ~ FYI… Mousha is a cat. A feline, not a person. That is part of the lingering charm of the old Memrise that I (and probably many others) hope they never change.


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Yes, there is now a course forum, set up by @dylan.nicholson.548


It’s all sorted now, thankyou. There is a now a forum for the course I am doing, and I can report problems there/

I totally missed that! :wink: Then I guess that Ben has no one to go back to except the investors on these kinds of decisions. Oh well.

jeziee creeezie

lol: : :laughing::joy_cat: :laughing: Mousha the CEO is living on a farm now (Magyar? I didn’t know she’s Hungarian…) She got tired with the busy office, now Chomsky and Pirate keep it. I don’T know if they act as CEOs as well, but when Ed forgot to renew the domain, Mousha took over (they should bring her back, they’ve completely lost track since she left)

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@hung-phan this level in the course has lots of examples

This is the edit page

restituire for example has 3 synonyms separated by commas - dare indietro, rendere, ritornare so they won’t work.
I altered avere uno sguardo when it came up for review - putting the synonyms as alternatives so that now works. There are 353 levels in this course so any help would be appreciated to make it work quickly.

The coma and parenthesis bug is destroying the utility of this site for my students.


The more and more courses that I review that are now broken the more I think that Memrise’s unilateral decision to get rid of the comma as a separator is utterly idiotic.


Hi @hung-phan, thanks for the that chart, #language-quarters

but can I check if you actually mean that the original (first and fourth lines or rows under ‘string’) is “xxx,yyy” or is it the same for “xxx, yyy” (with a normal space after the comma) as in all my entries?

Also if going for semi colon as the solution, will it only work without a space or is “xxx; yyy” also acceptable?

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in my Spanish courses i have strict typing if i don’t put in empty space in front and after the semicolon… at least one could inform us about that?

xxx;yyy or xxx; yyy must work the same way. You can try.


Let me check with the new version.

Updated: Confirm that xxx;yyy or xxx; yyy works the same way. Please refer to this course if you have any problem.

I add 2 examples for xxx;yyy and xxx; yyy. You can try it yourself

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Thanks for your reply.

If you’re still collecting a list of courses that need to be fixed, these ones in particular are massive, and I doubt the course creators will get around to modifying thousands of answers anytime soon:

Here’s an example, for more clarity:

It’s absolutely preposterous to expect users to remember all of these options, especially if they must be inputted the “correct” order. Also, note that the Japanese comma isn’t supported, so in order to input the “correct” answer, you must switch between a Japanese and English keyboard 4-6 times. Frustrating to say the least, in particular because we are almost guaranteed to get these questions wrong the first time, which means attempting to memorize the “correct” list of answers and then needing to input the same another several times before we can complete the reviewing session.

This is shocking! I can’t imagine any other site that is founded upon user content treating its users this way.

I understand the direction the company is taking toward their own courses, but the way this is being handled is entirely unprofessional.