Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

Perhaps @Ang you could try again - maybe it was a time thing when you tried last and now they will work for you.

@dylan.nicholson.548 I’ll bear them in mind but I wouldn’t even know how to install them - do you just download to your computer like a new programme which I can do or do you have to do something else? (such as actually write the script)

I have many courses with commas in the first line, i’ve just spent the night replacing commas with “/” - this is the new separator, or do I have to start again ??? ( or to bloody hell delete my courses)

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Wow - this is just dandy . . . for course creators and editors who happen to be programmers :frowning:

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Thank you, today semicolons work fine. Now let’s get to work to change the courses, where I used commas to separate! :wink:

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Hi @Hydroptere,

Sorry to hear that. We support / and ; as separator. I can help you do it a bit faster.

In the edit screen, reveal all your level. and paste this script in the console. If you don’t have reveal all course, you can go to the database page. It will help you do the same thing.

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-thing-id] td:nth-child(2)')).forEach(
  (node) => {
    if (node.textContent.includes(',')) {
      node.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

It will only highlight the first column where you have commas in your text. The decision to change that text is depended on you. Hope this speed up this boring work.

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So I’m having this issue in my French course. I have to type articles, and in some instances, I have to add in (conj or (f – not even the full parenthesis. Are you saying I must wait for the course creator to edit, or is memrise rolling out a fix?


Is it relating to this thread?

You can tell me the problem on that channel. This channel should be for commas problem only (Just to keep same track for everyone)

No, for example I’ll have the word “foodstuff”. The answer is denrée. The creator didn’t include the article, la, but did include (f.). If I type denrée, I’m marked wrong. I have to type denrée (f — as soon as I do that, the answer is marked correct.

Hi @TheFour-GatedDanzig,

Can you point me to the course by pasting the link here? The level link, and the word you are learning.

Hi @Hydroptere,

I have this screencast here. If you follow the screencast, you will be able to focus on changing the commas faster.

For the script, you can get it here.

It will add the script to every page. After you finish with editing, you should delete the script manually by removing it in the plugin screen or even the plugin.

thanks !i’m going to try it but I am using Firefox

“reveal all” - we mortals don’t see that :grin:

edit: did not work, firefox did not like the first line…

Hi @Hydroptere,

firefox will have this plugin https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/.

Hi @dylan.nicholson.548,

How is it going with your script to update http://www.memrise.com/course/47049/5000-words-top-87-sorted-by-frequency/10?

It’s this course http://www.memrise.com/course/331420/reading-french-newspapers/

Started to require strict typing (le/la articles) and the parentheses today.

I can’t help you with the level, though, because denrée was up for review today, and there’s no search feature… and the course has 83 levels.

Acutally, I googled it and somehow it came up. It’s level 63.

Level 22 has or (conj.) and yet (2 - conj.)

which was another problem — had to type or (conj in the answer

i’ve done that, installed the greasemonkey, made an addon , added the urls of the databases, and… no change. And…

@Hydroptere. For the includes field, you should empty it. Remove any url you specify in the includes box

ok, it finally works to hightlight, but i have to give the name of each page in the database - as one cannot see “reveal all” (pity it does not change the commas as well :sunglasses:)

pity that you cannot change the size of the text boxes in the database, it sometime hard to point at the exact place of the new separator

EDIT: i’ve played with the script and added at the end of each database url this fragment “?page=*” ; now i don’t have to change/add/load urls in the script

Hi @TheFour-GatedDanzig, let me see if it is relating to the current problem. Please wait in the meantime.