Faulty Level & Definition is 'driving me up the wall!' - Edexcel GCSE French Vocabulary List

Hello to anoyne out there who can help! :telescope:

At the moment I’m trying to learn French on the following course, but the definition ‘to drive someone up the wall’ on level 31 is stopping me from continuing to learn new vocab properly. Can anyone sort this out or remove the word entirely?

It’s literally ‘driving me up the wall’ at the moment! :oncoming_automobile::dizzy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here is what happens when I’m learning it:

  1. Go onto the level and click learn

  2. It expects to write it (I’ve triedspace-bar but that doesn’t seem to work)

  3. I click see answer

4.The session ends and no matter what I try it doesn’t work. However it does say I was 100% accurate which is a little confusing.

If anyone could help, I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one who would benefit from it.

LanguageBox :slight_smile:

That’s actually pretty funny.

Out of curiosity, I went to the course and tried “exaspérer qqn” as an answer to see what would happen, and got an error:

But what you can do is at the top of the level there is an “ignore” button, and you ignore this item.

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Thanks @lurajane, I’ve come across that message too.

I have tried multiple times to ignore this word but when I try to learn new words, it comes up with the message:

Then it takes you back to the dashboard. Any other suggestions?

Hi @LanguageBox! If you ignore the word does it go grayish on your level-list? or were you accidentally hitting the lightning bolt instead and sent that phrase to difficult words list.

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Try ignoring the word from the button at the top of the level (bottom right in this screenshot).

Or we can just fix this the easy way; @Lien, can you please delete this word from Level 30 of the course Edexcel GCSE French vocabulary list by Kchiponda https://www.memrise.com/course/89149/edexcel-gcse-french-vocabulary-list/30/

Yep! But thanks for the tip. That’s just the kind of mistake I might make! :+1:

@lurajane I have tried ignoring it from both the top of the level and on the presentation screen when I’m learning words. Neither has worked yet. :confused:

Can someone please delete it?

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Agree that Memrise should delete the faulty entry. I expect them to, but it could take a few days.

In the meantime, does the course allow you to begin learning the next level?

I think so, I just keep having to go to the level each time and clicking ‘contiune learning’ at the end of a learning session rather than clicking learn again afterwards or using my dashboard.

Thanks for all your help. :+1: Hopefully they won’t take too long to fix it now they’ve been alerted.

Will I receive a message about it or something? Or will I just wake up one morning to find it sorted out? :astonished:

Depends who fixes it. My screen shot above says that Memrise staff has been notified about the bug, so if that led to a bug fix in the code, then nobody will announce it. However, If it gets fixed from this thread, they’ll probably post here. Let’s tag a couple more Memrise staff.

@Lien @Joshua @MemriseMatty - fixing the underlying bug in the code that can’t handle the missing entry may be a long-term fix, something that’s sitting on some techie’s to-do list as a low priority repair. But just deleting the entry from this course is a quick and easy temporary fix for this user.

@Arete_Hime - the Memrise code does not know how to handle the fault. That makes this a Memrise bug.


ALSO - the location of the bug makes me suspect that it just might have been intentionally placed, by someone who knows Memrise’s code well enough to set this up as a prank. Parting shot by a disgruntled coder? A cute little I-told-you-so from someone who advocated for more rigorous fault-checks and error recovery routines? Is it really that easy for course creators to create empty items that cause the learning systems to fail?

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Another option is that @Lien can grant Contributor status to LanguageBox, and LanguageBox then deletes the entry, or adds appropriate French. (Or the attempt reveals further bugginess in the entry)

The course creator is apparently not active: see To Kchiponda Edexel GSCE French Errors


Thank you so much. Where’s your screen shot?

All this about a ‘disgruntled coder’ and ‘parting shot’ buisness sounds very police drama like and detective-mystery style. I love it! :grinning::spy:

@Lien I would be more than happy to be granted contributor status for this course. I have noticed a few more obscure creases that I could iron out, if you know what I mean? :wink: There might also be a couple of gaps in the vocabulary up there, which I would be happy to help fill. :tools: :head_bandage:


In my first reply (second post in this thread): “We’re sorry, there was an error. The Memrise team have been notified and are getting on it.”

Oh yeah. Duh! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::laughing:

Can we assume that that actually works??

Hey, the link you posted redirects to the wrong level. The definition “to drive somebody up the wall” is in level 30 not level 31.

The sentence has now been removed from the course.


Oops! :fearful: Sorry. :confounded: Bet that ‘drove you up the wall’! :blue_car: :laughing:

Thanks for solving it in the end though. I’m sure I’m not the only one who will be grateful! :+1:

Massive thank you @Joshua,@lurajane, @Atikker. You were all such a tremendous help. :slight_smile::grinning::grin::smiley::smile:

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Hey there, on the French Edexcel Course there are multiple definitions that aren’t complpeted, are wrong or simply say “see above”. This is not useful when learning vocab, as I have to learn the French for herbal tea, as “see above”. Please check through all levels for these errors and correct them? This makes learning extremely difficult for me.

@LanguageBox Are you maintaining this course now?

This is just some unfinished course some user made. It is not memrise official course.
If there is no user to take care of this course you’ll just have to pick another course @charlotte.long

Hi @Atikker @charlotte.long - there is no need to go to another course! :grinning:

I am now maintaining this course and am well aware of the huge attention some of it needs. I will work on improving some of it tonight and have already added over 200 words more to it.

I will particularly work on the words you’re are concerned about ('see above’s, duplicates etc.). If something is really agitating you, don’t forget you can always ignore it.

I’m not even sure herbal tea is relevant to GCSE! :tea:

Is there anything else you would particularly like to draw to my attention?