Everything is Locked After Level 1

Try to review those 84 words (preferably on the website with “all typing” and L2 target language translations, without multiple-choice, audio multiple-choice, tapping, etc.).

I would guess that this unlocks the green learning button on the IOS app again?!

But it seems odd that I don’t have access to learn new words sections after level 1.

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@UgurKucukcb59ac1911, are you sure that yu’re using the latest version of the app?

My husband and I are having the very same problem with the French course. It is impossible to continue learning in the app, the only “open” button is the review one. And yes, we both have the latest iOS and app versions installes. It is highly annoying to be stuck!

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I have same problem starting from today on iOS. It seems now common issue.

I downloaded Memrise yesterday and started at level 4 Spanish. However, when I click on learn new words at the bottom of the screen it shows me a message that says I have to pay and enjoy 20+ official courses of memrise. I tried clicking on the “no thanks I’ll live in my own world” at the bottom of the screen, but it doesn’t work. I thought learning new words was part of the free version? Or am I wrong?

@laurarudo232, I’d recommend using non-official courses if you want to use the app for free.

Actually, that goes for people with the locking issues, too. As far as I know, non-official courses never suffered from the problem with planets being locked.

It sounds like maybe at the moment, if you want to take the official courses, you should be prepared to pay for them, and if you want to use the app for free, you should try to stick to user-created courses.

Even if I have nothing left to review, everything is still locked. I had an older version of the app on my iPad and logged in with it, nothing was locked, then I updated the app and everything got locked except review again, it must be an issue with the current update of the app that should be fixed with a new update or something

I have the same problem too, on my iPad with latest version of the app and latest system updates. I just started a few days ago.

I’m having the same issue with Korean 1. Everything was working fine and now all of a sudden this.

I’m having the same issue as well. I just started a few days ago.

How come that the guys at Memrise does not do anything about this or make a comment in forum? They can at least confirm that is is now the Pro modul that counts or that it is a glitch in the app.

Has anyone seen this behavior in any courses other than the official, ie in any of the user created courses?
Also, does it also happen for anyone with a pro account?


I don’t have a pro account but, I’ve tried a dozen unofficial courses and that issue did not occur, only happening in the official courses.

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Thanks Memrise. Now it works. All the levels are now unlocked and I can use the Free version for Review and Continue learning. Please keep it this way. Good stuff.

Same here. I’m a new member & I had access for about 2 days, with the Norwegian course, then everything locked behind the pay wall except lesson 1, even though I had got to level 3 I think.

Weirdly I left a review on the App Store saying that the app was good but it was a shame that it didn’t tell you you were in a trial mode to make the most of it. Also the download page didn’t list the courses themselves as pro features. My review passed moderation & was up for about 3-4 hours today, but my review has now been deleted (easy to see as the current version of the app has only been out since the 29th so there were only 3 reviews for the current version, now there’s 2).

My mom has the same problem too. She was curious after seeing me using the app (I have the app already some months) so she intalled it today. But after the first level she coudn’t go further. The weird thing is that there is no problem with it on the computer. Memrise really needs to get this working… especially since there is no problem using it on the computer plus I have no problems with it too on my app. Maybe it’s something with the latest update?

I have the latest version of the app and I’m having the same problem. Everything is locked and the app is pretty much unusable. Is anyone at Memrise doing anything to address this issue? I’ve heard nothing.

As there have been numerous reports of this problem, and Memrise has ignored all of them for over a month, I can only assume that it’s something that they are doing deliberately as some sort of an “experiment.”

However, I don’t think that disabling advertised features can fairly be called an experiment. As I understand it, Apple has strict rules for the apps sold in their app store. One of those rules is that the app must function as advertised, and must not be incomplete or buggy. Memrise states that their free app allows unlimited learning and review, but some users, such as yourself, find themselves severely limited. That’s either a bug, an incomplete app, or a deliberate crippling of functions, and should be reported to the app store at:


I would suggest including a link to this forum thread in your report, so that they can see that the issue has been reported to the developer, but has been ignored for over a month.

If enough customers report the problem, I think that Apple will contact Memrise and get them to fix it.

P.S. See also this thread where Memrise ignored problem reports of users being unexpectedly restricted to ten minutes of learning every four hours, only to finally admit that it was an “experiment.”

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