Do you love or hate Ziggy? --- And do you miss the badges or not? --- Vote in the polls!

If you hate Ziggy and want the thing to be gone, vote 1. If you think it is the best thing ever and it helps you with your motivation, vote 7. For intermediate opinions, vote 2-6.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

0 voters


And another one for the badges:

  • Please bring the badges back!
  • Who needs badges… I’m fine with them gone!

0 voters


I really don’t think they are going to go back on this one, so I won’t be voting in this forum.

The issue with removing other people’s mems was a far bigger and more important issue than this - IMHO - and I was very happy that we were listened to on that one, but I really really don’t believe that they will change their minds on this.

And it is just a “cosmetic” change from my point of view, so not really worth worrying about too much.

But I am still worried about the future of mems :frowning:


Agreed. At the end of the day the important things with Memrise are things that have a direct influence on my learning (e.g. mems or fixing of bugs on the iOS app), not the design of the level indicator.


I don’t see how that logic follows. If you have an opinion, why not vote. It doesn’t cost you much, and one could think of several reasons why voting would be a good thing.

Perhaps you don’t have an opinion, which I gather from your post you don’t really, then you can just say that’s why you’re not voting.

And to be pedantic, this is two things, not one.


Hate is a strong word…
The answer is that I don’t really care.

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You are right. I have voted now on both points.


the thread should be pinned or somehow else kept up for a while

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I’m sure your intensions are good, but would you consider changing the words “love” and “hate”? I think it’s a little over-emotional for such a relatively small thing.
Thanks for the poll, I voted.


my only problem is they made it less motivational for people like me…


i’m more annoyed by the level numbers then by the drawings


We have voted, but will memrise listen? I am a paying customer (PRO user), and I want the old system to come back. I would rather be “Meminence” than a nondescript “Level 14”. Thank you very much. And I cannot stand that freakish little creature called Ziggy. I want it gone!


you’re right… but in a certain culture “love” and “hate” are used at discretion, mean nothing… it is used for coffee, pets, weather etc

I suppose I could be annoyed as I was just about to make Memperor rank, but I come here to learn, not to collect merit badges.
That Ziggy creature is a different matter. It’s an ugly blot on my beautiful reindeer pic. May Ziggy fall into the deepest pit of hell.


that’s true: your picture is destroyed by it


Wow, Ziggy is less popular than I expected. :roll_eyes:

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I don’t think this voting is representative of all Memrise users. Those people who like the changes most likely don’t come here (if you are happy with the changes, why look for a forum to vote how happy you are?). I’m sure most users don’t even find the community forums.


probably true that most users are not even interested in the fora.

, the point with the representativeness should have been addressed by the memrise team itself (instead of claiming that is such an amazing thing blablah)


Even though I sympathize with you, having rather similar opinion on ziggy and taking the time to react here as well, I must say that VT22 has point here.

That does not mean that we should not be heard, it just means that we have to take in account (and Memrise should and would do the same), that swarm of negative comments is allways having this kind of inherent bias in itself.

In similar situation there would be a lot of users who would like it, who wouldn’t care or don’t like it but don’t consider it important. What is their proportion to those whose voice is heard? The user base is counted in millions of people.

Even so, there is lot of points, that they already can and should deduce from this one sided out leash… It is already evident that:

  1. The prevalent opinion among community members is negative (number of people talking here represent easily vast majority of active members)

  2. As such, most probably, it might be by itself representative enough, for devoted deep learners and content creators.

  3. The degree how it affects others: casual users, youths etc. should be assessed with caution… here on this forum - well rounded arguments would wheigh the most, for example reasoning of teachers how their students cringe and why etc - not number of responses (really take the size of their real userbase here in account for a moment - milions of people!) and that they should take some serious marketing survey about this branding approach- how well is this change taken accross sample of average users.

I still believe this attitude in the “average sample” would be overwhelmingly negative (and we here are not “average” in any means … in good way, but still not average - and that is what counts in marketing in the end), however this just my feeling, my intuition and my deduction due to the reasoning and arguments of many of you not due to the numbers speaking here in the forum of very, very active users.

Let them take some contemplation about it, let them take some survey about it and let them take some time before they implement anything from both the feedback here and the surway. Don’t be flustered.

I believe, what they look for now are easily noticeable things to report - easiest to change and deep hood arguments.

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your argument is not very clear… of course “we” (those active in here) do not claim to be representative of the whole user base, so this is rather a red herring… what the “silent majority” thinks tends to be irrelevant … exactly because it is silent. There is no proof (and there will be no proof) about more paying users because of ziggy. In fact, until now, rather the opposite.

… memrise does not really asks the users their opinion before making a change (they tend to say that “we have good feedback in a beta version” -from some 3 or 5 people they value for their yes-saying mentality)