Forum Ranks still showing old ranks

Hi all,

Just wondering why on some peoples forum accounts it still says they have one of the old ranks (RIP old ranks :cry:) rather than the Ziggy levels in their info. I’d like to know the answer because it is slightly bugging me.

Many Thanks, ML


@MarshallLanguages I’ve noticed this too. I wasn’t sure if it was intended or not, so I’ve just been rolling with it.

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I think the users who still have the old ranks just haven’t updated their profiles since the new ranks were introduced, and it only takes effect when you do.

Personally, I’m holding onto the “Memperor” rank as long as I’m able. It took me three years to get, and I like it quite a bit more than “Level 17”. :wink:


I’m such a stupid level 14. :unamused: I also preferred my old rank.

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I Know!!! The “Ziggy” Levels may be trying to make it more appealing to children but the old ranks were better.

@Lien can you please set up a poll determining if there should be Ziggy, or the old levels…

  • Ziggy
  • Old Levels

0 voters

Please vote for what you want the ranks to be . @Lien

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If youre reading this @Lien i’d like to make a proposal that maybe you could keep the “Ziggy” pictures but have the old level names


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I’m afraid this was already tried back when it first came out:

There was a huge discussion (mostly negative feedback) here:

There was very little, if any, response from the Memrise team. :pensive:

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I guess I’m lucky because I really don’t care which ranking system they use. I understand why you guys are upset about it though. I suggest adding a neutral option whenever you make a poll. :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said, did Memrise publish any motivation for their changes? @MarshallLanguages mentioned the Ziggy theme is more appealing to children. Is that just speculation, or did Memrise say that was their rationale?

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They posted this blog at the time:

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Okay, so I don’t know about gardening, but isn’t Memrise still about mems? Or am I not understanding something here? Maybe they plan on making more theme changes in the future. Also, what are they doing now and how doesn’t it fit in with mems and gardening? It’s all very cryptic, but that is irrelevant here. The reason I feel impartial about these changes is because Memrise is a tool I use to learn. I don’t really need a rank or a profile. I don’t come here for social media, I come here to learn!

There are some serious bugs that I think they should prioritize over re-theming the website. For example, a lesson in Japanese 3 still has the wrong number of words registered to it making it impossible for users to complete the course. Additionally, turning off audio questions on iOS only turns off one type of audio questions, which negatively impacts your profile when you are unable to answer correctly.

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Wouldnt you think that this may be stupid adding Ziggy as everyone was happy with the old stuff instead,

Also this is unfair towards the other uses as the team did NOTHING to listen to objections and do the ranks NEED to be appealing to small children. It is irrelevant :anger:


Why can’t I vote anymore? It’s only 4 days! :cry::cry::cry::cry:

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I re-opened it

Closed by request of @MarshallLanguages

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Bye ziggy :smile:

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