[Course Forum] Swedish 1-7 by Memrise

Swedish and German have this way of telling time in common: when they say “den är halv nio” (in German, “es ist halb neun”), they mean that it is half an hour TO nine, not half PAST nine.

So, it is correctly translated as “eight thirty”.

One of my all-time favourite time phrases in Swedish is: “klockan var inte speciellt mycket” - literally “the clock wasn’t specially much” - but it actually means “it wasn’t particularly late”.

Here are some links on the subject:




I thought It could be that, but I had doubts so I translated with Google translate and it gave me the wrong translation, now I know xD. No doubts now, thanks!

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Det var så lite så!

Happy to have been of assistance!


Apologies for reviving an old thread but I’m not sure where to put/ask this.

Whilst working with the browser version, in “Swedish 5 - Humans with Power” when asked to type the Swedish translation of ‘army’ the provided accented letters don’t include the character ‘é’ in order to type it correctly.

I use a chromebook so in order for me to type up the special character I either need to memorise the unicodes (I’m struggling with Swedish as it is!) or google, copy and paste it.

I would be grateful if it could be added to the browser app as it has been available on previous lessons when the ‘é’ was required. (It’s fine in the android app as the keyboard allows for special characters).


You don’t need to apologise! You have put your comment in exactly the right place. It is just not a very active forum, but it is not the wrong forum :slight_smile:

I totally agree that these need to be added as options on the web version. I have typed in an ordinary “e” and it was accepted as correct. Seeing as it is a completely different pronunciation with an “é” or an “e” and how some learners whose languages don’t have any accents (like English) tend to just ignore them, it is really really important to have them available.


Can you look into this, please?

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Check out this post, too, plesae, @Lena_Margareta21


Here’s a problem noted in Level 6, @Lena_Margareta21

I don’t know if it is still an issue, though.


Swedish 6 - lvl 23 The sound for “du kan räkna med mig” is “håll ut”.

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It seems that @Lena_Margareta21 is no longer active on these forums or even working for memrise.

Is there anybody on the memrise team who can look at the posts that have appeared on the forums for the official courses for Norwegian and Swedish? There have been many posts left unanswered in the past few months.

And shouldn’t this course forum be moved to the memrise part of the forum? This isn’t a community course, but an official memrise course.

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Where is this “Memrise part of the forum” anyway?

I only see Decks categories:

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True! They are obviously gradually changing everything over, so I suppose it will take a while till everything lands in the right place!

A few days ago, that list didn’t exist and the Decks courses were still under memrise courses.

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minor typo here:

mina morföräldrar åkte till Afria när de var unga


Is it safe to assume that @MemriseSupport is no longer supporting this course? The main contact, @Lena_Margareta21 seems to have abandoned the the forum and response to bug reports.

I’ve found a number of issues that have been listed here for years and not yet fixed.

Thanks for any insight!

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Why don’t you just list the things you have found here anyway? Even if there isn’t anybody on the memrise team right now who is looking after the Swedish courses, it could change any time. The Danish courses were abandoned for quite some time, but now there is somebody looking after them again. Maybe that guy could also fix some of the basic typos and things like that? Swedish and Danish are pretty similar.



Do you happen to know if there is anybody available on the memrise team who would be qualified to make changes to the memrise Swedish course?

Would you perhaps be willing or able to make some of the suggested changes? I have no idea how the allocation of duties works at memrise, or how they pay you and so on, but it would be great if some of these long-standing errors could be removed. It would make the memrise product look better, that’s for sure!

It is now June 2019 and there are still many cases where we are invited to make a choice of a sentence in Swedish which matches the sound that we are supposed to hear - except that there is no sound. My present ‘work-around’ is to make a guess and if it is wrong the the word will come back again, but it does affect my score of ‘difficult words’, not difficult if I could hear them.


I agree that just guessing stuff is really not a solution!


Is there a specialist for Swedish on the memrise staff at the moment? What happened to @Lena_Margareta21? We haven’t seen her for ages!

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As the literal translation correctly points out, the translation for han är en och sjuttio lång would be he is one meter and seventy centimeters tall. However, the translation and alleged correct answer says seventy-five which would be sjuttiofem in svenska. Obviously it’s a minor typo. A fix would be great, though. Tack!


Level 6 is essentially unusable. Have only three people attempted the level in the past 9 months?