[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise

Hi @angileptol,

Yes, absolutely that would help but there is, of course, nothing wrong with the English translation as currently written. It’s just a matter of finding a way to make a bridge between the plural used for this one in English and the singular used in Spanish. :persevere:

Thanks so much!

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@alanh I will check with the English specialist to see what would make more sense. Thank you!



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Spanish 5 Level 17

When talking about the weather, we learn that “to clear up” is “despejarse”, but in the example, “probablemente despejará al sur”, the reflexive pronoun isn’t used. Can you explain?
Many thanks.

In Spanish (Spain) 1 course, in web version, the modules 2 and 5 are missing. They appear fine in Android app version. Can someone look into it and fix it ?


Can you please post a link to the course that you’re referring to?

I’m not sure what’s going on, but thanks for posting the link :slight_smile:

Hi @shaileshsahasrabuddh and @neoncube,

This isn’t actually a bug.

I don’t use the app versions much but have just taken a look at the iOS app. Levels 2 and 5 in Spanish (Spain) 1 are both interactive “missions” (dialogue) which is a feature that only appears on the app version. For others who may not be familiar with that, it’s described here: http://feedback.memrise.com/knowledgebase/articles/1110310-missions-on-android

There is a similar gap in the web version of Spanish (Spain) 4, where Level 2 is missing for the same reason.

@angileptol, I know that you have said before that Memrise is reluctant to update the web version but would it be possible to add a brief explanation of the gaps, please?

I’ll move this discussion to the Course Forum for Spanish (Spain)1 later.

Ah, I see. Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

I realized one more thing that partially explains - I was paying attention to only level #s, not checking names and total. On the Android App, although the course says it has 14 levels, it actually shows only 12 (1 to 12). Whileas, in web version, it shows 14 level (1 to 14) with #2 and #5 missing. I’ve seen “meet the …” type “free to try” modules throughout, not sure if they are same as “missions” AlanH referred to. In any case, it’s not a big deal now that I know there are actually only 12 level really. Thanks to everyone who looked into this and responded and tried to help.

Hi @shaileshsahasrabuddh,

The “meet the natives” videos (which you see on both the app and the web versions, although the two formats are not quite the same) are a different thing to the “missions” feature that only appears on the app.

If you have used the app version, you will have seen that the “missions” have an on-screen appearance similar to what you would see in text messaging on an iPhone and are, in effect, conversations which you do as tapping tests (see the link in my previous post). It’s only those “missions” that are missing from the web version of the courses and I guess that’s only because the format they require isn’t currently supported by the way the web version was set up and Memrise have said they don’t want to upgrade it.

Thanks for providing more clarification.

I’ve been using app on my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone (Androis OS) for last 8 days and I’ve never come across the “mission” modules. Just to be doubly sure, I checked just now. Nope, No mission stuff in app.

Anyway, I’d not want someone (and even me) to spend time in debugging this, there are a few issues in memrise (both web version and app) and I guess we just have to live with them as we are using it for “free”.



Is anything in this other topic relevant? "First contact" feature is missing?

“Meet the Natives” is a Pro feature.

Be thankful.

My understanding is that loco means mad as in crazy, not angry. But in A2 - Spanish, Beyond Beginners, it is being translated as angry, as in “If you don’t share your sweets, I will get mad.” Surely this is an error?

I found a mistake.
In the British English version of the course Spanish (Spain 1), ‘tell it how it is’ marvellous is spelt ‘marvelous’.
Could someone please change this?

6 posts were split to a new topic: Spaans 1-7 by Memrise (Spanish for Dutch)

This man says . It is a relatively new video in Spanish 1 (meaning I have not seen this guy before)

Hi @angileptol!

Can you please delete one of the ¿es posible? I often end up choosing the wrong one. Which ever comes first I choose. Why do I have to memorize those 3 dots at the end?

Thank you!

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Problem with difficult words function