This is the course forum for the course Minna no Nihongo I by akizz:
I’ve created this course forum in the hope of getting in contact with the course creator akizz.
akizz if you’re still active on Memrise, I’d like to offer to supply some recorded audio for this course. If you’d be interested in making me a contributor, I could add the audio into the course.
If you put a @ before a username and this user is active here, they’ll get an email. @Matt_Mendoza60 @akizz seems to be not active here, so we ask @Lien
Thanks! I have emailed Akizz to invite them to the conversation. If we don’t hear back in the next week, they may no longer be interested in maintaining the course in which case I can add @Matt_Mendoza60 as a contributor.
Hi @Matt_Mendoza60, I heard back from Akizz and he’d love to have you as a contributor. When you next access the course, you should see the ‘Edit Course’ button in the top right.
Thanks Lien!
I’ll start to add some new audio to this course. If anyone has feedback, please feel free to let me know.
Hi @Lien.
I’ve enjoyed using the Minna no Nihongo I course and it’s really helped me study and review for my Japanese classes.
Selecting the audio or typing what I hear is also useful.
The only thing that’s missing is the short sentences.
I’ve been studying the Minna no Nihongo II course by @NRKW, which teaches the grammar and vocabulary then combines them into example sentences. The user selects the sentences but, crucially, is also asked to write those sentences from memory as well. Each lesson is split into four parts, building sentences along the way.
There isn’t much audio though, and this course doesn’t ask me to type what I hear.
I would be very happy and grateful if Minna no Nihongo I had the grammar and example sentences. At the moment I keep forgetting the grammar for Minna no Nihongo I. It feeds into the grammar for Minna no Nihongo II though, so…
If you’d like me to add the sentences then I’d be happy to help!
I’ve been working on a separate Minna no Nihongo sentence course for grammar practice. Still currently adding audio. Maybe this could be helpful?
Great - thanks!
I’ve just reviewed level one and two and started level 3.
It’s a useful way to review the grammar; thank you for putting it together.
I’ve noticed that some of the sentences have spaces between words. If I don’t put the space in then it comes up as being incorrect.
For example, in level 3 あちらです has a space so Memrise won’t accept it unless it’s written as あちら です
あそこです Has the same problem.
Also, one of the sentences reads やまださんはじむじょです. Is that correct? It seems to say ‘As for Mr Yamada, he is an office’.
Thanks for the feedback.
I’ve added spaces between all the words and particles so that Memrise brings them all up as tapping tests (arranging words) rather than typing tests. Some of the short sentences like “あちらです” are automatically treated like words by Memrise, so it’ll bring up a typing test. I’ll go through all of these and add alt answers so that you can type あちらです with or without the space and still get it correct.
The sentence やまださんはじむしょです is from the textbook and correctly translates to “Yamada is in the office,” but it’s a pretty basic way to write it. This is for the grammar rule "Noun は Place です”
You could also say じむしょにやまださんです or じむしょにやまださんがいます which would mean the same thing.
I see what you mean, although since Mr Yamada is a living (animate) thing perhaps います would be better?
Sorry yes, います would be correct. ^edited.
All the images in the multimedia lessons that I clicked on, link to a broken Imageshack link. Is there any way to restore these lessons?
Unfortunately I don’t have access to the original multimedia files.
@Lien Any chance we can email Akizz see if the multimedia levels can be restored?
Matt: What’s the status on adding the sentences without spaces? I noticed while checking out this course that they seem not to have been implemented. I am writing only to offer my help as I might have some time to do that.
Hi, from what I can see the alts with no spaces have been added to all sentences up to level 20 so far. Was there anything in the lower levels that didn’t look complete?
Also I’ve just made a new course forum for the sentence course.
Hello @Lien
There are some alt answers missing that become a real annoyance since they delay the review in a multiplicative way. First, a correct answer is considered wrong and the same word end up appearing a few times in the same session. Secondly, the word becomes a “difficult” word and ends up showing up more often in subsequent sessions. A lot of review time is lost this way.
Here are just a few examples so far「correct answer」「correct alternative missing」:
I am sure there are more than just these. Is there a way to get these alternatives added to the Course contents?
Thanks in advance for your help with these.
Hi, I’ve just added the kanji alts for all of the above. If you’re using the app, log out and back in to sync the changes.
きって (stamp), has the kanji alt 切手. (切って is the te form of 切る)
Let me know if you see any others that need adding. In the meantime I’ll have a look through and see if I spot any missing.