Thanks Matt:
Here are the latest I found.
「かきとめ」requires 2 alts 「書き留め」「書留」the latter being already there.
I’ll pass them along as I run into them. I am going relatively slow, I hope this format works out for you.
Thanks Matt:
Here are the latest I found.
「かきとめ」requires 2 alts 「書き留め」「書留」the latter being already there.
I’ll pass them along as I run into them. I am going relatively slow, I hope this format works out for you.
A few more:
きれい 綺麗
おいしい 美味しい
てんぷら 天ぷら
すし 寿司
にぎやか 賑やか
わたしたち 私達
Thanks, I’ve added all of the above alts. Let me know if you see any more.
Hi, I noticed some incorrect audio. In lesson 5 (levels 14 and 60), the audio for 来月 and 去年 is こんげつ (rather than らいげつ and きょねん).
Thanks for that, I’ve corrected the audio for 来月 and 去年.
A few more…
はなし 話し
はなします 話します
のどがかわきました 喉が乾きました
おなか お腹
ほんとうに 本当に
ことば 言葉
しあい 試合
むだ 無駄
たぶん 多分
There is an audio file that’s wrong: やすみ is being read as こんばん。
Thanks, I’ve added all the above kanji and fixed the audio. It looks like this course originally only had kanji featured in the textbook, which is mainly N5 level kanji.
You’re right! The text (みんなの日本語 I) does not have Kanji for all the vocabulary, however, the option of not typing the Kanji, i.e. using ひらがな only, remains available to those who want to stick to that. Putting in all the Kanji lifts Memrise’s course content to a different level for those who are just using it for reviewing their long lost and forgotten vocabulary but are already ahead with Kanji. It might feel like a tedious and slow process to fix every aspect of the course content but I believe it’s worth it for the long run and for other learners. This is really an example of what I meant in my posting to @lien. Moreover, a course that went through such “Ironing”/“cleaning-up” should be somehow promoted or at least “treated” differently from other unchecked contents… と思います!
A couple more additions:
のど 喉
かぜ 風邪
くだもの 果物
のどがかわきました 喉が乾きました
おなかがすきました お腹が空きました
Once again, thank you Matt for taking care of these fixes. I feel that I can now recommend this course for review of the MNN I vocabulary even to people who are more advanced in the Kanji learning.
Thanks, I’ve added the kanji for all of these words.
One more with two alts:
「ほかに」 「他に」 「外に」
Thank you again.
Hello there,
Thank you for this great forum. Does any of you know how to access multimedia lessons ?
For some reason, I can’t access imageshack pictures. Am I doing something wrong ?
Also, @Matt_Mendoza I’d be happy to help with audio content might you want to add me as contributor in the 3 courses :
Hi these alts have now been added.
Unfortunately the imageshack links to the multimedia lessons have been broken for a while. We don’t have access to the original files. If @akizz is still active he might have them.
I’ll message you about the audio.
There are a couple more but did not take note of them, i.e. they’re buried in the LTM and might not show up for a while. I’ll let you know about them when I run into them during the reviews.
A quick question if you don’t mind:
What are the field names in the course (Minna no Nihongo I) spreadsheet and which one has the ALT’s (assuming that they are separated by commas but are in the same column)?
Thank you.
Here’s a screenshot of the Memrise editing mode for this course. All the Kanji alts are in the kana field, which is the field being tested. The Kanji is also in a separate field, so it can be displayed after testing each word.
Thanks Matt.
The clunky part of loading words and Alt’s is that there is no way to bulk them together or to make both the Kana and Kanji as possible answers. The Alt’s are for all intents and purposes already there (at least most of them) in the Kanji column. I am sure the Alt’s are saved in the database in an easy format of sorts that could be made available with the rest of the columns by simply joining a couple of tables both while displaying the words, during editing, or even while bulk inserting them (simple and plain vanilla SQL code does it whatever the underlying Database system!)
@Lien I hope that this functionality will be made available soon, as its implementation might not be such a challenge.
Back for a little while (busy creating a course to teach someone a new language). Images in the multimedia lessons have been restored.
@akizz Welcome back! Unfortunately all user created courses are being migrated to the new Decks website in March, which will no longer support the app. Fingers crossed the new site supports the Multimedia levels.