[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

In Japanese 1 Level 4, “どんなところが好きですか?” is translated as “what do you like about it?”

I don’t really think this should be the correct translation? I’m not fluent in Japanese, but this sentence seems to mean “What kind of place do you like?”

Can someone who knows Japanese check on this?

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Thank you @jklingen9290 for the screenshots, this helps a lot!
Now our developers are aware of this, so it will be improved in the coming weeks!
Thank you for flagging it:)


Hi @www42www,
I’m sorry there was a typo there! I have now corrected it, and if you log out and log in again, you should be able to see the changes as well.


Hi @zschuah,
Thank you for learning on our new Japanese course! This is very exciting for us:)

ところ」can mean “a place (location)”, but it also commonly means “a part/an aspect of something”, and in this course context, it means the latter.

The previous item goes:
日本が好きです; I like Japan
and this item is a continuation of that, asking:
どんなところが好きですか?; what do you like about it (Japan)?

Similarly, you could say;
to mean “that’s what I like about you”.

The meaning of 「ところ」 depends on context, and to say “What kind of place do you like?”, you could also say the same, but I actually would personally say どんな場所が好きですか?to add clarity.

Hope this helps!


@KanaTsumoto Your explanation is very clear! Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your work on the courses!
I see that the example phrase is now fixed, but the 「サ」 in the word by itself is still without dakuten, at least for me.

I have by the way noticed the same bug as another user was having: [Site Feedback] Japanese 3 level 17 peace offering is broken

The only difference for me is that “Peace Offering” is chapter 15, instead of 17.

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There is a mistranslation in the American English Japanese 3 Lesson 16: It should be “Maria weights 60 kilograms” instead of “she”

In Japanese 3 for American English speakers, lesson 18 has the vocabulary words 科学 - chemistry / science.

I believe those are different kanji: 化学 / 科学

In Japanese 5, Lesson 17, がっかりしました is “is disappointed” and 驚きました is “is surprised,” but if I’m not mistaken isn’t ~ました a past-tense conjugation? Why are these then in present-tense in English?

I am far from an expert in Japanese, so I might be utterly wrong about this, but the way I see it, the ~ました fulfills the same kind of past tense function as the “-ed” suffix in both “surprised” and “dissapointed”. As I said, I might be completely wrong, in which case I apologise.

Thank you for your question:)
Both 「がっかりしました」and 「驚きました」 can be used for both current and past feelings, and as @www42www described, the ました here is focusing more on the fact that this feeling was brought about as a result of something else (that happened in the past at this point.)

In turn, 「がっかりします」 and 「驚きます」 acts more like a future tense or like “get disappointed” or “get surprised”.

But it’s a good point that it is not clear in the course when this feeling is happening. To talk specifically about how you are surprised NOW, you would say 「驚いています」. I will remember these for our future courses. Thank you for your question and feedback.


Thank you for flagging these. They are now fixed, and if you log out and log in again, you should be able to see the changes.


My Japanese 3 just decided to un-complete itself. It used to be fully completed, but now it says “639/640 learned.” However, when I check there are no ignored words, no un-learnt words, and when I try to go to “Learn new words,” it throws an error. This is similar to my Japanese 0, which as been stuck at 205/207 since I finished it.

In Japanese 3 level 6
The following phrase only provides as います in the selections, and then marks that as correct

Are these courses generally considered good and worth going through?

Right now I’m only using Memrise to learn/revise Genki 1 (eventually Genki 2) kanji/vocab and Tae Kim’s to try and learn some of the grammar / different word forms (like ではありません vs じゃありません vs じゃない ).

Do these courses offer anything those 2 don’t?
These courses have the native speaker clips right?

In Japanese 3 for American English speakers, lesson 19, ききます has the kanji 聴きます. I see on jisho.org that that is an alternative form of 聞きます. My understanding is that the latter is more standard but I don’t know for sure. Maybe this is one of the cases where a semicolon and two kanji is appropriate. Please let me know which is commonly used. Thanks!

Edit: Actually I have the same question for 見ます vs 観ます (the latter is given, but the former has already been a vocab word in 見て so maybe that was intentional). That’s the same lesson as the first question.

@KanaTsumoto @MemriseSupport

I just got an update on Memrise and it seems like some of the issues I was having with the distractors algorithm may have been addressed. I’m not sure, because I’m definitely still having the issue with kanji in Speed Practice mode. It’s always the same 3 distractors. It makes the review nearly pointless. I can easily pass vocab that I don’t know very well, and it specifically affect Kanji which are the hardest to learn and distinguish. I’ll link my original post as a reference. EDIT: Here’s another example of pretty useless distractors:

If the prompt is a sentence, all the distractors should be as well.

Additionally, I have two requests regarding the input method for Japanese. It would be better if the provided characters for input were scrambled from instance to instance. As it is, you can pretty mush memorize the layout of the kanji on the provided keyboard and not remember the kanji themselves. This is especially important on compound kanji where you need to remember the order. Having more distractors in the keyboard would be nice as well. It would also be nice to be able to turn off the provided keyboard, so that I can force myself to learn to type in Japanese.

The most recent update made timed practice significantly less challenging. I would appreciate being able to choose my difficulty level. Some users might just want to play a moderately challenging game, but as a paying user, I would like to actually to learn to differentiate the kanji.

Thanks for considering.


In Japanese 5, Number 17, for “私たちは田舎の村に行きました,” is there any particular reason it’s “私たち” with the hiragana instead of “私達” with the kanji? The previous one, “私達は素敵な海のそばのホテルを選びました,” used the kanji.

Hello at all,

I might have discovered an incorrect transaction with Japanese 1 (chapter 13 We are family)

There’s the word お世辞 which is translated as fake compliments. However as far as I now, お世辞 means initially only compliments (Which is also seen in the sentence learned i nthe same chapter お世辞が上手ですね - you flatter me (or literally "You are good with compliments)

Can someone from the team please check this again and verify if this indeed is supposed to mean “fake compliments”?

Many thanks

To follow up on this, my Japanese 3 has corrected itself, but after the addition of 2 words to Japanese 0, my Japanese 0 now shows as 207/210 words complete, and throws an error when I attempt to “Learn new words.” Before it showed 205/207.