Error message "Whoops. Could not load the session. Sorry."

Having the same problem. Feeling frustratedā€¦

How irritating, sorry to hear that. Itā€™s still stuck on my page with that error message. A week ago Josh at Memrise said he was looking into it. Followed it up and still no reply. Iā€™ll be cancelling my subscription, thereā€™s no way to phone them and no means of contact other than a forum that gets no replies (very helpful suggestions from other users but none from the website operators). Very poor service.

@PabloGomezMunich47 and @Lydia9,

You could try sending in a Support Contact Form. That sometimes works.

Click on and then select ā€œAboutā€. Scroll down to the ā€œContact Usā€ link and then on the next screen, select the ā€˜support contact formā€™ link.

Good luck!

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Already triedā€¦
Seems the server wonā€™t react to that. Probably inbox full :smile:

Whateverā€¦ Iā€™ll just learn by going through the preview feature as much times as desired :slight_smile:. The thing about that is that it is not available for phone and I donā€™t have Internet in the Metro, lol :confused:

I have a different problem which is irritating but can be overcome, just means have to go the long-way round to get past it. Have over 200 items of vocab to review but I only want to review the vocab of the lesson affected by the bug as itā€™s the most recent and Iā€™m confident on other lessons and short on time. Due to the bug the lesson is incomplete and I canā€™t view its vocab- if I click review for an incomplete lesson it doesnā€™t count towards the stuff Iā€™m being reminded to review and I only get 1 point for each. So Iā€™ll just have to go through all the 200 items, a bit at a time each day, until the ones I want actually come up, and do this every time itā€™s up for reviewā€¦

Weā€™re still looking into it, please donā€™t lose faith. Iā€™m fairly sure 150 items in the level is not the cause of this.

Can you provide us as much information regarding, ā€œplants, laboratoriesā€ and any other problematic words. How did you add this to the level, did you previous delete this item or an item above it?

I suggest creating the entire level again, as there is a bug within that level.

While attempting to reproduce your problem, I managed to break my own course. However, I am still unsure what caused this to happen.


Thanks for the update, much appreciated.

I donā€™t believe I deleted the other two words that seem to be problems. All three were words I typed myself in both English and Arabic, rather than adding the suggested definitions. I deleted ā€œplants, laboratoriesā€ and as it made no difference I re-typed the entry from scratch and put it in its original place. When I originally got stuck when the lesson was called ā€œlesson 8ā€ ((before duplicating to produce ā€œcopy of lesson 8ā€ and deleting the original) that was when I think I deleted it and it had no effect so I did the duplication. I canā€™t remember if I moved it before deleting or if I deleted first then added it again and tried moving it but I moved ā€œplants, laboratoriesā€ from its current position to the end of the list to see if it got past the error message. As it didnā€™t, I moved it back into its original place (as Iā€™m trying to maintain alphabetical order). I didnā€™t move or delete any other words including the other two problem words ā€œworkersā€ and ā€œvaluableā€.

The problem with the courseā€™s bug seems to also be affecting my statistics in my pro membership- I canā€™t view this course in the pie-chart of the time spent on courses any more and itā€™s wildly distorted the time spent on other courses- some which I have spent tens of hours on are recorded as having been under an hour each or just a few hours in the last 60 days.

Let me know if I can help in any other way and thanks again for the update.

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15 mins ago ā€œvaluableā€, ā€œworkersā€, and ā€œplants, laboratoriesā€ were showing as seeds that havenā€™t been planted when all the other vocab had (I checked while writing my latest post) in ā€œlesson 8 cont.ā€ and I just reviewed vocab for the lesson and was asked to review ā€œplants, laboratoriesā€. So I viewed the page of vocab and it says theyā€™ve been planted and to review after different lengths of time:

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but ā€œcopy of lesson 8ā€ still produces the error message and shows the three words as unlearnt. Look forward to hearing more, thanks again for your help with this, Joshua.

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As there is a problem with lesson 8, duplicating the level will also carry the bug.

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While we donā€™t have a fix for this, can I suggest adding garden/review_level/ to the end of the url.

This will allow you to review without the need of completing the level.

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The way Memrise uses the word ā€œreviewā€ is not consintent. There are two ways to review, one that advances the review schedule and one that does not. Theyā€™re both labeled ā€œReview,ā€ which is confusing. When I started using Memrise, The terms were:

  • Planting (learning, 45 points per response)
  • Watering (reviewing when due, usually 150 points per response)
  • Overwatering (reviewing when not due, only 1 point per response)

You can overwater when words are due for review, but overwatering does not advance the review schedule. You still have to review via watering.

I often water lesson by lesson. If I want to review a lesson that I havenā€™t finished planting, I edit the URL. Go to your lesson page, which will look something like this: ā€¦ then add garden/review_level/ and hit enter.

Hopefully that will help you with your bugged lesson!

Thanks Kaspian and Joshua, that helps a lot, the link seems to have advanced my reviewing schedule, and its absence had been my main concern.

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Could not load the session. Sorry.


Just had a quick look, it seems youā€™ve already finished the course which is why youā€™re receiving that error.

The courses are split into segment, there are more courses available to help you with your language learning. Below are the links to Korean 2 and 3. Enjoy. :star_struck:

thank you soooooo much . :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

i was going to create new account and start from begining . ty

Iā€™m also having the same issue with the Japanese 0 course. It has been saying that I have 207/210 words for about 2 weeks now. The other parts of the course work fine, itā€™s just when I click ā€œLearn new wordsā€. I am also on the free version, by the way.

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Hi @TadashiBrownlee80 :slight_smile:

This question was commented on in the official forum of the Japanese course.

  1. when there were 205 words and it showed that it was 207;
  2. when there were 207 words and it showed that it had 210:
  1. and the response of the Japanese expert (Memrise team):

Thanks for the response! It worked on the app.

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