[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

:confetti_ball: NEWS :confetti_ball:
The official Japanese courses 4 -7 are now published for;
English (US)
English (UK)
Spanish (EU)
Chinese simplified
Thank you for waiting, people!!


ありがとうございます :grinning:

Hello, I have learnt all the words for Japanese 1 and I am currently going through the review. I would be interested to hear at what point people move onto the next course? I am not completely familiar with the content but I suppose that may always be the case. Anyway interested to hear your thoughts

Hi, I think I’ve encountered a bug in the Japanese 1 course. In the review sounds are played for some hiragana but not for full words so it is hard to grasp the pronunciation of the words when not able to hear them after learning the words. It did work properly two days ago so should be able to be fixed.
Edit: Hmm I’ve tried again and most of it seems to be working now with the occasional hiragana not having sounds, may just be an issue on my end of things.

First off, I want to make sure I am reporting these issues in the correct location. Please send me on my way if I’m not - and I apologize. I’ve noticed a lot of inconsistencies or errors, especially in Japanese 3, and I would like to report them. I could compile a list and create my own forum thread if necessary.


The big bold text here is missing a に in between 夏 and 日本. This is Japanese 3, “Talking About The Future”.

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The romaji in this one says ‘yoru fukashimasu’ but it should be ‘yofukashi shimasu’.

This is from Japanese 3… not sure which lesson. It came up during a review.

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Reported here:

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Hi @111100
Thank you for reporting these! You are doing it at the right place, you can list them up here and I’ll try to fix them all:+1:


Hi @robert.durney.77782
I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing some inconveniences. It could be a browser/device specific problem, but it could also be something on our end. Could you list out the particular items you were having problems with?


Hi, the problem is resolved now, not sure why it happened! The problem was that In the review for many of the words the sounds weren’t played, this was fixed by the next day.


Hello !
I found a problem in japanese 3 level 6,
The audio for “質問をしてもいいですか?” doesn’t pronounce the “も”
Thanks !

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I am using this application on mobile and words with ‘throat’ and ‘i am sick’ seems to be missing audio. Anyone have this problem?

Hi there,

imho, I’m not sure if a no-kanjii version would help you in any way in the long run. The reason why Japanese use Kanjii is to make text much more readable as if it were an uninterrupted series of hiraganas/furiganas, more so due to the fact that spaces between words don’t exist in Japanese. Eventually you will have to learn Kanjis no matter what.
The learning curve remains very steep and from what I read, it takes 20’000 hours of hard study for ‘westerners’ to master Japanese in writing and in speaking. Learning Japanese is definitely something one cannot simply dash through.
Back to your remark, you will find the literal translation as well as the furigana version of any one text in the lessons’ sentence pages (see also screenshots from David).
In my opinion, they could increase the size of the furiganas somewhat, though.

So I’m not sure if this has been mentioned, but I’m going through Japanese 2, and one of the “learn with locals” videos for sugoi seems… Well, odd. It’s the one with a somewhat old-looking bald man wearing a cap (if I remember correctly), and what he says sounds more like he’s sneezing. I hear a very long “sssssu,” and then he just kinda cuts off whatever he was saying after that. I don’t really think that this particular example really illustrates an average person saying “sugoi,” so I don’t think it really provides much benefit. Frankly, I think it might confuse people more than it would help them, given just how different it actually is.

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In Memrise Japanese with kanji level 2, if the prompt is ‘Can; be able to’, there is more than one instance of ~できます(~れます;~せます)and if you don’t pick the right instance, it is marked wrong. When the prompt is in hiragana, there are 2 correct English answers presented. Interestingly, if the prompt is in hiragana, then it doesn’t seem to matter which English instance you pick.

Hey Louis!
I usually jump straight into the next course, especially with the Japanese 1, since most of what you learned there will show up again in Japanese 2. One thing I’ve done is take the words that I was learning and added them to Anki. That way you can continue on, but have another spaced repetition system application to help you keep fresh.

Thanks you for reporting this! It is now fixed!


Hi @hkfrenchtoast,

Thank you for reporting those. Those are items that should have audios, and in the database, it looks like they correctly have audios. Can you help me investigate by giving me a bit more information? Which course do you learn Japanese on?" is it in ROMAJI or full Japanese script with Kanji?


Hi @kristoferjanke,

Thanks for your question. You are indeed not the first to mentioned this, and it has been a controversial question tbh. Just to confirm, he is actually saying すごい!. He’s saying it in a way that communicates excitement; he probably was deeply impressed by how fluent you speak Japanese and wanted to say he’s super impressed and moved and almost touched that you made such effort, but in one breath. In that kind of scenario, I think you might be surprised how many people might sound similar.

It might be a bit unfair for listening & typing tests, but I think it gives you some real life experience of the language.

If there is no big objections, I’d like to keep it for some flavour to the course… what do you think?


Thank you for reporting this! I’ve made some changes, please log out and log in again to see the update :slight_smile: