[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Thank you for reporting this! I’ve made some changes, please log out and log in again to see the update :slight_smile:


Can I have the option of matching words with definitions instead of definitions with words?

I think there is a bug on the Japanese 3 course, the “eat at a restaurant” section (from french to japanese):
朝食 is translated as “petit-déjeuner”(breakfast), which is correct, but then
昼食を食べます is translated as “prendre le petit-déjeuner”(to have breakfast"), but I think the character 昼 means lunch and not breakfast

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In the German course “Japanisch 6” the sound of “私達はジャングルの中へ歩きました” is wrong. At the moment it is the sound of “田んぼ”.

Thank you for flagging this @AnneThomas58
I have asked our French Specialist to make the correction:)


Good catch, @Tigerismyn!
Thank you!


Hi, during Japanese 1/Level 7 “Chat Baking” says: “Maybe you should review your katakana in Japanese 1 level 7 and 9” but katakana starts at level 10, not 7 nor 9? Am I missing something or is “Chat Baking” way too early?

It also says: “… or food vocabulary in Japanese 2 level 19”. Err … what use is it being asked content that is several levels (or even an entire course) ahead of me when all I can do is guess and google translate my way through this at this point?

Please make a no Kanji version. Kanji in incredibly difficult to memorize.

Hello again!
In Japanese 3, level 6 “Navigation Class”, the phrase “里保さんは話すのが速すぎです” is being translated as “You speak too quickly”. This would be correct, if the speaker was talking directly to Ms. Riho, but one of the “incorrect” translations is “Riho, you speak too quickly”. Of course, it doesn’t specifically say “Ms. Riho, you speak too quickly”, but that’s a pretty subtle difference. Also, since the English prompt is “You speak too quickly”, it becomes a matter of remembering that the answer starts with "里保さんは。。。”

I’m loving the switch from all hiragana to hiragana/katakana/kanji, and 4 more levels too! Previously I would take the vocab words from Memrise, add them to my Anki deck, and try to figure out which version of the kanji was appropriate for the Memrise usage.
One thought for you, the heritage of the lessons kind of shows when a word like “聞きます” shows up, because the translation is “to hear, to listen, to ask”, even though the kanji makes it pretty clear which one you mean. I know that before the word would be “ききます”, and the user would have to click on the additional info button to see the kanji, so it was more appropriate back then.
I know that there’s a lot of stuff to clean up, and I definitely appreciate having over twice the content now, just wanted to put that on your radar!
Thanks for your hard work!

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Hello @Yashkashyee,

Good shout! The chats that we have in the current courses are made to be a bit challenging and do not actually follow the progress of the course, I’m afraid. You’re right that the levels suggested for reviews are outdated, I’ll remove those immediately!


Thank you for your suggestion @TheoLerner,
That is a very popular request and we are now trying to implement a new solution for teaching the Kanji.


Hi @jonbspeck37,

Thank you for flagging this error. It was a past error that we had missed to update, I’m sorry. It should be correct now. If you are learning on the app, you will have to log out and log in again to seethe changes.


Thank you for your reply @KanaTsumoto.

I’m not opposed to challenges, but being asked questions that require knowledge from a completely different course, especially one that I’m still a while away from, runs contrary to the idea of following a well structured course where each lesson builds on one another.

I hope you will revise when and where certain chat bots appear in the future because I can see this as a useful tool to revise learned content after I’ve actually learned it in the course.

Right now I don’t see any point to the randomness of it and regard it as a waste of time, being asked content randomly plucked from a whole nother course, because that time could be spent learning lessons from the course I’m actually in.

Japanese 3 (with script), level 18, “Fuel you vocab: Education”
When given the English prompt, “Math”, there are two 数学 responses given, in both the four panel and six panel response.

Dang, I see what I did- digit versus math

Pretty sure this one isn’t me being dense, (unlike the last one! すみません!)
Japanese 3 (with script), level 15, “Peace Offering”
There seems to be a disparity between the number of words in the lesson, and how Memrise knows the lesson is complete. In the screen shot below, notice that it says 13/15, but there are only 13 entries below (sorry it’s cut off). I haven’t been able to get the level to mark as complete.

Hi @Yashkashyee,

Yes, you are completely right! I cannot agree with you more! The future courses we are working on now will be more coherent in teaching progress. Hopefully we can bring them to you very soon.


Hi @jonbspeck37,

Thanks for reporting this, I think our dev team fixed this recently. Could you try logging out and in again to see the updates? Please do let me know if the problem persists!


Checked for updates, and logged out and back in and still saw level 15 as 13/15.
It’s not preventing me from progressing, but if I use the ‘Learn New Words’ button, I get an 'Error loading lesson popup, and just manually browse to the lesson I’m working on.

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