[Course Forum] Indonesian Courses by guestgulkan

Makasih Pak!

Your wish is my command.

hi, me again

the keterkejutan in the 50 languages: can “shock” get a sort of a delimitation (emotional shock, surprise), so one knows is not about cars or meteorits crashing (syok, kejut, kejutan etc?). In fact, I have no idea if this delimitation is right… could you ask your lady, please?



I did not find the mengobrol alternative in hawai’i :open_mouth: :wink:

btw for “fear” in 60 languages, sorry 50: now we have “rasa takut”, the other courses have “takut” or “ketakutan”. Ketakutan would come quite natural, given “kelaparan , kelembutan, kemurungan”. Would you please have the kindness to add takut and ketakutan as alternatives?

edit: also hawai’i: would you please add “armchair” to “easy chair” for kursi malas?

many thanks! :bow:

All done! Including mengobrol for sure this time!

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(btw, what is this prison thing with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama? any idea if the place is getting simply unsafe for non-?)

For the Indonesian Way… W1-3 and W1-4 has two different words for restaurant (restoran, rumah makan), can you differentiate them?

Hello Guestgulkan,

your courses are really excellent - much appreciated.

I am running into a problem with the Pimsleur course - it records level 4 as unfinished, even though no words are shown as unlearned; and then whenever it starts a new learning session, it tries to go back to level 4 and returns “An error occurred loading the session.” This is easily worked around - one just goes and directly selects the level one wants to use - but if there is an “easy” fix… (I tried to find if anybody had brought this up before - sorry if so)

Also: apologies for the off-topic, but you or somebody reading this forum is likely to know if anyone is: do you happen to know of any resources for Minangkabau? There are some books in French, but nothing extensive in English that I have come across. Thank you in any case.

Hi @guestgulkan, me again

would you be - again - that kind, and add “pacar, kekasih” as alternatives to “girlfriend = teman wanita” in 50 languages? Also, would it be possible to add “pair, couple, spouse” to the definition “pasangan = partner”? Also “umur, jaman” for “age = usia”, and “confusion” to “kebingungan”;, and “marah” as synonym for “kemarahan”?

Also, Queensland: inside is now only dalam, would you please add di dalam?

edit: “everywhere” appears twice in level 20: the first time as kemana-mana and then as di-mana-mana (?), the user needs psychic abilities … (also need dimana-mana, manamana as synonyms). Also, I am not very sure, but I suspect “akhir” is comes up least twice, if not three times…


edit: Hawai’i needs at least bercakap for berbicara

edit: typo in Queensland: penerjemah is translatOr (not translater)

50language: “fun” is missing synonyms; given that they appear often… (menyenangkan is some other of your courses - it needs at least senang and bahagia as synonyms, also in queensland, for the rest sederet has a long list)
also, "despair"is also putus asa, keputus asaan; “joy” also is a long list

queensland: “hal” is twice in the course; also “pukul” is not exactly slang for “o’clock”, is simply the Malay word…




the Pacific Ocean is samudra pasifik, not “samudra pacific”… (for ex https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samudra_Pasifik). Maybe also the fully Indonesian “Lautan Teduh” (also the older Malay Lautan Pasifik) should be included as well?

please correct that

also the pronunciation for lingkungan in both queensland and hawai’i is a bit strange (https://forvo.com/search/lingkungan/)

Updated! one is restaurant (rm), and the other restaurant ®.

Hi @anoulipo there was a bug in Memrise where this happened in some courses. I think the “fix” was to add a word then delete it again. I’ve done that. let me know if it works!

Sorry @anoulipo I don’t know Minangkabau. I’m very interested in Indonesian, Sundanese, Balinese and Javanese. Maybe create your own course?

Hi @Hydroptere I think I did all the changes. Sorry for the delay!

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Thanks @guestgulkan - seems to work just fine now.

@guestgulkan, I may just do that - I’ve hit a resource dead end otherwise. Thanks again.

Hi @anoulipo you can communicate with a few hundred words.

is this Minangkabau list correct?

Paste it into excel, correct it, then paste it into a course. Then google translate for the audio.

If that’s too technical, create me a good vocab list and I’ll do it for you.

Announcement - New Indonesian Audio Course 250 Essential Indonesian Words + Audio added today.

Helpful for a quick primer.

Taken from the Jakarta 100 bars website:

@guestgulkan, thank you! I am away from my Minangkabau materials for a few weeks, but when I get home I will go though that list and give this a try!