[Course Forum] Indonesian Courses by guestgulkan

Sorry guys been away.

@Hydroptere : hanya, saja added; burung synonyms added, fighter bomber synonyms added

Also, I asked my wife what a bangau was and she said “a bird with a long neck”, she’d never heard of a “cangak” even when I showed her the wiki. She’s not a bird expert, so bangau could be a stork or a crane etc but I added cangak anyway incase it’s a specialist word.

@ChiewPang synonyms added.

hej, many thanks! you and your lady, youre both so very kind!

Which course is best designed? Hawaii or Queensland?

Hi @luoshitian Hawaii

typo in 50 languages:

pengantin pria has as visiblr alternative pentangitn lelaki


I changed the alternative to pengantin lelaki - is that what you wanted? Yours’ looks like a typo?

yes, i meant that the alternative for pengantin pria was “pentangitn lelaki”


trying to review 390 items due in Hawai’i… which does not know pergi for “to go, to move forward, to walk” but only berjalan… ufff

1 laki-laki if translated simply as male, needs synonyms in all courses: jantan, pria, ekor etc

alternatively, you could make laki-laki into “human male” or something - then you still need “pria” probably

2 the same goes for perempuan if translated as female: needs wanita, betina, etc as synonyms

3 all courses if you’re almost done with them - leave you with a low chance to get it right for “to have”: punya, memiliki, ada, berada, mempunyai?

Hi @Hydroptere sure I’ll fix it up once I’m back from my work trip.


Reading List Unit 29 - Indonesian

For me this unit is impossible to complete because in the hyphens dont appear in the click to write 2nd phase…


Hi @guestgulkan. Do you create book version for belajar bahasa indonesia?

Terima kasih :slight_smile:

memasakkan - you have this as fasten or nail - is that correct? I’m thinking its to cook…

added a pergi alternative for you.

Hi @Hydroptere
added most male and female alternatives to UofQ and UofH
added most have alternatives to UofQ and UofH

@Terry_McAssi sounds like a memrise bug more than something I can fix - however I’ve added alternatives with spaces for you.
memasakkan … yes I think you’re right. I’ve changed it to cook and added memasak as a synonym

@plankyplanky I’m not good enough to write a book :slight_smile:

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ampun (Queensland): “have mercy” is great, but also simply mercy, grace, pardon, forgiveness (dont take “have mercy” out)

i have the impression “masalah” appears twice in Queenslad…


btw: I never understood why “pada jam lima” is given as “at (five) o’clock”. What is the meaning of the brackets around (five)?


one needs some disambiguation between
1 “public - publik” and “umum - public, general.”

2 I’d also add yang benar to benar as alternative (benar - correct, true, right, was right)
3 a little problem with “rather”: to the current “agak” I’äd add “rada” and "lebih suka"
4 “kamar” needs the alternative "ruang"
5 “sama” needs the alternative "yang sama"
6 “ucapkan” as “to say” needs at least “bercakap” and “mengatakan” as synonyms
7 “kedua” is now translated as “second ordinal number”. I think would be better kedua = second (ordinal numeral)
8 one needs some disambiguation between “sama” and “serupa” (both mean “alike”)
9 “akal” needs the synonym “rasionalitas” (if you want akal as common sense, than… umum akal, akal sehata, akal budi, nakal etc :joy: the joy is “sarcastic”… so many synonyms make me cry… )
10 “ilmu pasti” needs as synonyms “matematika” (some say also “ilmu hitung” - although…I understand that is more like arithmetic)
11 “pinggir” is edge, fringe, outskirts, suburbs (side in the sense of edge, margin, border)


Hi @Hydroptere all changes made as requested!

you’re one big treasure! today only synonyms :grin: that are anyhow scattered in all indo courses in here, and make guessing the right answer rather dificult

1 btw, could “di ujung” get as synonym “pada akhir”?

2 and “terakhir” could get as synonym “akhir”?

3 and "janji"means very often as well “appointment, date”

4 also “nanti” as later needs kemudian, lambat, terlambat as synonyms

zillion thanks for your time, energy, and kindness!


I never come to write hal when prompted with “matter/thing/case”. Would you please change the order? hal = thing (, things, of thing, it), situation, circumstance, etc

Also, could we have jadi as synonym for maka (thus)?

Also, sangat (very) deserves at least sekali as synonym…

Also, belok is turn as verb (and mostly only for directions; turn the page, turn off on are different)…

canggih: sederet sophisticated; sophisticated; advanced; high-tech; sophisticated one; intricate; subtle; of modern; cool; /// Indodic: sophisticated; discriminating; modern; highly technical and complex

many thanks