FWIW I just changed the definition for 助手 to helper; aide; assistant to help provide some visual differentiation.
My cursory research on http://tatoeba.org/ shows example sentences where the 助手,助理 are interchangeable. Pleco only has the definitions listed in the course.
Let me know if you have any preferences or suggestions and I’ll tweak further.
I’ve left the other HSK6 course, and rely on yours now (drew migrated to anki and he’ll not answer queries that fast.) And I have to rush learning, who knows how much time community.created courses still have…
need a disambiguation between 尝试, 企图, 试图 : i personally use adding in the brackets the first pinyin letter or something. Otzherwise, we’ll know only 试图 an the others not…
The pinyin for “档案” has a single quote in the middle of it, like so: dàng’àn. Pretty minor, as this doesn’t affect testing, but I thought I’d note it here
There are a handful of words that have essentially the same English definition. In order to actually practice 暴露 in this case, I added a key so bl = baolu. It’s not a perfect solution I know, but there’s another user who asked for this on another word.
Also, when you do reverse testing the key primes you to enter the correct answer.