[Course Forum] HSK 6 with native audio!

我改正啦!谢谢你! :smile:


@matteogiuseppe, would you mind adding “collision” to the definition of 冲突?

Done! :muscle: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yay :slight_smile:


Hi @matteogiuseppe,

Would you mind changing the definition of 策划 so that the first word is “to plot” instead of “plot”? I keep typing 阴谋 for this one because I see “plot” and don’t really look at the other parts of the definition.

I’ve updated the definition accordingly!:+1:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello again :slight_smile:

For 企图,the definition is currently “(to ) attempt; try; attempt [qt]”. The right parenthesis is a Chinese one, which looks kind of strange. Personally, I think I’d prefer to have the “to” without the parentheses on this one, too, but that’s you’re call :slight_smile:

改善了! :grinning:

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谢谢啊 :slight_smile:

Hey @matteogiuseppe a small suggestion on some of the words. For multiple words that have similar or the same meanings, right now a small acronym is used, for instance “助理 assistant [zl]”. However having the “zl” can really eliminate the brain’s searching through terms and finding/reinforcing vocabulary. It makes it a bit easy for these words. Something I’ve done on my private courses is something like this: “助理 assistant (not 助手)”. Showing what it is not kind of sidesteps that extra hint. For me, not only do I sometimes forget words, I also forget the order of a two character word, so that little acronym hint makes me cheat on both counts :wink:

If the idea resonates with you I’d be happy to go through the course as i’m learning and change some of these if you’d be willing to add me as a contributor. If it doesn’t then no worries, it’s only some words affected anyways. Thanks for making this course by the way!

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Hi there, totally agreed with you on the hint.

However, there are some words that have far too many synonyms at this level, so for example, having “publish” (not 出版,公布,发表, 发行)with the answer being 刊登 is just too much imho.

I’ve had to make peace with the fact that no way is perfect because I had tried it the other way and ran into too many problems. Hence the current imperfect approach.

That said, if you have any specific examples that really bug you, let me know and I’ll try to update the entries accordingly. I’d like to keep improving the course!:slight_smile:

Ah that makes sense, it is a difficult situation. Sometimes i’m baffled by the amount of synonyms chosen in the 6 HSK levels , especially when I find an even more commonly used word is not even included in the lists :smile:

On another topic, if you find it appropriate, could you add some version of “spirit/mind/thoughts” to the shown definition of 心灵? I’ve been looking up usage and it seems like it’s used similarly as mind/spirit when we say something like “That food is cleansing for her spirit” or “those thoughts pollute the mind”. I’ve been trying to find more use cases as the primary “bright/smart” but am not succeeding much.

Done! Let me know of any further changes you’d like as you go through the course and I’ll adjust.

Btw: which web dictionary/site do you like getting example sentences from? I haven’t found any that I swear by so I’m looking for a recommendation… (I use Pleco on my phone of course!)

Awesome, many thanks!
For resources I would break mine down as:
For simple definitions: MDBG
I’ll type in the word here for a definition, and click the double arrow icon if I want to break up the character (I make courses for the HSK levels to learn all the root single characters so this helps a lot.) .Also, in that double arrow menu, if you click the Jukuu icon that looks like 句 it’ll expand into a bunch of sample sentences. They’re usually pretty good but like Clozemaster, sometimes the sentences are overly formal or emphasize odd usages. This is still my primary though.

For definition backup and better understanding of single character meaning: ArchChinese. The sentence offerings are more lacking here, but I use it so get a good “primary definition” for characters in my head. I’ll look up a character and then scroll down to see what words it’s used in, words in HSK 6, and sometimes find cool, more common usages in words not in HSK 6.

So to answer your question, mostly the Jukuu extension in mdbg. If it’s a tricky word, like the different usages of 尝试,试图,企图, for instance that for two of them are actually quite a bit different than just “to try”, I’ll go on google and do a search like “meaning of x” or “x vs y”. There’s a few websites where natives will chime in on usage like chinese.stackexchange.com or italki. If that fails, I drop my freedom VPN and type in the word in baidu and see how it’s natively being used on the Chinese net.
I always forget about Pleco on my phone but you’re right, they usually have some pretty decent examples. I usually kill office hours studying so I use more web resources than phone apps. :smile:

Oh and last, this is probably the least reliable source, but I work in translation/copywriting, and sometimes a rush job makes me need to do some technical Chinese translation. I’ll take the idea I’ve gathered of how an unknown word is used and type in my English translation into google translate and see what pops up. Sometimes it’s clear that this word is your main-man for this use. Sometimes you get a list of 5 synonyms and you can tunnel down the rabbit hole to find out which are formal and casual uses. Google gives some pretty interesting, though unreliable, suggestions sometimes with a mix of more technical and casual translations vs. others.


Awesome.:smile: Thanks for the detailed reply. This helps!

Hey @matteogiuseppe
One word with a slightly confusing listed definition: 地步
It seems more along the lines of “stage” or how in English we use “point” and “degree”, like “it hasn’t quite come to that stage yet”, or “It hasn’t come to the point of needing to retaliate yet”.

I have a few more I was going to mention but forgot to write them down when reviewing :grinning:

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Fixed! Please let me know any more words with odd definitions or things you’d like adjusted and I’ll tweak accordingly. (I’m still actively reviewing the course and making minor refinements so let me know if something is confusing or off) :grin:

Awesome, thanks will do! :vulcan_salute::smiley::v: